Matthew 10:1 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

Generous Evangelism
3 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. This short reading plan considers Generous Evangelism.

The Power of Christ: Declaring His Authority Over Your Life
3 Days
Who are you? Who are you meant to be? In Kathy DeGraw’s three-day devotional plan The Power of Christ: Declaring His Authority over Your Life, you will find out what the authority of Christ has to do with your life and how you can walk in His Spirit to overcome everyday obstacles and plant your identity in Jesus.

Finishing Well
3 Days
God has an ideal time for when our season should end or when He has a new role for us. We need to trust God for what is next and wrap up when God makes it clear it is time, rather than linger beyond our usefulness.

Clean (S3-E4)
4 Days
This reading plan takes you through some of the themes in the "Clean (part 1)" episode of The Chosen TV Series. Reflect, dive into the Bible, and enjoy what Jesus has to say to you.

5 Days
As we look through the various spiritual gifts listed in scripture, one gift that stands out but is not really discussed is the gift of Healing. Jesus sent out His disciples with the instructions “to heal.” It is clear that Healing was a part of their ministry. But what does that mean for us today?

She Belongs
5 Days
You may be thinking about all the frustrations you’ve had with people lately. In light of that, you may think you can do fine on your own. But our quest to keep it together will eventually cause us to fall apart. This plan will show that peace, security, and purpose come in their fullness only when we engage with other believers within the body of Christ.

And I Will Bless Them
5 Days
For followers of Christ, the ministry of spoken blessing introduces the present reality and power of the inbreaking kingdom of God. It conveys the authority of God to shatter curses and release captives. These devotions explore this ancient biblical practice of blessing. If you are a believer, God is calling you to the ministry of spoken blessing—and to know that His deep desire is to bless you as well.

The Prayer Request of Christ; "Making an Impact Through Sending Prayers."
5 Days
When Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few, he also provided the initial step for solving this dilemma. “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field” (Matthew 9:37-38, Luke 10:2, NIV). This plan examines how praying “sending prayers,” enables followers of Jesus, to have an impact in advancing the gospel.

Gracious Jesus 8 - the King Commissions
5 Days
Many are called, few are commissioned. Jesus gives his followers a taste of going out to preach, teach, and heal. Going in faith, they experience amazing powers that Christ endowed them. Christ also appraises them of the discipline and sacrifice involved, with far greater rewards for service. While service is highly monetized these days, there are still the few serving in tune with their Master in Heaven. Perhaps little-known today but famous in Heaven.

The World Needs Healing - Disciple Makers Series #10
6 Days
Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is the tenth of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. Jesus shows His disciples how to reach out to a broken world – their world. Then He sends them out to touch it with the Kingdom truths they have learned.

I’m In
6 Days
You have a God-given purpose waiting to be discovered. You have people around you ready to encourage you. And you may not know it yet, but you have everything you need to chase your passion. This Life.Church Bible Plan to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, I’m In, will help you answer one important question: Are you in?

Called to Follow
6 Days
Have you ever wondered what your calling in life is? It is an important question to ask oneself. And what better place to answer this important question than to look at how Jesus called his first disciples, as recorded in the Gospels. As we discover God’s calling on our lives, we will allow Jesus to rearrange our priorities – and it all starts with a relationship, with following him.

What Jesus Said About Following Him
6 Days
The first thing that Jesus did when He came to the disciples was to call them to follow Him. And He added: to make fishers of men. In the same way, Jesus is calling us to follow Him and make fishers of men. Many think only about salvation when Jesus calls them. No, He calls us to repentance and to be fishers of men. It is one concept.

The Delay Is Strategic
6 Days
Discover the divine purpose behind waiting as we explore how God’s delays are not denials but strategic moves designed for our growth, preparation, and ultimate good. Each day’s devotional will provide insights, scripture readings, and reflections to help you trust in God’s perfect timing.

My Comfort Is Jesus
7 Days
Jesus is more than a role model or powerful historical figure. He is our hope and our joy. Our rock and our crown. In this plan, best-selling author Ray Comfort shares devotions from My Comfort Is Jesus to help you commit your day to the light of the world.

Winks From Scripture: God’s Subtle Work Among Us
7 Days
Life is mysterious and cryptic, especially in times of suffering and distress. Although we may wonder where God is, the Scriptures wink to show us His redemptive activity unfolding in our lives. Rev. Chris Palmer takes you through familiar New Testament stories and points out unfamiliar features that have the effect of a punchline. When the Scriptures wink, you’ll be surprised, delighted, and challenged not to give up hope.

Ready for Harvest
7 Days
After every pandemic in history, there has been spiritual revival. Are you ready for the harvest? When Jesus saw the crowds, he said that the fields were ready for harvest. The work of planting and nurturing was done. It was time to reap. This Plan explores what Jesus said about the harvest and calls us to get involved in the promised harvest of new Jesus followers.

Matthew's Message: Seven Nuggets
7 Days
Be blessed through the Gospel of Matthew and seven insightful devotionals inspired by it. Each day offers a unique perspective on key passages, guiding you to delve deeper into the profound teachings found within Matthew's Gospel. From the revelation of Jesus as Savior to His compassionate ministry and the promise of His kingdom, these devotionals invite reflection, contemplation, and a deeper understanding of the profound message of hope and salvation.

In the World/Not of the World
7 Days
In this men's devotional, we'll tackle Jesus' famous theme that His followers are to be "in the world" but not "of the world" and look at how we can be more like Christ, who lived this out perfectly. Written by Brad Klassen of Crossview Church in Steinbach, Manitoba.

How to Start a Housefire
8 Days
This plan was created to ignite a movement of people burning for Jesus. Packed with messages, scriptures and discussion questions, this resource is for churches & worship leaders to use in a small group setting. Our hope is that these devotionals, inspired by 8 of Housefires' latest released songs, would spark fires that would burn bright in ordinary houses all over the world.

The Gospel According To Matthew
14 days
This reading plan explores the first Gospel. This Gospel explains that Jesus was the king of Jews that brought the kingdom of heaven, even though Jesus didn't arrive in the way people expected.

20 Days Of Relational Health
20 Days
Our hearts crave deep, lasting connections--to know we are loved and belong. This Bible reading plan will help you grow in your relationships as you learn to love others well, speak and live in truth, and set the healthy boundaries that will allow your relationships to thrive.

21 Days
Favor is simply God's supernatural provision that enables us to live beyond our natural abilities. It is available to everyone, and it comes by grace. Learn how to pursue God's favor over the next 21 days, and ready yourself for an outpouring of favor that will accelerate your kingdom assignment!