Luke 12:40
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
and you (PL) shall be ready, because the Son of Man comes in an hour, which you (PL) stands self not for.
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Explore Luke 12:40
Luke 12:31
but seek his kingdom and these (things) will you (PL) given to be.
Explore Luke 12:31
Luke 12:15
he has however to them said: give attention and beware self for every money avarice! because the life of a man consists not in the abundance of his possessions.
Explore Luke 12:15
Luke 12:34
because where your treasure is, there will also your heart be.
Explore Luke 12:34
Luke 12:25
and who of you (PL) with his worry can add a cubit to his stature?
Explore Luke 12:25
Luke 12:22
and he has said to his disciples: on account of the tell I you (PL): worry not for your life, what you (PL) will to eat; also not for your body, what you (PL) will self clothe with.
Explore Luke 12:22
Luke 12:7
but even the hair of your head are all counted. have not any fear! you (PL) are worth more than a many birds.
Explore Luke 12:7
Luke 12:32
have not any fear, you (SG) little flock; because it is well pleased the Father your, you (PL) to give the kingdom!
Explore Luke 12:32
Luke 12:24
consider the ravens! that not they sow, not they reap, they have not any storeroom, not any barn, and Hashem nourishes them yet; how much more are you (PL) worth than the birds?
Explore Luke 12:24
Luke 12:29
and seek not after what you (PL) will to eat and what you (PL) will drink and stir up self not about (it).
Explore Luke 12:29
Luke 12:28
and if Hashem clothes thus the grass in the field, which today is it and tomorrow becomes it thrown in furnace into, how much more you (PL), you (PL) small believers!
Explore Luke 12:28
Luke 12:2
and it is there is not any veiled thing, what will not unveiled to be, and any secret thing, which will not known made to be.
Explore Luke 12:2