Mark 7:21 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা
Serving One Another: A 3-Day Marriage Plan
3 Days
“Me-me-me-me-me-me-me….” Often sung as a vocal warm-up, this phrase also can characterize the attitude of one who places his or her own desires before others’ needs. How would our relationships, especially with our spouses, look different were we to set aside our wants and turn our intentions to what would address the needs of or bring delight to our husband or wife?
9 Common Lies Christians Believe
5 Days
Maybe God isn’t who you think He is. Maybe He’s much better. This devotional will help identify some Christian clichés we’ve all heard that are actually unbiblical lies. These clichés may seem innocent, but are harmful to our faith and keep far too many believers stuck in spiritual immaturity. Learn to encounter these lies is with the truths about God in the Bible, that bring encouragement and freedom to our lives.
I Like Her, Now What? A Single Guy’s Guide to the First Date
5 Days
This 5-day plan will help you pursue the girl you like in a way that honors God, the girl, and you. Start your relationship on a solid foundation. Each day contains relevant scripture, biblical advice, and a prayer prompt.
Healing From Sexual Shame
5 Days
One of the most damaging messages coming out of the purity culture movement is that our sexual histories determine our worth. Those who have sinned sexually, or have been sinned against, were compared to used cars, crumpled roses, and chewed-up sticks of gum. How do we tackle these lies and face sexual shame with hope and gospel truth? This five-day study is meant to help start the process.
Tough Questions With Pastor Mike, Round 9
5 Days
Do you have spiritual questions that you'd love answers for? Questions regarding faith, religion, God, or the Bible? Watch this video series to get some answers so you can be more confident of the things you hear God saying in his Word.
Death by Distraction
5 Days
For about a year and a half, I struggled with something. I couldn’t quite name it or figure it out; I just knew something wasn’t right. I discovered that the devil was DISTRACTING me! I share about how this dangerous ploy of the enemy can be used to destroy the calling and purpose God has for us and how we can put an end to it!
Fake It Until You Don't Make It
5 Days
We often hear people say, "Fake it until you make it". Have you ever tried it, only to find yourself exposed and vulnerable in the end? In this plan, we will explore moments like that in Jacob's life. I hope that the next few days will inspire you to live more authentically in Christ.
Wife Study Challenge: A Plan for Husbands
5 Days
Grow as a godly husband. Part of godly love is knowledge. Knowing your wife is a way to love her. God wants you to live in harmony and holiness with your wife. Take this 5 Day Wife Study Challenge and see how the Bible points us to knowledge as a component of love. This plan by Christina Dodson will help deepen your marriage and grow you as a husband.
Different Life: A New Testament Life
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re born again and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to different values about right and wrong, and a different lifestyle to match it. This series of 5-day plans uses the 10 Commandments (following the classic Augustinian ordering) as a vehicle for an alternative, Christ-like morality and Jesus-way of living.
Husband Study Challenge: A Plan for Wives
5 Days
Grow as a godly wife. Part of Godly love is knowledge. Knowing your husband is a way to love him. God wants you to live in harmony and holiness in your marriage. Take the 5-Day Husband Study Challenge and see how the Bible points us to knowledge as a component of love. This plan by Lindsay Few will help deepen your marriage and grow you as a wife.
Different Life: 6th Commandment
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re born again and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to different values about right and wrong and a different lifestyle to match it. This series of 5-day plans uses the 10 Commandments (following the classic Augustinian ordering) as a vehicle for an alternative, Christ-like morality and Jesus-way of living.
Different Life: 9th & 10th Commandments
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re born again and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to different values about right and wrong, and a different lifestyle to match it. This 5-day plan uses the 10 Commandments (following the classic Augustinian ordering) as a vehicle for an alternative, Christ-like morality and Jesus-way of living.
Lord's Prayer: Lead Us Not Into Temptation
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re in Christ and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to strange expectations. It’s a different kind of hope flowing from Christ’s perspective on things. This is the seventh in a series of 5-day plans that uses the Lord’s Prayer to show how Jesus invites us to approach life and the future.
Forgiveness Triumphs Over Judgment
5 Days
Have you ever found yourself caught between judgment and compassion? Delve into the thought-provoking story from John 8 where Jesus encounters a woman caught in adultery. Explore the tension between judgment and grace, and discover how to respond to the mistakes and shortcomings of others with compassion. Prepare for a journey that reveals the transformative power of mercy and its triumph over judgment.
Reading Red: The Gospel According to Jesus
5 Days
Reading Red: The Gospel According to Jesus is a generational gift to the Body of Christ with an aim to return the Church back to the actual teachings of Jesus Himself. As we revisit the gospel, according to Jesus, we’ll be better suited to re-present Him more accurately to the current generation. This plan is based on "Reading Red," a book and workbook by Shawn Echols.
Lord, Look Inside My Heart
6 Days
Often, we can be overwhelmed by the symptoms of sin in our lives but afraid to look at the root of our sin. This plan will teach us how to examine the roots of our actions and the fruits they produce. ‘Heart of a Woman’ (a full-length Bible study) and ‘Lord, Look Inside My Heart’ (abridged paperback) are available online.
Families Fighting the Good Fight
6 Days
Choosing the straight and narrow path to follow the Lord is not always easy and requires work. This 6-day devotional models for parents how to teach your children to persevere, to exercise discipline, and to make choices which strengthen our walk with the Lord.
Disciples Making Disciples With Francis Chan
7 Days
Taken from his New York Times bestselling book "Multiply," join Francis Chan as he equips Christians to make new disciples… just like Jesus told us to.
Hollywood Prayer Network On Jealousy And Envy
7 Days
How many times a week do you feel jealous? Either a quick thought about your neighbor’s cool car, the raise your co-worker got, or wanting a loving spouse like all of your friends have… Whatever it is, it’s a struggle that can lead to sin. This week let’s delve into the meanings of jealousy and plan our attack to beat it, embrace it, or use it for God’s glory.
Overcoming Bitterness: Moving From Life’s Greatest Hurts to a Life Filled With Joy
7 Days
In a world full of struggle and disappointment, each one of us will wrestle with bitterness at one time or another. But left unchecked, bitterness is a destructive poison that steals our joy and the joy of those around us. Pastor and counselor Stephen Viars shows us how to process bitterness biblically and effectively, so that we move from life's greatest hurts to a life filled with joy.
Deuteronomy With Jesus
7 Days
Did you know that Jesus quoted Deuteronomy more than any other book? This short series explores why, before unpacking some of the passages Jesus quoted from and how his insights can help us learn more from them.
Soul Care to Save Your Life
7 Days
What would your life look like if you knew and loved yourself as Christ loves you? The perfection we feel pressured to project from ourselves and for others comes at the expense of our emotional, spiritual, and mental well-being. Shift your focus from performing to purposeful living from the inside out. Soulful honesty between God and you always bring healing, so let’s embrace the confidence God's forgiveness and restoration offer.
Solomon's Secrets
7 Days
Have you ever won a prize or an award for doing something excellent? Imagine winning the title of “The Wisest Man Who Ever Lived!” In this Plan, we will explore some of the secrets to King Solomon’s great wisdom. And perhaps one day we can also leave behind a legacy of being wise parents, friends, and colleagues.
One Heart - Power of the Word
7 Days
This guide has been created to journey through reconciliation and oneness as we pray through John 17 “… I pray that all of them may be one." Firstly, becoming one with the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ. Secondly, with our brothers and sisters in the Body of Jesus Christ, the Church. Thirdly, our role as peacemakers in the world around us. This is week three in a five-part series.
Show Me Your Hands
7 Days
Do you struggle to let go? Do you hold on to money, bitterness, blessings, or anything else too tightly? In this Plan, we will search our hearts for what may lie at the root of our clinging to the status quo. I pray that we reach the other side of the next seven days lighter and more free in Christ.