پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە ئەفەسۆس 4:14

As Kingfishers Catch Fire
3 Days
In this 3-day devotional, Eugene Peterson, the pastor-poet behind The Message Bible, imparts a glimpse of his compelling quest to discover not only how to be a pastor but how to be a human being. It is Peterson's journey to live and teach a life of congruence - between what we do and the way we do it, between what is written in Scripture and how we live out that truth.

From Spark To Flame
3 Days
How would you describe your faith journey? Is it a well-established fire? Is it warming? Comforting? Does it push away darkness? Or is merely a spark? Not quite yet a flame? Hardly casting a shadow. These guided audio meditations will help recognize a spark from an encounter with God. And watch the spark turn to flame. Pushing out fear and darkness.

KNOW Ephesians
4 Days
This plan will explore what the letter of Ephesians can teach us in four areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or believers 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

Unity in a Divided World
4 Days
Unity in a Divided World explores how unity in the body of Christ is not about uniformity but about celebrating our diverse gifts and backgrounds in love. Over four days, we will look at how Jesus prayed for our unity, why it is crucial, and how we can strive to maintain it in a world often marked by division.

The Church - Ephesians 4
4 Days
This 4-day devotional, "The Church" invites believers to reflect on and live out the teachings of Ephesians 4. It challenges us to embody qualities that reflect Christ's transformative work: humility, gentleness, patience, unity, and love. Each day offers practical insights and applications for embracing our spiritual gifts, putting off the old self, growing in truth, and fostering forgiveness and compassion in our relationships. With scriptural grounding, thoughtful reflections, and heartfelt prayers, this devotional encourages believers to walk in a way that honors God and strengthens the body of Christ.

A Proverbs 31 Warrior's Creed
4 Days
Dr. Temi shares the core practices of a Proverbs 31 warrior that power her territorial influence inside and outside her home. Get ready to expand your warrior mindset and territory!

Paul And The Body
5 Days
Of all the apostles, Paul’s conversion/calling story was arguably the most notable and miraculous, his assignment to take the Gospel to the Gentiles the most unique, and the tangible results of his obedience the most impressive by human standards. Even so, Paul did not operate as a lone wolf, set apart from the pack and self-sufficient. On the contrary, this hero of the Christian faith understood the essential role his brothers and sisters played in his life and stayed connected to them even when his assignment to preach and live truth called him away for long stretches of time.

Time Alone With God
5 Days
To grow in knowledge of the one we have believed in, Christ, develop intimacy with the Father. Through time alone with God, we as His children are capable of doing so productively. This devotional will guide you in how to interact adequately with the heavenly Father.

5 Day Study On Spiritual Growth
5 Days
We expect trees, grass, animals and babies to grow. When they don’t, we know something is wrong. What is true in the natural realm is also true in the spiritual realm. Believers are expected to grow, and when they don’t, something is wrong. In this five-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will introduce you to the process of spiritual growth.

When Your Bad Meets His Good
5 Days
Let’s get real: pain is part of life. There’s no escaping heartbreak, disappointment, and anxiety. What matters is how you play the cards you are dealt. Adapted from the book, "When Your Bad Meets His Good" by Kimberly Jones-Pothier, this devotional shows you how to turn your pain into purpose.

Embracing Who God Created You To Be
5 Days
We know God tells us that we are new creations, and yet so often it doesn’t feel like it. We end up pretending to have everything together, while inside we are in deep pain. The first step is to stop the pretence, which is where this study starts. It then encourages you to continually go to the source in order to learn more about, and embrace, who you truly are.

Love Your Enemies: A How To Guide
5 Days
It is one of the toughest commandments we encounter in Scripture -- Jesus’ exhortation in Luke 6:27 to “Love your enemies.” In this five-part devotional, we’ll examine the ways Jesus wants and equips us to achieve that seemingly impossible task.

Fearfully and Wonderfully
5 days
The human body holds endlessly fascinating secrets. The resilience of skin, the strength and structure of the bones, the dynamic balance of the muscles—your physical being is knit according to a pattern of stunning purpose. Discover here the eternal truths revealed by our seemingly ordinary existence. The human body is a window into the very structure of God's creation and a testament to God's glory.

The Gospel According To Satan
5 Days
Not every lie sounds untrue. Some just sound right. And some are repeated so often that they virtually become "common knowledge." This is what makes lies about God so dangerous. So we have to ask, what might God's enemy want us to believe to lead us astray? And would we even see it happening?

Still Pursuing the Dream
5 Days
As we observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it’s important to reflect on the messages, guidance, and godly wisdom he left behind. Dr. King relentlessly pursued his dream of standing for racial equality, love, and justice for all. With this 5-Day plan, be empowered to remember his legacy and live out biblical truth as Christian coaches and athletes.

Christian Foundations 8 - Community
5 Days
Community is the eighth in a series of studies that help you establish a strong biblical foundation as a follower of Jesus. In this plan, we look at what the Bible says about the need for Christian community (church) and how you can play your part in forging a strong community with Christians who are different from you.

Real Hope: Unite in Hope
5 Days
Look at how to reconcile our differences and hold to the truth we all know and carry: Jesus Christ is the only hope of the world. Find inspiration to unite in hope with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, to continue to build God’s Church, and to shine His light in a world of darkness.

Women Working Boldly: A Study of Lydia in Acts 16
5 Days
This devotional explores the life, faith, work, and legacy of Lydia of Philippi. Lydia’s resume includes: first person in Europe to place their faith in Christ; co-founder of the Philippian church with Paul; host of the growing home church; Paul’s co-worker in spreading the Gospel; and successful businesswoman trading in luxury goods. Lydia’s story reveals God’s desire to use the passions, gifting, and experience of women in their daily workplaces.

Becoming a Next-Level Believer
5 Days
Next-level believers are anointed to influence every sphere of society and represent God on the earth. Passionate and proactive rather than passive, they engage the surrounding culture in their cities, regions and nations and push back darkness with the Kingdom of God’s light. With God-given power and authority, next-level believers arise as the Church and enforce the victories Christ won at Calvary, setting the enemy’s captives free along the way.

5 Days to Better Love Your Local Church
5 Days
The local church is a huge part of God’s design for the Christian community, and although He never promised us it would be perfect, He is clear that it's necessary. In this five-day plan, you’ll be reminded why you need the church, why the church needs you, and how to best engage the body of believers using His Word as your guide and the sacrifice Jesus made as your motivation.

Who Do You Think You Are?
5 Days
Your identity (who you are) is established upon the qualities, personality, beliefs, and traits that form the foundation of who you are and what you do. Our identity and security in Christ are essential as Christians. That you ‘know’ who you are, and that knowledge impacts your entire life. This devotional is a walk through the book of Ephesians.

Real Hope: Opinion & Disagreement
5 Days
Opinion & Disagreement is part 3 of 3 looking at the Intersection Of Faith & Culture. It’s hard to live out our faith in a world where the Christian life seems to be counter to the culture we live in. But together we can help one another navigate those challenging situations where the people we’re seeking to minister to may not understand or think we are just plain weird.

Christian Leadership Foundations 6 - Team
5 Days
Christian leadership is radically different from any other leadership. With the church and community desperately needing godly leaders, this plan forms the sixth of seven biblical foundations for Christian leaders. "Team" takes a biblical and practical look at how real teams work and the kind of leaders God uses to build effective teams.

We Belong Here
5 Days
The Goal for the 5 day study, is to go over some of the important components in a Biblical design and purpose of the local church. Healthy Church Guides by Crossway has been helpful in preparing this Study Plan

How to Deal With Jealousy in a Christian Marriage
5 Days
In the Old Testament, God describes himself as a jealous God. In other places in the Scriptures, human jealousy nearly always appears sinful. Can jealousy ever be a good thing for people to have? Can a husband or wife have good and right jealousy for their spouse?