پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە پەندەکانی سلێمان 21:5

Planning For The Future
3 Days
401K or YOLO? What’s your strategy? Do you put off enjoyment today, or live like there’s no tomorrow? And what’s faith got to do with it? This plan lays out a biblical approach for planning with God.

Investing in the Bible
3 Days
The Bible actually has specific wisdom and investing advice for us. Even down to specific allocation strategies that have been proven to perform well with minimal risk! In this plan we will learn a little about what the Bible says about investing. With God on our side, we can make wise and profitable investment decisions with our finances!

Dreaming Together: Crafting a Visionary Path for Your Family
3 Days
This plan explores dream types, faith's role, and dreamstorming. Embrace failure and trust God's timing to unveil desires. Align your family dreams with God's plans for unity, growth, and fulfillment.

TheLionWithin.Us: Why Diligence Matters
3 Days
Many of us know that we need a diligent approach to our family and careers, yet why does diligence seem so hard to come by? Recognizing that Scripture is the ultimate source of Truth, we’ll look at several practical insights that can help each of us become more purposeful and intentional as we navigate life and help us see how diligence can make a meaningful impact on our testimony.

TheLionWithin.Us: The Importance of Margin in Our Lives
3 Days
The average schedule today is mind-blowing. Days are planned out to the minute, often months in advance, reminders are constantly notifying us of the next engagement that requires attention, and before we know it our lives fly by in a constant state of reaction. Scripture suggests that having margin in our life the holy interruptions that surface are much-needed reprieves in a world of chaos.

GOD + GOALS: How To Set Goals As A Christian
5 Days
Is it okay to set goals as a Christian? How do you know if a goal is from God or yourself? And what do Christian goals look like, anyway? In this 5-day reading plan, you'll dig into the Word and find clarity and direction on setting grace-fueled goals!

Five Steps From Struggling to Thriving in Business
5 Days
Healthy businesses have financial stability. In this plan, Rick Boxx offers five steps that can turn a struggling business into a thriving one and get your business back on solid financial footing.

Make That Break That
5 Days
In this YouVersion plan, Dr. Dave Martin walks readers through the power of habits: how they influence the course of our lives, how they can be beneficial, which habits are good and bad, and our responsibility surrounding them! When we come to understand the importance of habits, we can more effectively utilize them to honor God in our lives!

Business Planning Principles
5 Days
Many business owners agree that business plans are important, but writing one is often a different matter. This Bible reading plan explains why business plans are important and how to best approach formulating one from a Biblical perspective.

Bricklayers 2
5 Days
After 70 years of exile, the Jewish people return to Israel to build back what was torn down. How does Nehemiah rebuild it? How did he recruit, train, and empower the Jewish people?

Finding Financial Balance: Planning
5 Days
No one enjoys the stress of an unbalanced financial life. It can leave you at odds with your spouse and sideways in your relationship with God. Thankfully the Bible includes a lot of financial wisdom. This series of reading plans will point you to a balanced and peaceful financial life grounded in biblical principles. Learning how to work, plan, spend, and give will help you find financial balance, God’s way.

Financial Discipleship - the Bible on Multiplication
5 Days
The Bible has a lot to say about multiplication. Most of us jump right to either financial investing or sharing the Gospel when the topic of multiplication comes up; God’s expectations are so much greater. This 5-day plan will help readers gain a biblical understanding of the importance of multiplication, apply it to their lives, and prepare them to share this learning with others.

Can Women Have It All? A Grace-Filled Approach to Productivity
5 Days
Are you trying to balance it all? Raising children, finding a fulfilling career, investing in your relationship with Jesus? This plan unpacks biblical answers to help women navigate the complex dynamics of the workplace, church, and home. Learn women’s vital role in God’s call to work, create, and advance His kingdom.
8 Must-Have Conversations Before Getting Engaged
5 Days
Whether you’re planning to propose or planning on getting proposed to, it’s an exciting time. It’s also time to dive into some deep topics to ensure you’re on the same page before taking this next big step in your relationship. In this 5-day devotional, we’re sharing 8 must-have conversations before getting engaged.

How to Talk About Finances When the Relationship Gets Serious
5 Days
When your relationship starts to get serious, it might be time to talk about more serious things like money. Getting into the nitty-gritty of finances now can save you a ton of headaches (and awkward silences) down the road. In this 5-day devotional, we’re sharing when, why, and how to have the money talk while dating.

Succession Planning
5 Days
The first step towards succession planning is recognizing why you’re hesitant to develop a plan. Eventually, you will die whether or not you prepare for it. Avoiding the subject will not elevate the problem, but it will cause you to lose control of the situation.

Summer Adventure 5-Day Reading Plan
5 Days
You only get 18 summers with your children. Maybe less. Through God’s word and simple action steps, along with guides and excerpts from the book, We Stood Upon Stars , this reading plan will inspire your next adventure. Fill this summer with mountains and rivers and vistas as expansive as the heart of God. Be refreshed under the broad-leafed shade of hardwoods. Lead your family on an adventure. You’ll find your freedom there.

Reset: Diligence Is a Choice. It’s Time to Execute.
6 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this wisdom-filled devotional. Are you slothful? Is there an area in your life that’s full of sloth? Is there an area in your business that’s slothful? Is there an area in your process that’s slothful, lax or halfway completed? Don’t bring sloth in with you into the next season. Leave sloth behind. Let God lead your hands as you read this life-transforming message.

How to Plan for Success - Life Is Easier When You Know Where You Are Going
6 Days
Sometimes we wonder why our lives seem to lack direction. Often we feel that we spend most of our time reacting to circumstances that life brings us, but the most common reason is usually a lack of planning. However, the Bible teaches us very valuable and practical lessons about how to find the right direction and effectively go through life making the most of what God has entrusted us with.

Starting a Business God's Way
6 Days
Launching a new business takes time, patience, prayer, and planning. Proverbs 21:5 warns, "The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty." In this six-part series, Rick Boxx draws upon his 25+ years of business and consulting experience to lead us down a path that pleases God: Starting a Business God's Way.

Pray First
6 Days
Start your day off on the right foot with the Pray First devotional, based on the Pray First Bible study by Pastor Chris Hodges. Each day, you'll read a passage from the Bible, accompanied by a video teaching from Pastor Chris, thought-provoking reflection and a prayer to guide your own personal conversation with God.

The Importance of Exercising Patience
6 Days
Impatience is a self-imposed curse. On one hand, it frustrates and forces us to fixate on the future at the expense of the present. On the other hand, it causes us to crave and eventually cave into instant gratification, leading to hasty decisions that do more harm than good. This plan will discuss the importance of patience to help us wait on the Lord and be content with His timing.

Living On Purpose
7 Days
Think of your favorite song. Boil it down, and it’s really just a collection of single notes. But allow the hands of a master to string those notes together, and they swell into a majestic rhythm. Likewise, a life lived well is a parade of individual days, which only Christ can orchestrate into eternal significance. It’s through this daily walk with the Lord that we learn how to live out the virtues of our Christian faith. It’s a moment by moment journey that transforms us into people of strength, character, and integrity.

God's Prescription Plan For Health
7 Days
God wants you and I to get healthy! In this Reading Plan from the team at the Daniel Plan and Pastor Rick Warren, we explore how you and I can change our life…our health, the way we think, the goals we set, and the way we treat others…so that you and I can accomplish God’s purpose for us and bring glory to Him.

7 Proverbs For Leaders
7 Days
Whether you are a church leader, business owner, commercial leader or aspire to be one, this is for you. The writer of 'Proverbs', King Solomon, is considered the wisest man who ever lived; he certainly was one of the wealthiest. His name is synonymous with wisdom. Here are 7 Leadership Messages by experienced CEO, Mark Bilton, Founder of Called to Business, based on his book "77 Proverbs for Leaders".