پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە دووەم ساموئێل 12:1

3 Days To Maximizing Your Potential
3 Days
Are you living up to your true potential? Do you feel like you have more potential? Leadership expert Mark Sanborn invites you to get better and close the gap between how good you are and how good you can be. Start today with this 3-day reading plan drawn from The Potential Principle. For more information or to purchase The Potential Principle, please visit http://amzn.to/2qr84MS.

Joy In The Mourning
4 Days
Enduring the loss of a pet is a difficult transitional challenge. Pets are members of families and when one passes away, it can be a hard event to recover from. Although feelings of grief are present, remember that GOD’s promises are still true. In this Plan readers will be encouraged to stand on God’s word, because even in despairing times , God provides Joy in the Mourning.

Forgiving & Rebuking
4 Days
Forgiveness is at the very heart of our Christian faith, but the uncommon virtue of positively rebuking someone in love is little understood. Take a succinct Biblical look at both spiritual practices over the next several days. Remember – both rebuking and forgiving are closely associated with repentance!

Psalms 103
5 Days
If there would be a psalm that you could call your life psalm—the foundation of your life—it could be Psalm 103. It teaches us how to handle life in general. It gives us the key to deal with every circumstance no matter what it may be. And if that is not enough, it gives us a glimpse of the extent the work of Christ will have over humanity.

Do You Get Mad When Confronted With the Truth?
5 Days
Read in this 5-day devotional about a man called Festus, who called Paul mad when he was confronted with the truth. Learn about how truth hurts as well as heals and find out how truth can set you free.

The Instinct of Reputation: The Story of David
5 Days
The Bible doesn't shy away from the reality of masculine instincts, nor all of the ways those instincts can lead to destruction. Examining the lives of five men from the Bible, The 5 Masculine Instincts shows that these men aren't masculine role models or heroes but are men who wrestled with their own desires and, by faith, matured them into something better.

Knowing the God of Much More
6 Days
God never lacks any resource, and He knows how to give good gifts to His children. Yet many Christians settle for far less than what’s available to them in Christ. Too many believers are choosing to find happiness in the mundane and ordinary when God wants to do so much more! This practical, step-by-step plan helps you explore all that God wants to do in your life… Are you ready?

Desert father | Poemen the Great
7 Days
This reading plan introduces you to the world of the desert father Poimēn the Great (c. 340–450). In a series of 7 days, you will be led through important themes from his life. Some days contain a short story with an explanation, there will also be days when the text of Poimēn will speak for itself.

The Prince Without a Name
9 Days
The story of David told in 2 Samuel 11 and 12 is one of the most profound narratives in the Bible, as it shows us the power of sin, the consequence of human actions but also the great Mercy of God that He has shown not only to David and all the accomplices of the story but also, after several millennia, to our lives. This story focuses on David, the King of Israel, who fell into a series of serious sins, but who found the way to forgiveness thanks to his sincere repentance.

Fast Friends, Biblical Results Of Fasting And Prayer
10 Days
We all know that there is power in prayer. Prayer is defined in several ways: it is how we praise and worship our glorious Lord and Savior; it is our most powerful weapon; our open door to communication with the living God; the vehicle to confess our sin; how to find God's will for our lives and one of the ways we can hear the voice of our precious Savior. It is not very often that we hear about fasting with prayer, either from the pulpit or in our conversations as a church community. Yet, the Bible has so much to say on this subject and so many wonderful accounts of deliverance, forgiveness, and miracles that happened when God's people did fast and pray together. This ten-day reading plan will focus on some of the Biblical accounts and show us the undeniable power and movement of God when His people humble themselves through fasting and prayer.

Conversations With God
12 Days
Conversations With God is a joyous immersion into a more intimate prayer life, emphasizing practical ways to hear God's voice. God wants us to enjoy a running conversation with Him all of our lives—a conversation that makes all the difference in direction, relationships, and purpose. This plan is filled with transparent, personal stories about the reaching heart of God. He loves us!

Unsung Heroes of the Bible
14 Days
Dive into the stories of 14 overlooked and unsung heroes of the bible. Find out what makes them a hero and what you can take away and apply to your life.

Our Daily Bread 15-Day Edition
15 Days
We want to encourage you into a thoughtful, daily, heart-to-heart relationship with God. Millions of readers around the world have turned to the daily devotional, Our Daily Bread for moments of quiet reflection. In just a few minutes each day, the inspiring, life-changing stories point you toward your heavenly Father and the wisdom and promises of His unchanging Word.

My Hero: Healing From Wounds of a Father
16 Days
Dads can be such important figures they seem almost larger than life, like superheroes. God gave us earthly fathers to be extensions of Him to provide protection, guidance, and love. When they don’t fulfill those expectations, it can cause deep wounding. This plan covers ways we can get healing from the wounds of a father.

Unification: A Study in 2 Samuel
21 Days
2 Samuel depicts the ascension and reign of King David following the death of Saul and Jonathan. David united the kingdom, established Jerusalem as the capital city, and extended the territory of Israel. At the crescendo of the book, God promises David that "your throne shall be established forever" (2 Samuel 7:16). Despite David's wickedness, God ultimately fulfills his promises to David through the person and work of Jesus Christ.

Year of the Bible: Part Five of Twelve
30 Days
This twelve-part plan can be read alone, with a group, or with your family! Each month, you will dive into a new part of the unified story that leads to Jesus discovering the heart of God for the whole world. Let's dive into Part two of twelve!

God's Redemption Story (Judges - 2 Samuel)
30 Days
From Genesis to Revelation, “God’s Redemption Story” outlines the narrative of God’s plan for the reconciliation of humanity. This 12-part reading plan summarizes the story of the Bible. Judges through 2 Samuel continues the story of Israel's rise as a nation and seeing God use unlikely people to establish His plan and purposes.