پلانی خوێندنەوەی بێبەرامبەر و بابەتی پەرستشی پەیوەست بە یەکەم کۆرنسۆس 6:16

Alone But Not Lonely
3 Days
A 3-day devotional by Danielle Apicella, sharing real journal entries and key revelations God gave while she was very young. This devotional focuses on identity in Christ, purpose in Christ, and finding contentment in Christ.

Vessel of Honor
3 Days
God molds us to be vessels of honor, carrying God’s glory in jars of clay, but many things can take a believer toward a vessel of dishonor. These things include alcohol and substance abuse, pornography and premarital sex, and cursing and defiled conversation. This devotional plan will help you, as a vessel of honor, carry the glory of God.

Bury Your Ordinary Habit Four
3 Days
Jesus made big promises to those who follow him: perfect peace, abiding joy, and supernatural power, but these promises often feel disconnected from our experience. How do we actually take ground in our spiritual growth? Pastor Justin Kendrick has written the book Bury Your Ordinary to teach seven spiritual habits that lead to explosive growth and how to develop them in your life. Dive into the fourth habit: Righteousness.

Humble Month
3 Days
Humility as the Key to Divine Blessing? It sounds contradictory in our achievement-oriented society. What’s wrong with being proud of our accomplishments when we use the talents God has given us? In this reading plan, we will show you why humble behavior is the best thing you can do.

Exposition Of Jude
4 Days
Tony Evans takes you on a journey through one of the shortest, but most powerful, books in the Bible in this four-day reading plan. Get to know Jude and glean insights applicable to your everyday life.

One Minute Apologist - God's Design For Sex
5 Days
It's almost impossible to read an article, turn on the TV, or get on the web without being bombarded by sex. The world says, “do it,” while the church is often too silent on the issue. God designed sex, so doesn’t it make sense to go to the designer and ask how we should handle it?

Debunking Sex Myths With The Word Of God
5 Days
Don’t allow the sexual myths of this world as it relates to relationships to negatively influence your commitment and walk with Jesus Christ. In this Bible plan, readers will discover through scripture the importance of actively Debunking Sex Myths with the Word of God as they purposefully aim towards God’s target of sexual purity.

Calling The Church Of Christ Back To Humility, Integrity And Simplicity
5 Days
As believers we are a part of God’s new humanity, and as a result we are called to walk in distinctiveness. We are called to walk in love, rejecting the idolatry of disordered sexuality. We are called to walk in humility, rejecting the idolatry of power. Walking in integrity, we reject the idolatry of success. And rejecting the power of greed, we are called to walk in simplicity.

How Christ Offers Freedom From Pornography
5 days
This study will look at how God leads us out of sin and towards a better life.

The Art Of Marriage
5 Days
Art defined is an expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, producing works appreciated for their beauty. Marriage defined is a combination, or mixture, of elements. In the Art of Marriage, Naomi Hendricks, from her 31 years of happy marriage to Ian, highlights God’s incredible gift of marriage that enables a man and a woman to produce with creativity endowed by the Creator a masterpiece of Oneness.

The Deeply Formed Life
5 Days
As New York pastor Rich Villodas defines it, a deeply formed life is a life marked by integration, intersection, intertwining, and interweaving, holding together multiple layers of spiritual formation. This kind of life calls us to be people who cultivate lives with God in prayer, move toward reconciliation, work for justice, have healthy inner lives, and see our bodies and sexuality as gifts to steward.

Rewiring Our Brains From Pornography
5 Days
It has never been more difficult to flee sexual immorality and pursue holiness. We live in an age of unprecedented access to sexual temptation. The struggle with lust is fierce battle, an enslaving addiction, and a deep brokenness. Pastor Joe Rigney shows us that through the gospel it is the Holy Spirit that gives us victory, sets us free, and heals our wounds.

5 Days
Jesus came to give us life and life to the full. Join us on a journey of freedom as we uncover many common strongholds that stop us living free. Get some practical tools on how you can find your true identity in Jesus, forgive & overcome offence, break free from addiction, let go of your past and run free. You'll never be the same again!

Overcoming Lust to Walk in Righteousness
5 Days
The enemy has distorted God's design for sexuality and as a result, lust runs rampant in our culture and even in the church. What does God's Word say about sex and how do we fight the temptation of lust? Learn how to stand firm through this five-day reading plan.

Why Wait? A Christian Guide to Sex and Dating
5 Days
Were you taught that, as a Christian, you should “save” yourself for marriage and remain a virgin until having sex with your spouse for the first time? Were you taught why you should wait? In this 5-day devotional, we’re talking about God’s design for sex and why He instructs Christians to “save themselves” for marriage.

Different Life: 6th Commandment
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re born again and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to different values about right and wrong and a different lifestyle to match it. This series of 5-day plans uses the 10 Commandments (following the classic Augustinian ordering) as a vehicle for an alternative, Christ-like morality and Jesus-way of living.

7 Ways to Maintain Purity in Your Christian Relationship
5 Days
Have you decided to wait for sex until marriage? Choosing this path is definitely rewarding, but let's be real: it can also throw some challenges your way. Navigating the ups and downs of a romantic relationship while sticking to the boundaries you've set for yourself isn't always easy. In this 5-day devotional, we’re sharing seven ways to stay sexually pure while dating.

Life + Love by Ben Stuart
6 Days
This Bible study devotional plan will help you chart a course through four relational stages: singleness, dating, engagement, and marriage. Learn to embrace God’s design for each stage and to invest your life in what matters most.

Let's Talk About It
6 Days
In this 6-part devotional, Pastor Dylan Dodson looks at difficult topics that impact all of us, yet can sometimes be hard to talk about in church. This plan will encourage you to be honest about your struggles while finding hope in Jesus.

Bible & Possessions
6 Days
When managing money and possessions, according to Biblical principles, it is important to develop an objective view and to cut the ‘umbilical cord’ with which we are attached to what we possess or otherwise risk being possessed by our possessions. Realising that God owns it all, will help us become detached to possessions and more attached to God.

What Jesus Said About Marriage, Purity and Sexuality
6 Days
Marriage is one of the pillars of society and a holy covenant before God and between people. Today, people seldom honor marriage according to God's standards.

7 Dates To A Love That Lasts
7 Days
Do you long to fall in love and find your soul mate? Does God say anything about dating in His word? In this 7-day devotional you’ll learn what God thinks about dating and love and all things that lead to a healthy marriage.

Resisting Sexual Temptation
7 Days
We have some good news. God’s not embarrassed about sex; He created it! God’s not mad at you for having a sex drive. In fact, it was His idea to give you one. Our job is to steward what He gave us by living lives of freedom and purity. Want to learn how?

Love Restored - A 7-Day Plan from Dr. John Koessler
7 Days
In this 7-Day plan, Dr. John Koessler reveals how lust, which once was considered a "deadly sin", has transformed into a "dangerous virtue." Our culture has radically redrawn its moral boundaries so that what lust is now called love and sexual preference is regarded by many to be malleable. Dr. Koessler helps reveal the beauty of God's design for love and desire. Excerpted from the book 'Dangerous Virtues.'