پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە فیلیپی 1:8

A Heart Full Of Thanksgiving
3 Days
Thanksgiving is a way of life that Christ commands of his followers. This study will explore thanksgiving as the mode through which Christ defeats sin and preserves good through us.

Partnering with Christ
3 Days
The very essence of our existence is that we were created for God. That is why we feel most accomplished, happy, and fulfilled when we are in the center of His will, doing what He created us for. To do this, we need His sense of direction. What should our daily endeavor aim toward? In this first chapter of Philippians, we find a dependable compass to follow. Ready?

Jesus Loves You, Nerd
3 Days
Nerds sometimes face mistreatment for liking things like comic books, movies, and video games. However, we believe that everyone has unique gifts and interests, and what you love is important because it matters to you, and you matter to God. So, if no one else tells you this, we promise it's true: Jesus Loves You, Nerd.

Infinitum: Inspect Philippians 1
4 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others by emphasizing the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and the world through these Jesus-colored lenses.

Joy in Christ: A Study in Philippians
4 Days
Known as “the epistle of joy,” Philippians is full of encouragement and hope. Although imprisoned in Rome, Paul rejoices at the gospel’s advancement. Philippians reminds us that joy is not dependent upon circumstances. Instead, joy is rooted in the reality that “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).

KNOW Philippians
4 Days
This plan will explore what Paul’s letter to the Philippians can teach us in four different areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or followers of Jesus 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

Music: New Testament Songs
4 Days
Project of Love is: the Bible in song. This plan contains four bible songs from the New Testament. All words are 100% scripture put to song. One song every day from Ephesians, Colossians, Revelation and Philippians! Project of Love has the mission to put all books of the Bible to song. Words of Life, sung to life!

4 Days
This plan offers a 4-day journey through the book of Philippians, making it ideal for both individual and group study.

In All Things
5 Days
The letter Paul wrote to the church in Philippi has traveled across generations to nourish and challenge our hearts and minds today. This five-day devotional gives you a taste of the book of Philippians, many centuries from when God authored it through Paul. May God fill you with wonder and expectation as you read this letter of joy! Because these are not just Paul’s words to an ancient church—these are God’s words to you.

No Ordinary Fellowship
5 Days
What comes to mind when you think of the word "fellowship"? Is it just about fun and games, or hanging out with people at church? If you've ever wondered if there's more to the Christian life than that, join us in this 5-day plan from the book of Philippians where we'll discover what true, biblical fellowship looks like.

Jesus: Your Soul’s Sole Passion
5 Days
Spend five days with Dr. Ramesh Richard, president of RREACH (a Global Proclamation Ministry) and professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, as he offers pastoral insights on how to find your soul passion in life. The intentional life that pursues a supreme purpose begins with passion. You may also enjoy the companion plan, “Building an Intentional Life: Start Now.”

Women Working Boldly: A Study of Lydia in Acts 16
5 Days
This devotional explores the life, faith, work, and legacy of Lydia of Philippi. Lydia’s resume includes: first person in Europe to place their faith in Christ; co-founder of the Philippian church with Paul; host of the growing home church; Paul’s co-worker in spreading the Gospel; and successful businesswoman trading in luxury goods. Lydia’s story reveals God’s desire to use the passions, gifting, and experience of women in their daily workplaces.

Philippians Bible Study
5 Days
This plan is intended as a guide to discovering the message of Philippians for yourself! Grab a notebook to jot down your thoughts as you are led through a process of: (1) observing the text of Philippians; (2) interpreting the original message to the church at Philippi; and (3) applying the letter’s timeless truths to your own life.

Grasping for Control
5 Days
Living on the earth as a human comes with limits. There are problems we feel powerless to change. Habits and relational patterns can leave us feeling stuck. And we long to control the situations that frustrate us. Join Andrew and Wendy Palau in this encouraging 5-day devotional and be encouraged that God's power meets us where our power ends. With Jesus Christ, change is possible.

Remember: God’s Still Working on You
5 Days
In his letter to the church at Philippi, the apostle Paul expressed effusive gratitude for their support during his imprisonment. His prayers for the Philippians—and for himself—were characterized by thanksgiving, cheerfulness, and confidence in Christ’s faithfulness. In this five-day look at the first verses of that letter, Pastor Robert J. Morgan shows us how we can become more like Christ through adopting a similar attitude.

The Joy Challenge From Randy Frazee
5 Days
Like so many people, do you struggle to grasp joy and hold on to it? In this week’s devotional from best-selling author and pastor Randy Frazee, we’ll discuss a few of the principles from his book "The Joy Challenge"—an exploration of the letter to the Philippians and the timeless, encouraging advice offered to us by the apostle Paul.

Becoming The Husband She Needs
6 Days
Are you married? If so, congratulations! You have been blessed. Your wife is a gift from God (Proverbs 18:22), and no matter the state of your marriage at present, the covenant relationship you share with her is a God-ordained privilege. This privilege of marriage comes with responsibility, not only to your spouse, but also to God, as marriage itself is a metaphor for Jesus’ relationship to the Church. Want to glorify God and help advance the Gospel? Learn how to love your wife well!

Understanding Sexual Temptation
6 Days
Single Christians are asking: “What do I do with my sexual desire?” “How do I resist sexual temptation?” Yes, your body produces hormones that can make you “crave” sex; but there are many other reasons why sex feels like a genuine need. This reading plan outlines four underlying sources of sexual desire and healthy ways to channel it when you’re not having sex.

Inside Voice
6 Days
The voices that fly around inside our minds can either create peace and balance or chaos and disruption. Join us in our 6 day devotional to help equip you in finding internal peace amongst the noise of life.

Thru the Bible—Philippians
6 Days
What kind of person can sit in prison and write a book about joy? The apostle Paul’s joy transcended his earthly circumstances, and he felt compelled to share it with his friends at Philippi. He teaches that happiness is found through Christlike humility, contentment, and service. In just six short lessons, favorite teacher Dr. J. Vernon McGee shows you what it means to have that same kind of joy.

Becoming The Brother Everyone Needs
7 Days
When you put your faith in Jesus Christ for salvation from the consequences of sin, God becomes your Heavenly Father. As if that weren’t enough, He throws in brothers and sisters to boot, a ready-made family with eternal ties. However, membership in God’s family is a privilege that comes with responsibility.

Into The Breach – Being A Christian Man
7 Days
Being a Christian man is not at all easy. God’s Word offers help as you seek stand out from the “run of the mill” existence and be the best possible version of yourself. Written by Stephen Binz based on teachings by Bishop Thomas Olmstead of the Catholic Diocese of Phoenix.

Praying Through Philippians with Hillsong Creative
7 Days
Join the creative community of Hillsong Church as we spend seven days reading and praying through the book of Philippians. Philippians is a letter penned by the apostle Paul from prison in Rome, written to the church in Philippi who were also under great opposition. The message of Philippians is one of deep friendship, encouragement and exhortation to live like Christ no matter what life’s circumstances may be.

See-Through Marriage By Ryan and Selena Frederick
7 Days
No joy compares with realizing that we are truly known and still truly loved. Yet many of us hide our real selves from our spouse because we fear being rejected in such an intimate relationship. In this week’s devotional, Ryan and Selena Frederick inspire and equip us to be transparent in our marriages so we can discover the richness of reflecting God’s unconditional love to one another.

Philippians: Living for What Really Matters
7 Days
Meaningful struggle (not pointless hustle) can lead us to growth and joy. Paul understood hustle and struggle, but still helped the Philippians live in authenticity, unity, and community. We might feel that life is trying to bury us… but each of us is a seed. And in this 7-day journey through Philippians, we’ll see how we can grow deep roots and blossom by finding the meaning in our struggle.