پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە مەرقۆس 14:62

Easter Meditations: The Price That Was Paid
3 Days
In the days leading up to Easter Sunday, let's take some time to stop, dive deep into Jesus' journey to the cross, and invite Him to bring you fresh revelation of this season. It is helpful to have a journal with you as you reflect on the questions, and to track what God reveals to you in this time!

Easter Vocations
4 Days
The vocations represented in the characters of the Easter narrative can teach us a lot about God and how our work is a means of co-laboring with the Risen King. In this four-day plan, we’ll look at the vocations of the disciples at Gethsemane, Joseph of Arimathea, Peter, and Jesus’s first followers to draw out applications for our own work today.

Easter Is the Cross - 4 Days Video Bible Plan
4 Days
Experience the true spirit of Easter with our "Easter is the Cross" digital campaign! This special program invites you to explore the story of Jesus through inspiring clips from the LUMO Easter Films, encouraging personal reflection, meaningful conversations, and community engagement. Featuring content that highlights Jesus’ life, ministry, and Passion, this program is offered in multiple languages, bringing people from all backgrounds together to share in the message of hope and redemption throughout the Easter season.

Deity of Jesus Christ
5 Days
Jesus Christ is God the Son. He says so. The apostles and all of Scripture proclaim it to be true. His bodily resurrection settles it. Therefore, we worship Him, as only God can save us. We are lost and separated from God. In your heart, fall down before Him as you look at these Scriptures. His Deity can be found from Genesis through Revelation!

Because We Care – Conversation in a Hostile Environment
5 Days
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves…be as shrewd as snakes…innocent as doves” Matthew 10:16. Culture is ever-changing, meaningful conversations can become more difficult as hostility increases. This plan will encourage you to learn from Jesus example as he engaged with the interested, only sought to intrigue the disinterested, and deflected the hostile. He both thrived and achieved his purpose on earth despite hostility, and so can we!

Maximizing the Meaning of Christmas
5 Days
Spend five days with Dr. Ramesh Richard, president of RREACH (a Global Proclamation Ministry) and professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, as he reflects on three Christmas carols and offers pastoral insights on how you can maximize the meaning of Christmas this year.

Who Is Jesus? A Holy Week Reading Plan
5 Days
Jesus has been attached to so many agendas throughout history both good and bad. Yet His teachings have persisted because they cut to the core of the human experience. To some, He is a nuisance who won’t go away. And to others, He holds the key to meaning and purpose in life. As we celebrate Holy Week together, let’s find answers to this question: “Who is Jesus?”

Who Is This Man?
6 Days
When I finally read the Bible for myself, there was something fresh and awe-inspiring about discovering the person of Jesus. So much of the drama in the Gospels comes from the question, “Who is this man?” Let's set aside for a moment what we think we know about Jesus, and simply look at what he said and did—those things that made his followers marvel and ask: “Who is this man?”

Holy Week Through the Eyes Of…
6 Days
"Holy Week Through the Eyes of… " is a new, six-part devotional series by Pastor Jim Cymbala that looks at the days leading up to the death and resurrection of Jesus through the eyes of those who were there to witness it. See what Peter, Pilate, the thief on the cross, and others might tell us today about the central and most important event in all of human history.

Holy Week - From The Gospel Of Mark
7 Days
This Holy Week reading plan invites readers into the action of Jesus’ last week of ministry. Starting with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Mark gives a first-hand account of the week’s events, culminating in the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. See Christ’s final week on earth come to life in this video-based, 7-day reading plan and allow it to revolutionize the way you engage with God’s Word.

Imperfect People in the Bible
7 Days
Whether you’ve messed up a little or a lot by human standards, you’re a prime candidate to be used by God. In this 7-day Plan, we’ll learn about six individuals from the Bible whom God used despite where they came from, what their capabilities were, or how colossal their mistakes were.

Journey to the Cross: An Easter Study From Mark’s Gospel
7 Days
This plan will guide you through an inductive study of Jesus’ journey to the cross, beginning with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Grab a notebook to jot down your thoughts as you are led through a process of (1) observing the events of Passion Week, (2) interpreting the original message to the church in Rome, and (3) applying the Easter story’s timeless truths to your life today.

Easter Family Devotional
7 Days
Welcome to our Easter Devotional! Over the next seven days, we’ll follow the Easter story, from Jesus’ betrayal through those moments on the cross and right into that empty tomb. Day 5 & Day 7 include an activity. The devotional can be completed with or without these practical activities. Keep an eye out on these days for what's required.

Christmas Is in the Heart - 7 Day Video Plan
7 Days
Immerse yourself in the true spirit of Christmas with our "Christmas is in the Heart" digital campaign. This heartwarming program invites you to explore the story of Jesus through captivating LUMO Christmas Film clips, sparking introspection, meaningful discussions, and community engagement. Available in multiple languages, the program ensures that people from diverse backgrounds can share in this enriching experience throughout the Christmas season.

Jesus Is Greater Than All
8 Days
The book of Hebrews starts with a wonderful description of Jesus Christ. It’s almost a song, listing how great and glorious and excellent Jesus is. There’s nothing and no one better than Him! Do you want to read along?

Easter Week Reading Guide : Readings for Holy Week
8 Days
This plan will guide you through the events of each day in Holy Week, from the triumphal entry on Palm Sunday to the resurrection on Easter Sunday.

JESUS THE KING: An Easter Devotional By Timothy Keller
9 Days
New York Times bestselling author and renowned pastor, Timothy Keller shares a series of episodes from the life of Jesus as told in the book of Mark. Taking a closer look at these stories, he brings new insights on the relationship between our lives and the life of the son of God, leading up to Easter. JESUS THE KING is now a book and study guide for small groups, available wherever books are sold.

A New Beginning
10 Days
Sometimes, everything in life seems to get stuck, and we desperately need a fresh start. Mark describes how God made a new beginning possible by sending His Son to earth. This reading plan shows what it means to leave our old life behind and start over - with the Lord Jesus.

The Gospel According To Mark
14 days
This reading plan explores the second Gospel. The persecution of Christians was on Mark's mind as he wrote this Gospel. Mark told the story of Jesus' life in ways that strengthened the faith of early Christians and encouraged them to persevere through suffering.

Daniel: Does God Reign? Does God Care? - Reading Plan
14 Days
This 14-day plan explores the book of Daniel chapter by chapter, and how its message is timeless and relevant to us today. Each devotional looks at a chapter of Daniel, and explores it through a film clip from the Burning Heart Series “Daniel: Does God Reign? Does God Care?” and written reflections from David Ingall.

Christmas Is in the Heart - 14 Days Video Plan
14 Days
Immerse yourself in the true spirit of Christmas with our "Christmas is in the Heart" digital campaign. This heartwarming program invites you to explore the story of Jesus through captivating LUMO Christmas Film clips in 14 days, sparking introspection, meaningful discussions, and community engagement. Available in multiple languages, the program ensures that people from diverse backgrounds can share in this enriching experience throughout the Christmas season.

Christ as Servant: A Study in Mark
16 Days
Mark uses the word “immediately” over forty times in his Gospel, emphasizing the intentional nature of Jesus’ ministry. The quick succession of healings and miracles shows that Jesus “came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:44). Through Mark’s Gospel, we are reminded that true greatness in God’s kingdom comes not through selfish ambition, but by being the servant of all.

Jesus' Final Visit to Jerusalem
20 Days
God with Us: The Four Gospels Woven Together in One Telling is a captivating new book that looks and feels like a paperback novel. But it’s not a story based on Jesus’ life, with fictionalized embellishment. It is the story of Jesus’ life, told entirely in the words of the four Gospels in the New Living Translation. This reading plan is not the full account of God with Us but takes you through select events during Jesus’ final week as he visits Jerusalem for the last time leading up to his death and resurrection.