پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە مەتا 23:28

Authentic Purity
3 Days
This generation is longing for authenticity. God’s perfect will for you is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. Jesus tells us to not be hypocrites like the Pharisees, but to live a life that backs up what we preach. God desires for us to stay on a path of purity.

Fight for Their Hearts
4 days
All dads desire to be better fathers and have a spiritual influence in the life of their kids. They long to improve, but struggle to find practical guidance and encouragement along the way. Often, they end up feeling inadequate and don’t even know why.

What Would Jesus Undo?
5 Days
Five regular people from Life.Church took an honest look at their own lives with a different kind of question: What would Jesus undo? This Bible Plan is what we found. Will you join us to read along with Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series What Would Jesus Undo?

Living Like Jesus
5 Days
If we want to share Jesus with others, we’ve got to live like Him, love like Him, and listen like Him. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll take a closer look at the life of Jesus to discover how we should live our lives.

A Gentle Answer
5 Days
In a defensive and divided era, how can followers of Jesus reveal a better way of living, one that loves others as God loves us? How can Christians be the kind of people who are known, as Proverbs puts it, to "turn away wrath"?

The Journey Of A Generous Business Leader
5 Days
Many generous business leaders become generous in phases. From reluctantly dropping money in a collection plate on Sunday morning, to recognizing God owns it all anyway so why limit your giving to a percentage of your income. Learning to give generously and cheerfully requires time, patience and willingness.

Because We Care – Conversation in a Hostile Environment
5 Days
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves…be as shrewd as snakes…innocent as doves” Matthew 10:16. Culture is ever-changing, meaningful conversations can become more difficult as hostility increases. This plan will encourage you to learn from Jesus example as he engaged with the interested, only sought to intrigue the disinterested, and deflected the hostile. He both thrived and achieved his purpose on earth despite hostility, and so can we!

Easter and Its Impact on Business Today
5 Days
Over the next five days, we will journey through the various events of Easter. This will not be a traditional Easter message taught in the Church but will specifically explore how Jesus addressed the rampant greed and corruption throughout First Century Palestine and how YOU can practically apply Jesus’ strategies Monday morning in the marketplace.

The Essential Jesus (Part 9): The Sermons of Jesus
5 Days
In 100 carefully selected passages from the Bible, you will discover who Jesus is and why he is so significant – even life-transforming. Through both Old and New Testament readings, you will discover why God sent Jesus, what Jesus taught, how he treated people, why he did miracles, the meaning of his death, the significance of his resurrection, and what the Bible says about his second coming.

Watch With Me Series 4
5 Days
Watch With ME Seeking the perspective of Jesus... Rocky Fleming is a father, husband, minister, and author, with 40 years of experience making disciples. Join Rocky as he reflects on everyday opportunities to see God working, through situations, to make Himself known, and to change our hearts.

The Journey of a Generous Business Leader
5 Days
In this series, we’re discussing five phases many business leaders experience on their journey to becoming generous.

The Only Group Membership That Matters
5 Days
We all are influenced by the boxes we check, whether it’s our incomes, religious affiliations, politics, or something else. In this five-day devotional, pastor Eli Bonilla Jr., author of Mixed, shows us how to navigate our groups with compassion, authenticity, and growth-mindedness by staying rooted in our higher God-given identity.

Different Life: 9th & 10th Commandments
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re born again and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to different values about right and wrong, and a different lifestyle to match it. This 5-day plan uses the 10 Commandments (following the classic Augustinian ordering) as a vehicle for an alternative, Christ-like morality and Jesus-way of living.

Acts 7:54-8:3 | Imitating Jesus
5 Days
Following Jesus means becoming like Jesus, especially in the face of evil. Stephen in the book of Acts gives us a picture. This 5-day plan continues a journey through the book of Acts, the Bible’s gripping sequel of Jesus at work in the life of his followers as he expands his Kingdom to the ends of the earth. It’s a journey on what it means to be a Christian. It’s a story in which you have a role to play.

Spiritual Blindness
5 Days
Jesus warned, “If the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is” (Matthew 6:23). Spiritual blindness is, indeed, a deceptive condition. It causes many learned, “enlightened” people to believe they see the truth clearly when, in fact, they are incapable of it. Nevertheless, there is hope—and His name is Jesus. In this five-day devotional, we’ll discover what Scripture teaches about spiritual blindness, why it happens, and how Jesus alone can open our eyes.

Jesus, I Want to Love You Part 4
6 Days
Jesus wants us to live His Word from the inside out. This study looks at Jesus' teaching in the Sermon on the Mount on keeping our word and loving our enemies. Part four of eight in the "Jesus, I Want to Love You" Series, focusing on knowing and loving Jesus more. These plans, and companion prayer, can be done in any order. From Thistlebend Ministries.

True Virtue: Recentering on What Matters Most
6 Days
Feeling like your life is stuck on autopilot? It’s time to recenter on the things that matter most. In this 6-day Bible Plan accompanying Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, True Virtue, we’ll discover how to move beyond empty virtue signaling into real living that honors God and inspires others.

Joy in the Morning: A 6-Day Devotional by Tauren Wells
6 Days
A 6-day devotional from Tauren Wells surrounding his new album, Joy In The Morning. Follow along to learn about the inspiration for these songs.

iHunger: A Closer Walk with God
7 Days
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst... A close, personal relationship with God is such a necessity in the world that we live. If a closer walk is what you desire, this devotional will point you in the right direction. Each day contains a word of encouragement, challenge, prayer, and scriptures to help you on this journey. Join me on this exciting journey! Full iHunger devotional available on Amazon.com.

Paying Ridiculous Attention To Jesus
7 Days
It's through our RIDICULOUS attention to everything Jesus said and did that we discover the truth about God, and the truth about ourselves. We learn everything about God we need to know by slowing WAY down to consider WHAT Jesus actually said and did, WHO He said and did it to, and WHAT the impact of His words and actions had on people. When we let our pursuit of Jesus guide our understanding of God and His story, we are transformed by what we discover.

Nice By Sharon Hodde Miller
7 Days
Niceness is such a prized quality today. It’s easy to forget how dangerous it is. As Sharon Hodde Miller reminds us, Jesus was kind, loving, and forgiving, but he wasn’t nice. He spoke truth in love, didn’t worry about offending people, and sacrificed everything for people who disagreed with him. This week we’ll look at ways we can follow Jesus’s example and let go of the temptation to be nice.

Friendship With Our Father
7 Days
The Bible shows us that there are different levels of relationship we can have with our Father. There are many servants, but few are friends of God. In this 7-day plan you will learn, through the lives of David and Moses, among others, how to become a friend of God.

Kill the Noise
7 Days
Too many people are playing at being Christians, and some haven’t yet taken even the first step of belief. No matter where you are in your spiritual walk, Jesus wants you closer. He’s got a perfect plan for your life – a plan for purpose, peace, joy, and eternal life. All it takes is you deciding that the poser life is not for you. You’re going to be fully committed!

The Lukewarm Deception
7 Days
Half-hearted, lazy, who cares? Don’t you hate that attitude? Jesus hates it more, as He declared in Revelation 3:16; but how easily we fall into the deception that makes Him want to vomit us out of His mouth! Let’s look at ways we become lukewarm without realizing it, and how to move with our whole hearts into the joy and security of knowing and being known by Him.