پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە عیبرانییەکان 12:11

Divine Demolition: A 3-Day Plan
3 Days
Have you ever been tempted to think the work of God in your life appears to be more destructive than constructive? In this plan, we will look at how God’s sanctifying work in our lives is a controlled and loving demolition of the old in order to make way for the new.

When Things Go Wrong
3 Days
When things go wrong, it is not always the devil’s handiwork. It could just as easily be God putting an obstacle in your path so you can grow from overcoming that struggle. In this insightful reading plan, Tony Evans teaches how difficulties happen for reasons beyond our comprehension.

Being Prepared By God
3 Days
Do you view discipline and correction as painful or positive preparation? It may be painful at first, but I pray that within these guided audio meditations, you will learn to enjoy being prepared by God. Learn how the Holy Spirit intercedes for you when you are too exhausted. And become mindful of your actions so that others see the best of the peace and preparation of God within you.

Good Mourning
3 Days
"Blessed are those who mourn..." (Matthew 5:4, NIV) How is that supposed to work? Throughout Scripture, we are encouraged to have joy in all circumstances. Could there be a link between joy and mourning?

Start Living
3 Days
We start living when we find our lives in HIM who is eternal life. The LORD who died so we could have abundant life. In three days, we will talk about relishing the abundant life that CHRIST granted us by grace.

Faith, Hope and Love - Corrie Ten Boom
3 Days
Throughout the generations, several Bible verses have been very important in the lives of family ten Boom. This reading plan around the theme of FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE will help you see the meaning and application of these verses to your own life as well.

Overcoming Insecurities
3 Days
Everyone battles with insecurities. I know I did, and they don't stop showing up because you overcome them once. In fact, deeper ones only get revealed as you continue to grow. Insecurities will always try and stop you from walking in faith, but throughout the years, God has taught me how to overcome them. Start this plan to find out how you can too.

God Is Holy
3 Days
Discover the Holiness of God in Streetlights' 3-part Video Bible Study, based on the Book of Hebrews.

TheLionWithin.Us: Where Do We Go Wrong With Discipline?
3 Days
Discipline is a word that manifests many different emotions. For some, it brings back hurtful memories of when someone in a position of power went too far. Others glow with excitement as they envision a world behaving the way they desire. God’s Word shows us how discipline, when applied and received with the right mindset, doesn’t aim toward punishment– but empowers us to grow and lead like never before.

Life-Changing Lessons From Martha: A 3-Day Plan on Luke 10:38-42
2 Days
In Luke 10:38-42, Martha's story offers practical insight for navigating the demands of life. This 3-day plan explores the life-changing wisdom from Martha’s encounter with Jesus focusing on embracing God’s loving correction, prioritizing spiritual growth over busyness, and finding peace by overcoming anxiety. Each day offers practical steps to refocus on Christ and experience His presence in your daily life.

Fighting The Good Fight
4 Days
The Word encourages us to resist every enemy - even when our enemy is ourselves - and teaches us to receive Jesus’ victory in our lives.

Love and Forgiveness in Trials and Suffering
4 Days
Why is this life so hard? Why do we struggle so much? Can God really love and forgive me after everything? These are all questions we grapple with. Yet God has a promise that he will be with us in our suffering. There is a greater purpose in everything.

Parenting On Purpose (Part 2)
4 Days
This four-day devotional is written from the unique perspective of both mother and daughter. It takes biblical principals and applies them to parenting in practical ways while giving the perspective of how those principals impacted the daughter as a child and a teen.

Make Room
4 Days
What do you value most? What is your priority? That thing that comes before everything else. Is it God? Family? Friends? Fame? Wealth? Clout? During these next four days we are going to explore what we value most and discover how the spiritual disciplines of fasting and worship work together to help us keep first things first.

Overcomer: Finding Strength in Hard Seasons
4 Days
Overcoming difficult seasons can feel impossible when you’re going through them. But thankfully, God is able to do more than what we ask or imagine. In this 4-day plan, discover how God can redeem your pain and disappointment and give it purpose.

True Love Revealed
4 Days
Throughout the Scripture, we see God’s heart to reveal Himself to the world. God displays this in His creation, character, and love in many ways, to many people. Whatever the method, God wants to know you and be known by you. Over the next four days, explore several promises in the Bible that will help you realize God’s desire to reveal His glory and true love to your heart.

Shipwrecked – Making Jesus the One Thing
4 Days
Are you sold out for Jesus? Is He your One Thing? Is He your greatest treasure and your closest friend? If not, what's stopping you from inhabiting that place of total surrender? Over the next 4 days we invite you to ignite your passion and make Jesus that One Thing in your life!

Forgiving & Rebuking
4 Days
Forgiveness is at the very heart of our Christian faith, but the uncommon virtue of positively rebuking someone in love is little understood. Take a succinct Biblical look at both spiritual practices over the next several days. Remember – both rebuking and forgiving are closely associated with repentance!

Hear Ye the Word of the Lord
4 Days
What are you missing if you only read the Bible? We have long recognized that the Bible was written for us, but not to us, and requires us to make efforts to bridge the cultural gap between ourselves as readers and the writers of the ancient world. In this study, we will become aware of yet another gap that we must recognize and factor into our reading: we must bridge the modality gap between the written word and the oral word.

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 6)
5 Days
Encouragement from a mom who launched her 7 children and lived to tell about it. Part 6 of 12 devotionals in this series.

Jesús no te dejará solo
5 Dias
En algunos momentos puede que seas tentado a pensar que Jesús es cruel por la cantidad de dolor al que estás siendo sometido. Pero la verdad es que Él sabe realmente lo que es bueno para nosotros. En este devocionario de cinco días entenderás que la prueba de fe llega a nuestra vida no para destruirnos sino para que obtengamos la victoria por medio de Jesús.

5 Days
We believe that God’s desire for all of us is to become Stronger. This means Stronger individually as well as corporately. This Bible plan is all about becoming Stronger for His glory and to help us fulfil His purposes for our lives.

Overwhelmed by My Blessings: Encouragement for Moms (Part 8)
5 Days
Encouragement from a mom who launched her seven children and lived to tell about it. Part 8 of 12 devotions in this series from Robin Meadows.

Practicing The Presence Of God: Old Habits For A New Year
5 Days
The Practice of the Presence of God, by Brother Lawrence, is one of the treasures of Christian devotional writing. It’s a collection of notes, letters, and interviews that show us how to develop a conversational relationship with God right in the middle of our ordinary life. This plan teaches us to integrate our work and faith, to chip away at that old barrier between sacred and secular.