پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە دووەم کۆرنسۆس 2:14

The Transforming Power of Christ
3 Days
By the power of the Holy Spirit we have been transformed from death to life. We no longer walk in darkness and the ignorance of sin. We have become new creations in Christ. This 3-day devotional will teach us the wonderful ways we have been transformed by Christ.

Gone Fishin'
4 Days
Many people are smiling, but hurting inside. But, I have discovered that God is doing something in everyone's life. And, He's doing something in mine too! I'm loving/praying for strangers like never before. And they are grateful. These personal stories in my life are to help you help others move one step closer to God.

Beyond Saving Souls
4 Days
Jesus talked about his “Kingdom” fifteen times more than he talked about personal salvation. As important as sharing the gospel is, there are many ways in which your work can contribute to God’s mission for the world. In this plan, we will explore four of the ways your work matters for eternity beyond “saving souls.”

Make Up Your Mind: 4 Decisions That Will Transform Your Walk With God
4 Days
Every day, we make 30,000 choices, shaping our lives decision by decision. In this four-day devotional, we're exploring the pivotal choices that shape our spiritual lives: walking in the Spirit over the flesh, embracing obedience in uncertainty, seeking God's presence over worldly pressures, and choosing victory over victimhood. We are learning that the thoughts we think and the decisions we make, make up the people we become.

Finding Your Role in God’s Global Plan
5 Days
God is using ordinary people to fulfill His extraordinary plan for the nations and bring Gospel transformation to communities around the world. He can use your unique passions and skills to reach those who have yet to hear the Gospel. Learn about completing the Great Commission, discover God's heart for the nations, and uncover the ways He can use you for His glory.

Presence 7: Arts That Inspire Reflection & Prayer
5 Days
Presence Plan is a collection of chapters with the purpose of creating space. A relaxing, mindful experience leading us in reflection & prayer. Music, film, and poetry inspired from scripture throughout the plan weave a journey that gives us a time out, a sense of peace and an opportunity to experience God’s presence.

Encouragement For A Repentant Church
5 Days
In his first letter to the Corinthian church, the Apostle Paul corrects them for various behavioral problems, to the point that he calls them carnal. In his second letter, he acknowledges that there has been a change in their lives and encourages them to continue that way. In this plan you will find some of those messages of encouragement to a repentant church. Enjoy them all!

Hope in a Hard Place
5 Days
Are you in a hard place today? Maybe it's a place of disaster or lack; fear or helplessness; bitter betrayal or crushing disappointment. In the midst of that place, God wants you to know that there is hope for a way out. He is ready, willing and able to rescue you and bring you out on top, no matter what you’re facing.

Smelling like Jesus
5 Days
Do you want to know more about God? Do you want God to use your life to transform this generation? What if I told you that the aroma of Christ can completely change your life? In this plan we will see how we can smell like Jesus and how we can go deeper in our relationship with Him. You can be the closest opportunity someone will have to smell Jesus.

The Cost of Following Christ
5 Days
The truth of the matter is that we all are called to forsake all and to pick up our cross and follow Christ. That is the Christian life. The readings this week help us reflect on the cost of following Christ. The goal is instead to shift our attention heavenward and to cultivate a heart that can see God’s big picture.

Navigating the Mysteries of Faith
5 Days
Sometimes faith is a mystery, but the Lord has given us Scripture to decipher how it works. In this devotional, the Yellow Balloons team will help us understand what it means to have faith and put it into practice in the ways that God desires. Brace yourself for transformation, not only of your life but of those around you.

Quitting Is the Key
5 Days
Quitting is the Key is a devotion plan that invites you to let go of mindsets and habits that hinder your spiritual growth. Through practical insights and biblical truths, this plan helps you quit focusing on what you can’t control, assuming the worst, and letting hardships define you. Instead, it encourages you to embrace God’s sovereignty, live in gratitude, and walk in the victory and freedom found in Christ. Discover the power of quitting the things that hold you back to experience the abundant life God has for you.

Mark of the Lion
5 Days
In a world where identity is often seen as a defining characteristic, it's important for Christians to understand how our identity is shaped in Christ. In this Bible plan, join us as we explore the true nature of our identity as followers of Jesus. Discover how our identity is defined not by culture or circumstances, but by our relationship with Him. Learn what it means to be rooted in Christ and how this shapes every aspect of our lives.

What Jesus Said About Spiritual Warfare
6 Days
Spiritual warfare is a relevant subject for all Christians. The problem is that many people are fascinated by it, and others ignore it. In the following Reading plan, there are some practical guidelines.

Only One Life: How A Woman’s Every Day Shapes An Eternal Legacy
7 Days
Life keeps us running so fast and frenzied that we often lose sight of each day’s holy potential. Today’s choices shape the legacy you leave for future generations. Building a legacy through your “only one life” is not a calling for the elite few. It is a calling for you—as a woman with unique capacity to shape the future through your faith, family, gifts, and leadership. This devotional is adapted from the book, Only One Life: How a Woman’s Every Day Shapes an Eternal Legacy, by Jackie Green and Lauren Green McAfee.

The Last Week
7 Days
I will never forget the last week of my husband’s life on earth or the suffering he endured silently. I will never forget his last breath, the deep sorrow I felt while having peace in my heart that his life was just beginning! As we are in the season of Easter, join me on the journey of Jesus’ last week on earth that brought hope to the world!

God Speaks to Women
7 Days
The seasons of womanhood can be challenging and difficult to understand. God blesses us with seasoned women to guide us along our journey who have trodden the path before us and know the way. And He has given us His word to reveal his love and purpose for us. This seven-day devotional will help women live a life of faith and purpose.

The Great Commission
7 Days
Becoming a believer is not just about accepting Christ into our hearts, submitting to His Lordship and surrendering to the transformation process. It’s also about serving in His kingdom and sharing the Gospel (We Are All Ministers – Abigail George). Over the next week, pray for the Lord to bring you opportunities to tell people about Him – He will be there right alongside you!

Thru the Bible—2 Corinthians
8 Days
The Christian life can feel like taking one step forward, then two steps back. In 2 Corinthians, the church is challenged to “grow up” in Christ, and we are reminded of God’s unfailing grace, even in the face of sin and failure. These eight lessons from Dr. J. Vernon McGee will encourage you to keep walking forward in the right direction as you grow in your faith.

Lincoln Brewster - Oxygen
11 Days
One of the first worship artists to be embraced at Christian radio, Lincoln Brewster is firmly established as a leader in the genre with singles including “Today Is The Day” and “Everlasting God.” In addition to serving at his home church, Lincoln has recorded nine albums including Oxygen, which captures the tension and release of grief and doubt as it gives way to the certainty and truth of God’s faithfulness.

New Creation: A Study in 2 Corinthians
13 Days
In his second letter to the church at Corinth, Paul encourages believers to live in the identity Christ has provided for them. Although as fragile and mundane as jars of clay, God’s people hold the inestimable treasure of the gospel in their lives (2 Corinthians 4:7). 2 Corinthians reminds us that we are ambassadors for Christ, tasked with showing and sharing God’s good news of reconciliation for all who believe (2 Corinthians 5:20).

New Year New Heart - 10 New Year Promises From God for You
14 Days
Despite the trouble that we face in our world, we can be encouraged by this promise from John in Revelation 21:5. This Bible plan will help us to stay focused on the victories and breakthroughs we are believing God for in our new year. Jesus rose from the dead and sits with God in heaven. He is ruling and reigning and outworking his great rescue plan even amid our difficulties. He is making ALL things new, even when it looks like our world is breaking down and falling apart!

Paul's Ministry Manual
16 Days
Whether you are in full-time ministry, helping a neighbor, teaching a children’s class, discipling a friend, or doing any other kind of service, you are doing ministry, and you can use some guiding principles. In 2 Corinthians, Paul describes his own ministry, and from that letter we can mine fundamental principles that can guide anyone who is seeking to follow and serve the Lord today. (NIV unless noted)

Streams In The Desert Reading Plan
21 Days
Let your thirsty soul be restored and refreshed! This 21 day devotional offers encouragement, peace and strength during the hardships and trials of life. Readings from the classic Streams in the Desert by L.B. Cowman, edited for modern readers by Jim Reimann.