Romans 12:3 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

Don't Settle For Safe
3 Days
If voices of insecurity, doubt, and fear are not confronted, they will dictate your life. You cannot silence these voices or ignore them. In this 3-day reading plan, Sarah Jakes Roberts shows you how to defy the limitations of your past and embrace the uncomfortable to become unstoppable.

3 Days
Magazines, influencers, blogs, trends. The beautiful is defined. Success is prescribed. The different is provided. Even when society shouts comparison, God whispers acceptance.

Lay Aside Every Weight
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life-transforming devotional. Run your race. Let the burdens of the past go. Let the weight of the past go. Cast your cares to Him. Lay aside every weight that can so easily distract you. Every weight was meant to slow you down. Cast the weight. Be determined to shed the weight. Let God lead your heart as you read this transformative devotional.

3 Days
Perfectionism steals your joy, energy, and creativity. God can lead you out of perfectionism into freedom.

Work Through the Whole Bible, Part 11
3 Days
Do you wonder if God has anything to say about your work? Explore key verses from each chapter of the Bible that offer wisdom, guidance, and purpose for everyday work. Part 11: Romans-2 Corinthians

Dare To Ask
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful message. “Dare To Ask” teaches readers how to ask for the “seemingly” impossible. What has God put in your heart to complete? Are you looking to start that business? Or start that ministry? Or go back to school? With God nothing is impossible. Let God lead you as you read this life-transforming message.

Surviving Divorce
3 Days
The dissolution of the marriage bond can be an excruciating experience. Many separations in love are painful, even when they are made by mutual agreement. The pain, lost love, and loss that accompany divorce do not have to last a lifetime. You don’t have to go through this by yourself. So, join us for ten minutes for three days on how to cope with emotional disturbance as a result of divorce.

Renew My Mind: A New Year’s Guide
3 Days
Changing the way you think could be the most important New Year’s resolution you make this year. To start your New Year in the best possible way, use this reading plan to see how the scriptures encourage us to renew and adjust the way we think. God cares about our thoughts and wants to alleviate the mental anguish that comes with negative, despairing thoughts.

Freedom in Forgiveness: Discover the Healing in Letting Go by Sara Brunsvold
3 Days
Reeling from her parent’s messy divorce and estrangement from her dad, the character Nikki Werner in The Divine Proverb of Streusel attempts to reconstruct her sense of belonging and security during a stay in her late grandmother’s farmhouse. Join Nikki as she gleans wisdom from her grandmother’s multigenerational church community. With this three-day plan, discover how to release hurt and embrace the freedom in forgiveness.

Marriage Is Hard
4 Days
Marriage is a blessing from God, but because we are flawed individuals, it can be hard at times. This reading plan offers words from God’s Word about common marital issues.

What To Do When You Don't Love Your Job
4 days
Tired of your job? Thinking about moving on or starting your own thing? You’re not alone—85% of people around the globe are dissatisfied with their jobs. In this four day plan, we will explore why, and look to Scripture for four ways Christians should respond when they find themselves feeling stuck in a job they don't love.

3 Steps to Increase Your Faith
4 Days
The Bible says we all have a measure of faith, but how do we increase our measure? There are three simple steps to increasing your faith so you can achieve all God has in store for you.

Finding Your True Identity
4 Days
Many of us seek identity in different ways. We spend time wondering or worrying about who we are and what others think. Deep down we long to be valued, loved, respected, and admired. There is only one relationship that shows us our true identity. Join us for the next four days to find where your true identity lies.

Yes, You Have Spiritual Gifts
4 Days
Do you doubt that God has given you spiritual gifts? Do you wonder what they are? This reading plan shows you that without a doubt, God gives gifts to each of us.

3 Steps to Becoming the Greatest Humble Person Ever
4 Days
One of the Pharisees invited the Lord Jesus to eat a meal. As Jesus watched the guests choose the best places to sit, He told them a story, exhorting them not to choose the best seats, but to humbly choose the least important seats. Some people lift themselves up to be important, only to be abased; but the humble will be exalted.

Infiltrate to Remediate
4 Days
In the 1970s, Dave Hodgson of the Rhodesian Selous Scouts learned how to infiltrate the enemy ranks and convert them from communism back to a democratic ideology. In this four-day plan, we will explore how the strategy of “Infiltrate to Remediate” was used not only during wartime but by many famous characters in the Bible and how we must apply this principle to transform culture in the marketplace today.

Working in Exile
4 Days
The days in which “Christian values” were largely embraced in business and culture are long gone. Our sense of “exile” feels increasingly acute. How are you as a Christian professional supposed to respond to that sobering reality? In this reading plan, we’ll answer that question together as we explore four biblical principles for working in exile.

The Biblical Meaning Of Success
5 Days
What does real success look like for the Christian? Discover the truths of stewardship and success in the parable of the talents and their implications for your work today.

The Worship Priority
5 Days
This five-day plan will help you recall and renew your focus as a worshiper so that you can become a more effective leader.

Humility: An FCA Devotional For Competitors
5 Days
This five-day reading plan, adapted from content within FCA Magazine, focuses upon “humility” and the impact living a life of service and surrendered to Christ’s ways makes on our teams and in our communities. To learn more about FCA Magazine and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, visit

Problem With Pride
5 Days
What is the difference between being proud and being arrogant? Do you ever struggle with pride and being perceived as arrogant, or stuck up? This reading plan will examine being prideful and how to be humble.

The Hollywood Commandments By DeVon Franklin
5 Days
This reading plan includes five daily devotions based on DeVon Franklin’s book, The Hollywood Commandments: A Spiritual Guide to Secular Success . In this study, the prominent Hollywood producer and spiritual success coach reveals life-changing lessons picked up from his twenty-year career in the entertainment business. These lessons are designed to help you achieve an amazing life and thriving career that glorifies God.

Good Choices
5 Days
Are you spiritually mature in making Good choices? In this plan author Keith Gentry provides keys to unlock clues within the scriptures that will enable you to be more discerning and productive with the investment of your time, effort and money in both the spiritual and natural choices of life.

Stop Going To Church
5 Days
There might be a reason you sometimes wonder why Christians go to church. Maybe church was never meant to be just another place to go. Whether you’re worn out by church or wondering where you fit, it’s a great time to see what the Bible says about being the Church. Start this Life.Church Bible Plan to go along with Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Stop Going to Church .

Faith That Delivers
5 Days
God loves His children. His Word, the Bible, details His wondrous thoughts, actions, and plans for His children. Then why are scores of us living in situations beneath His promises? One reason is a lack of knowledge in applying faith. This Bible Plan shares how to use our God-given faith to experience God's promises. God's Word is His will for you. Transform your life by applying Faith That Delivers!