Mark 14:36
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
and has said: Abba, Father, all is possible for you (SG); take from Me away the this goblet! yet not what I want, but what you (SG) want.
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Explore Mark 14:36
Mark 14:38
watch and do prayer, so that you (PL) shall not come to any temptation; the spirit is actually willing, this flesh is however weak!
Explore Mark 14:38
Mark 14:9
and in truth tell I you (PL): wherever the Good News will announced to be in the whole world, will also reported to be, who she has done, in memory of her.
Explore Mark 14:9
Mark 14:34
and he says to them: my soul is very grieved, unto to the death; remain here, and watch!
Explore Mark 14:34
Mark 14:22
and while they have eaten, did he take bread, made a blessing, did it break, and gave to them, and said: takes; this these is my body.
Explore Mark 14:22
Mark 14:23-24
and he has taken a goblet, did make a blessing, and gave to them; and they did all drink thereof. and he did to them say: this these is my blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many.
Explore Mark 14:23-24
Mark 14:27
and Yehoshua said to them: all will you (PL) stumbled to be; because it stands written: I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will scattered to be. (Zechariah 13, 7.)
Explore Mark 14:27
Mark 14:42
stand up, let us go; look, My betrayer is already near!
Explore Mark 14:42
Mark 14:30
and Yehoshua says to him: in truth tell I you (SG): today, in the this very night, before the cock will twice crow, will you Me three times deny!
Explore Mark 14:30