Isaiah 3:16-26
Isaiah 3:16-26 TPT
Here is what YAHWEH says: “The daughters of Zion are proud, walking about arrogantly with their noses in the air. Their eyes are seductive as they skip along with jewelry jingling on their ankles. So the Lord will afflict the foreheads of the daughters of Zion with scabs; YAHWEH will make the front of their heads bald in that day.” In that day, the Lord will strip away their vanity— their beautiful ankle jewelry, necklaces, crescent pendants, earrings, bracelets, and veils of shimmering gauze. Gone will be their elaborate headdresses and ankle chains, their sashes, sachets, and charms. He will snatch away their signet rings and nose rings, their stately gowns, capes, shawls, cloaks, and purses, hand mirrors, fine linen garments interwoven with gold and purple, turbans, and long veils. A stench will take the place of seductive perfumes; a rope will take the place of a sash, baldness for braided hair, rags instead of a fine robe, and the brand of a captive instead of beauty. Your men will fall on the battlefield and your heroes will die in war. Cries of mourning will be heard at the city gates; with the anguish of such great loss, she will sit down and grieve in the dirt.