پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە ئەفەسۆس 2:9

What Is Baptism? A 3-Day Plan To Prepare Or Decide
3 Days
What is baptism? Should I get baptized? Why is it important? Do I have to get baptized to be a Christian? Whether you have questions about baptism or you’re simply looking for a short devotional to read before or after being baptized, this Life.Church Bible Plan is perfect for starting today.

Responding To Failure
3 Days
Have you lost your job? Are you not where you thought you would be at this point in your life and career? Is your business not going as well as you had hoped? Take heart, believer! Know that you are not alone. Adversity and failure are inevitable as we take risks in this life. As the Scriptures in this plan will reveal, our response to failure can be one of the most powerful means of sanctification and preaching the gospel to those around us.

You Are Heard
3 Days
Have you felt your prayers go unanswered on your journey of late? Like your prayers are hollow words bouncing in an empty room? These guided audio meditations will help give you peace that God hears your words. No matter the words. No matter the language. God is attentive to you and the prayers of your heart.

The Big Give
3 Days
God has given all of us a gift so amazing and so incredible that most people don’t know what to do with it. This gift is grace, and in this plan, Dr. Tony Evans teaches about the grace of God and how all encompassing it truly is.

Sabbath Keeping
3 Days
Our minds and schedules are so preoccupied that we’ve forgotten how to rest. And when we fail to rest we do more than burn ourselves out—we misunderstand the God who calls us to rest and created us to be people of rest. So when we learn the art of sabbath keeping, we learn to rest and we learn about the One who gives us rest.

Grace–Simple. Profound. - Grace-based Discipleship
3 Days
In this plan we will read through the "king" passages of grace. We will memorize 6 words: You Were, But God, So That. We were dead, but God rescued us, so that we will have grace for ages to come. God wants us to follow Him, and grace is the seed that makes spiritual growth and maturity possible. Grace is ever growing, deeper and bigger than we know. With grace, discipleship is possible.

Discovering God Within You
3 Days
From deleted text messages to casual relationships. From diapers to styrofoam cups. Everything in our lives seems disposable. Toss it out because you can always get another one. The theme of these guided audio meditations is permanence - divine permanence. You will be discovering the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit within you, the light of God within you, and the love of God within you.

When Falsely Accused
3 Days
This may be hard, but take a moment to recall how you react emotionally when falsely accused or criticized unfairly. The theme for these guided audio meditations is finding the love of God in the face of false accusations and then meditating on God’s peace so we know how to respond when criticized. And, finally, a meditation to help reflect God’s grace, so others see Him in all you do.

Shining Light Into Darkness
3 Days
Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.” That is the theme of these guided audio meditations: shining light into darkness. Your first meditation will help you center on the light of God within you. In the second meditation, you will become more mindful of God’s light shining out. Finally, a meditation on God choosing you to light the world around you.

When Things Go Wrong
3 Days
When things go wrong, it is not always the devil’s handiwork. It could just as easily be God putting an obstacle in your path so you can grow from overcoming that struggle. In this insightful reading plan, Tony Evans teaches how difficulties happen for reasons beyond our comprehension.

Finding Fresh Faith
3 Days
Have you ever listened but not heard or looked and not seen? I pray these biblical meditations will help you see with new eyes. To move from old eyes to new. To go from a tired life to finding fresh new faith. You will be more mindful of God’s precious gift of faith and the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God within you. An entirely new perspective!

Be On Guard
3 Days
Have you ever looked up and wondered, “How did I get here?” The theme for these guided biblical meditations is being mindful of danger but at peace that you are protected. We can expect persecution, but we need not live in fear for the Shepherd is with us. I pray these reflections will help you take some time to float lazily along and receive peace from God.

Humbling Yourself Before God
3 Days
How do you approach God? How do you approach His throne? I pray these guided audio meditations will help you learn to humble yourself in the Divine presence and submit to the arms of God. I hope you will discover the importance of approaching life with a humble spirit as you seek genuine delight and joy. Desiring to come close to God for the simple reason of merely coming close.

3 Days
God has given you a unique calling. He has written your story to demonstrate His awesome power and His unyielding love both to you and to those who witness your story unfold. Although you get to play the lead role in this story, remember that your purpose is to point to the Author. Discover your calling, and use it to bring glory to the God who loves you.

Essential Workers in the Kingdom
3 Days
The COVID-19 pandemic has created an interesting moment in which who is deemed an “essential worker” has been flipped on its head. As this 3-day plan will show, this flip gives us a beautiful preview of what’s to come in the Kingdom of Heaven, where Jesus promised that some workers will be “great” and others will be “least.”

3 Lessons of the Blessing of the Thorn
3 Days
Many times we focus so much on our weaknesses, that we are unable to see our blessings. The story of Paul gives us great encouragement on shifting our mindset and perspective. Paul’s life is a wonderful example of how God's grace is sufficient even in our weaknesses.

Living to the Next Level
3 Days
Get a glimpse into the rich truths in Bishop Courtney McBath’s book, Living at the Next Level. We weren’t meant to simply survive, or take hold of salvation merely to go to heaven. Instead, God desires us to take hold of the abundant, joyful, rewarding life that comes as a direct result of communion and relationship with Him!

Holy Week
3 Days
Holy Week is an invitation to journey with Christ. As we learn to walk the way of the cross with him, may we be inspired to take up our own cross in sacrificial obedience and true humility. This week, our Lord reminds us that darkness gives way to light, and death will not have the final word!

God Provides: "My Heart Choices Affect Eternity" - Rich Man & Lazarus
3 Days
The God Provides series offers a rich, dramatic journey through theater-quality, short films which show us wisdom, truth, encouragement and practical steps to deepen a relationship of trust with God. This session is based on a parable Jesus told about a rich man and Lazarus, a beggar—and the afterlife. As the film portrays, if we place our faith in Jesus Christ, we will spend eternity in His presence.

My God Is Still the Same by Sanctus Real
3 Days
A three day reading plan focused on the consistency of God's nature and character. Inspired by the hit single My God Is Still The Same by the band Sanctus Real, this Bible study helps us to see that even though our circumstances change constantly through out life, God's faithfulness remains.

Balancing Faith and Works
3 Days
One of the questions that confuses many believers is the relationship between faith and works. The Bible teaches us that we are saved by grace, not by good works. And yet, the Bible calls us to do good works. How do those two truths fit together? And how does it affect the way we live? Join bestselling author Tony Evans, as he explores how faith and works fit together.

Doing or Being
3 Days
In a world obsessed with busyness, are you finding the balance in who God created you to BE? Are you a human doing or a human BEing? God calls us to BE still in Him. Find out how God invites us to defy the pace of this world.

Jesus Is the Perfect Gift
3 Days
Are you looking for the perfect gift this Christmas? Is it expensive, rare, mysterious, and hard to find? What if I told you that the perfect gift is available now, to everyone, everywhere, and is free? It's not only free, but it frees you from condemnation, separation from God, and eternal death. Learn more about God's perfect gift to you, and unwrap all Jesus has for you today!

What Gift Has God Given You?
3 Days
Learn from Jesus how we can use all our skills and talents to show love and mercy to others. This plan from Mercy Ships UK takes us through 3-days of Bible readings and reflective questions, with a particular focus on how we can fulfill our role in God’s mission and Kingdom using the gifts and professional skills given to us.

Overwhelmed, Praise God in the Middle of the Storm
3 Days
Overwhelm can easily occur at work as many of us are being asked to do more with less. When a team member resigns, moves to another team, or gets fired, the work falls to you – culminating in a storm. In this 3-day devotion, learn how to praise God in the middle of your work storms.