پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە پەیدابوون 1:2

God's Good Idea: Work
3 Days
In Genesis, we see that work was God's idea from the beginning. We also see God’s original commission to people to work alongside him, to participate in God's own work. This reading plan is from The High Calling and Theology of Work Project.

The Spirit Was There: Devotions From Time of Grace
3 Days
The Holy Spirit is one-third of the Trinity--learn more about him from this reading plan.

God, The First Entrepreneur
3 Days
God was the first entrepreneur. He brought something out of nothing. He established order out of chaos. He created for the good of others. In this 3 day plan, you will see how God reveals His creative and entrepreneurial character throughout Scripture, validating our desire to create and giving us a theological foundation that deems the creation of new businesses, non-profits, and other cultural goods as service to the world.

The Priestly Prayer Of The Blessing
3 Days
This fascinating reading plan will inspire you to proclaim blessings over yourself and your loved ones. It will equip you on how to bring favor, prosperity, healing, wisdom, miracles and bring so much more to your life.

The Names Of God: Elohim
3 Days
Elohim is the name of God which means He is the All Powerful Creator. In this reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans teaches on the name Elohim and the attributes of God this name reveals.

Without Words III: Genesis
3 Days
The God of Genesis who established every star in its place and caused the earth to spin knows your name. This series highlights three themes from the first days of creation: light, mankind, and rest. Just as mankind was created in the secret place of a garden, alone with the Creator, we hope this devotional series provides a still space for you to experience and know God’s love for you.

New Wine
3 Days
Who plans a wedding and plans to run out of food or wine? Nobody! But it happened! So what next? What do we do when the wine runs out?

Shine Your Light in Darkness
3 Days
In this inspiring and life-changing three-day devotional, you will learn the truth that your ultimate turnaround is on its way as you shine the light of God’s Word in the midst of darkness. Your path is getting brighter and brighter, day by day!

Creativity That Aims for Eternity
3 Days
Christopher Wren, the mastermind architect behind St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, said that “Architecture should aim for eternity.” Our creative efforts, whatever they may be, should reflect the glory of our Creator, and point the hearts and minds of others towards eternity. This is a high calling for creatives. In this short series, we’ll look at the frustration, framework, and fulfillment that comes when we point our art ever upwards.

God Fills in the Gaps
3 Days
Have you ever felt empty? What are the current gaps in your life? What do you feel? Do you think God can fill those gaps? This devotional reading plan will help you understand that the emptiness of your life can only be filled by the presence of God.

Narnia and Genesis
3 Days
The books of Narnia have many Biblical teachings. In this three-day devotional, you will see the book of Genesis in a new way and learn a little about the literary wealth of C. S. Lewis.

How Do I Know God Loves Me? God’s Love in Genesis
3 Days
God has loved you since before the world began. Explore our wondrous origin story in Genesis to experience God’s tender love for you in a powerful new way. Find comfort and courage as you see how intentional God was in creation, through this 3-day plan from poet and Bible teacher Jen Weaver. Discover your cherished existence and God-given identity. God loves you and it shows!

The Creator's Craft: A 3 Day Devotional on God's Creative Process
3 Days
Did God leave us clues on how to create the way He does? In this 3 day study, you'll discover the blueprint God provided for us in Genesis that allows you to fully access your God-given creative abilities in your daily life, whether you're a working creative artist or simply interested in being a more fulfilled and creative follower of Christ.

What Is My Value?
3 Days
What is my value? Where do I find worth? In a world full of misguided values, your true worth is only found in one place. Your value is in the Creator of the Universe, God Himself. Discover how precious you are in His sight.

3 Days
Throughout the book of Genesis Father God reveals himself with different names. Each name reveals a different facet of the Father of the Trinity. As we look at the names of God, we can discover who God is and how he relates to us.

In the Beginning: How to Start the Year Strong
3 Days
Start your year with the Holy Spirit, God’s Word, and fasting to align with divine plans and experience true renewal. This 3-day devotional by Dr. Temi Michael-O offers practical steps, prayers, and meditations to help you set Spirit-led goals, prioritize Scripture, and embrace fasting as a powerful spiritual discipline.

Art in Scripture: The Earth Is the Lord's
3 Days
This devotional reading plan explores the intersection of human creativity and divine revelation. It pairs iconic works of art with passages of Scripture to reflect on themes like God's constancy, human longings, and the beauty of creation. Each day invites readers to engage deeply with art, prayer, and the Bible, fostering spiritual insight and worshipful contemplation. This journey through art and Scripture encourages participants to connect their faith with the universal quest for truth, goodness, and beauty.

I'm Generous
4 Days
When you gave your life to God, you accepted the most generous gift of all. This four-day Bible Plan from Life.Church will help you discover the only rational response. Start reading part four of the six-part Stay Positive series.

Three Words From The Creation
4 Days
The Creation of the World, as it is described in the Book of Genesis, draws attention to believers and various commentators. Within these beautiful descriptions we find many insights, which could fill a thousand books. We will try to present here a few of these interesting ideas that can help each and every one of us. These ideas present a different way of looking at Genesis 1.

Let There Be Light
4 Days
In John 8:12, Jesus says, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” The light of Jesus shines in our lives and illuminates the world around us. His light brings life, clarity, and direction. Jesus shines in our darkness and brings us life. Join me in this four-day Bible plan and let’s learn how the light of Jesus can light up the world around us.

God's Valentine: A Plan From Vertical Worship
4 Days
This devotional series by Vertical Worship focuses on God’s unwavering, never ending, unconditional love for His children. His love is perfect in a way that no other love can be. We explore the depths of His love through walking through what His word says, and how it applies to us. Press into the attainable love that God has for you today.

Biblical Principles To Thrive In Entrepreneurship
4 Days
If God has called you to be an entrepreneur, then He has called you to thrive in business. However, there is a big gap between ideas and thriving. If this gap is not closed, you will easily become frustrated with the idea and God. This 4-day devotional provides scriptural guidance in learning the basic principles to thrive in entrepreneurship.

God's Great Passion For Unity
4 Days
With death on the cross knocking at His door, Jesus’ final prayers were spent on unity. But why? Of everything He could have prayed for, why did Jesus make unity the priority? Based on ideas from Designed For More book, join author Lucas Ramirez to discover God’s great passion for unity, why it must become a priority for us, and the role you play in becoming the answer to Jesus’ prayer!

Insecurity: God's Enemy
4 days
Insecurity is horrible, I know, and it definitely isn’t something you should want to accept and embrace, but it will go, believe me, it will go. Or don’t believe me, but believe Jesus. For remember how He promised that every plant not planted by His heavenly Father will be rooted up? In this plan, you read three touching and powerful poems on insecurity from a biblical perspective.