Romans 1:16 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

Living By Faith Alone
3 Days
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." -Martin Luther King, Jr. The theme of these guided audio meditations is living by faith. Here are meditations to help you have the confidence to share your faith - to guide you to find the courage to share the love of Christ - and to be mindful of moments to affirm your faith in God.

Missed Chances
3 Days
Have you ever had misgivings about a missed opportunity? Do you ever feel one step behind God’s presence, love, or forgiveness? These guided audio meditations are contemplations on redeeming fears of lost moments. Living with the assurance that every moment with God will accomplish what He intends, and each encounter with Him will always include moments of His love and forgiveness.

Be Not Ashamed
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this life-transforming leadership devotional. Choose to glorify God, in every area of your life. Let Christ be reflected in your everyday conduct. Let Christ be reflected in your everyday language. Let Christ be reflected in everything you say and do. Do you desire the validation of man or the approval of God? Let God lead your heart as you read this timely message.

Creativity That Aims for Eternity
3 Days
Christopher Wren, the mastermind architect behind St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, said that “Architecture should aim for eternity.” Our creative efforts, whatever they may be, should reflect the glory of our Creator, and point the hearts and minds of others towards eternity. This is a high calling for creatives. In this short series, we’ll look at the frustration, framework, and fulfillment that comes when we point our art ever upwards.

On Way to Serve You
3 Days
I encourage you to start your next three days thinking about who you are in Christ. And that every day, you can look in the mirror of the soul, and see where you stand as a disciple, and lift your eyes to where you should go by the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Let Your Light Shine by Vance K. Jackson
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson expounds upon this powerful message entitled: "Let Your Light Shine". Be not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. You were not created to settle. You were not created to be ordinary. You were not created to be normal. Your results are not meant to be normal. You are not meant to stay stagnant. You were meant to grow and scale. You were meant to enlarge and expand. You were meant to conquer. Let God lead your heart as you read this powerful message.

I'm Encouraging
4 Days
Being an encourager is more than just cheer leading. Let this four-day Bible Plan from Life.Church help you discover the beauty and strength of encouragement. Start reading part three of the six-part Stay Positive series.

4 Days
On February 29, 1948, Richard Wurmbrand was arrested by the secret police. His crimes? Leading Christian worship and witnessing—both of which were illegal under the atheistic Communist regime of Romania. Because of his faithfulness to Christ, he endured 14 years of prison and torture. His wife, Sabina, suffered two years of forced labor. They emerged, not with melancholy or a bitter spirit, but with a story of victorious faith .

Receiving The Word
4 Days
It can be hard trying to commit to reading and learning the Word. In this plan, Tony Evans teaches on the importance of reading and knowing the Word so we can let it impact every area of our lives.

Romans I
4 Days
We live in a superficial world that is full of fake intentions and sinful longings. We celebrate pride and shun uprightness. Righteous living is countercultural; therefore, we need the courage to live a faithful life. In light of today’s trying times, the truths in Romans 1 are worth exploring. We’ll study these powerful verses that encourage the Church to be a light unto a world in dire need of salvation.

Think Like a Roman
4 Days
What do you think about sin? About salvation? About your life in Christ? In this devotional, Think Like a Roman, we are renewing our minds through the book of Romans. What we believe is essential to the way we live, to our growth, our walk with Christ, and our future in Christ. Our thoughts determine our beliefs, our beliefs determine our actions. Over the next four days, join us as we dive into our understanding of doctrine relating to sin, salvation, and freedom in Christ.

An OMA Christmas
5 Days
This Christmas the One Minute Apologist wants to answer questions you may never have thought to ask. Is Christmas a Pagan holiday? How many wise men were there, and many more. Don't let this Christmas pass without spending time reflecting on the birth of our Savior, and all the events surrounding that historical day.

One Minute Apologist "The Fi5th Gospel"
5 Days
"There are five Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and the Christian. But most people never read the first four." Jesus intends for ordinary Christians to live lives that visibly display the Good News of salvation "The Fifth Gospel" will prepare you to represent your Savior well and communicate your faith in a way that makes sense to a watching world.

God Comes Through In Protecting You
5 Days
Throughout God’s Word there are many accounts of individuals who faced challenging circumstances, but God protected them every time. In the God Comes Through in Protecting You Bible plan readers will discover through scripture how the LORD will protect you in any challenge you encounter in life.

The Sign Of The Cross
5 Days
Praying the Sign of the Cross traces its origins back to the very early Christians marking a cross on their foreheads. The practice has developed over time and is now a regular practice for over a billion people around the world. Through this Bible study we will explore the practice of the prayer and also the enormity of the mystery of the Trinity and the sacrifice of our ever-loving God.

The Gospel
5 Days
The Gospel is both simple and complex. It is like the most amazing sunrise you could ever experience. When we ponder the good news of the Gospel, we are struck with awe, wonder, gratitude and joy. The story of God, the implication of sin, the saving nature of Jesus and our adequate response is both simple and complex. Join us as we gaze at the beautiful Gospel afresh.

Because He Lives
5 Days
All of Christianity rests on this one single truth – Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. Because He lives, you can count yourself fully alive to God, no longer mastered by sin, but living through the power of grace.

No Regrets
5 Days
These powerful daily readings unpack what it means to live life with no regrets. Be refreshed and learn how to serve and glorify God as though every day were your last. This devotional is based on Robin Bertram's book No Regrets.

Advance Your Sharing Skills
5 Days
As you begin to talk more with others about Jesus, it is important to develop your sharing skills . Growth involves learning how to share about Jesus more naturally and frequently. Each of these devotionals contain a short audio message (1-2 minutes). The guests talk about spiritual mentors, your personal story, challenging circumstance, sharing online and overcoming fear.

Praying For Israel
5 Days
70 years ago, the nation-state of Israel declared its independence. The unlikely birth of this tiny new democracy represented a miracle of immense proportions and an extraordinary fulfillment of biblical prophecy. The Bible tells us we should be praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Here are some ways you can pray:

God Has Given You An A+ By Pete Briscoe
5 Days
Do you feel like your past gets in the way of God loving you? Do you feel the need to perform in order to earn His favor and approval? In this 5-day reading plan, Pete Briscoe assures us that God has already given you an A+! Find out why there is nothing you can do to make God love you more or make Him love you less.

Just One Word: 5 Days To Invite Jesus In
5 Days
One word is all it takes to turn a day around and set your mind on the never-ending power of God’s work in your life. These delightful meditations explore themes in unexpected words from daily Scripture verses. In this 5-day devotional journey, you’ll discover a mighty God who is there for you, who calls you into glory, and whom you can invite into your day with just one word.

5 Misconceptions About Sharing The Gospel
5 Days
Have you ever doubted your effectiveness as a witness? I’ll admit, I have. Over the next 5 days, we'll discuss five misconceptions about sharing the gospel that have grown a fear of witnessing in our hearts. If you’ve struggled with any of these, my heart is not to discourage you. Instead, I pray you will be fully equipped to boldly take the message of grace and truth to the world.

The God Of New Beginnings: Hope For The Lost
5 Days
We all have someone in our lives (maybe it’s you) that’s going through a hard time. This 5-day devotional, based on “The God of New Beginnings,” explores how to break through the darkness of a person’s life. Love never fails, and when we incorporate God’s love into our lives and relationships, redemption and new life are always possible.