Luke 14:31 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

4 Days
God wants you and me to flourish and not merely exist. Although “flourishing” means to grow and develop in a favorable environment, the biblical context of this verb is more correctly interpretable as “Shalom,” a right relationship with God and each other. We are called to thrive even in harsh life-situations and overcome “vision-killers” that may stunt our growth. Let’s explore what this promise means in God’s word.

Can't Go to Church? Be the Church!
4 Days
Is your church dying from Covid-19? It's ok, our God specializes in bringing new life out of death. What if while we can't go to church, we became a church that goes? Go! Live! Do you want to follow Jesus?

We're All in Recovery
4 Days
We are usually impressed by inspirational stories of dramatic, overnight transformation, but living as a disciple of Jesus is a long game. We are all broken people. No one has arrived. We’re all in recovery! This four-day study will help you break the sin-repent cycle so you can truly experience the transformation God has promised us through salvation.

Singleness: A 5-Day Devotional
5 Days
Loneliness is a human longing, and it its very existence points to something common to us all. This 5-day devotional reading plan is aimed at helping you turn to God—who meets us where we are and draws us to himself.

Something Needs To Change
5 Days
What happens when a well-known pastor and best-selling author has his deepest convictions rocked by darkness, suffering, and loss in the world around him? David Platt, lead pastor at McLean Bible Church and founder of Radical Inc., invites you on this five-day reading plan to bring you face to face with the God who wants you to make your life count in a world of urgent spiritual and physical need.

Biblical Business Leadership: STRATEGY
5 Days
The Bible has wisdom for all parts of our lives - especially our work. This series of short meditations will build on the teachings of the Bible to help you better understand the development and deployment of strategic plans in your business leadership role.

5 Days
Jason Brown was at the top of his NFL career when he experienced a shocking, radical call from God: leave behind the fame of football and instead become a farmer to feed the poor. In his debut book, Centered, Jason shares the challenges his family has faced in their new mission alongside rich biblical truths and stories of God’s miraculous blessings.

Dare to Follow
5 Days
Following God isn’t just a one-time decision—it’s a daily journey! Authors Charlotte Gambill and Natalie Grant have written this 5-day devotional guide to help you turn your focus from today’s distractions and to the One who says, “Follow me.” This plan will inspire you to joyfully walk in the footsteps of Jesus, allowing Him to lead you in every area of your life.

Finding Financial Balance: Planning
5 Days
No one enjoys the stress of an unbalanced financial life. It can leave you at odds with your spouse and sideways in your relationship with God. Thankfully the Bible includes a lot of financial wisdom. This series of reading plans will point you to a balanced and peaceful financial life grounded in biblical principles. Learning how to work, plan, spend, and give will help you find financial balance, God’s way.

Ashamed: Fighting Shame With the Word of God
5 Days
In this five-day reading plan from Scarlet Hiltibidal, learn from Isaiah’s encounter with God in Isaiah 6 and move beyond shame to the joy-inducing, peace-producing thrill that comes from a relationship with Jesus. We were made to live in the light—confessing and repenting and renouncing our shame—because Jesus experienced shame in our place.

The Spiritual Art of Business
5 Days
Does your work have meaning? Why do we work? Will the one hundred thousand hours we’ll work in our lifetime matter? Business executive and author Barry L. Rowan says that doing business as a Christian can be much more than a cold exercise in power-building or moneymaking. Our work can be a spiritual art whereby God uses our work to transform us and then transforms the world through us.

Practicing the Way
5 Days
Who are you becoming? If you envision yourself at age 70, 80, or 100, what kind of person do you see on the horizon? Does the projection in your mind fill you with hope? Or dread? In this devotional, John Mark Comer shows us how we can be spiritually formed to become more like Jesus day by day.

This Time I Will: Biblical Principles for Effective Goal-Setting
5 Days
Research shows only 20 percent of people set goals, and only eight percent achieve them. If you have been on the other side of those statistics, there is no better time than now for a change! Join MCWEN founder Andrena Sawyer for this 5-day devotional with biblical principles to help you improve your chances of success with your goals this year.

What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?
5 Days
What does it mean to be a Christian? Faith in God is so much more than a checklist of spiritual behaviors. This 5-day Plan explores what it looks like to follow Jesus wholeheartedly and includes practical steps toward a genuine and healthy faith centered in love.

Leadership Awakening
6 days
Leaders get into trouble because they neglect fundamental truths and basic spiritual disciplines. God did not just call us to start the race, He wants us to finish well. Our success or failure as leaders will be determined by how well we executed the basics of the Christian life. The example and the legacy you leave sets the pace for a new generation of champions, impacting the world for Jesus.

Strategic Thinking: Blueprints for Life, Work, and Ministry
6 Days
God created humankind to reflect and emulate the way He thinks and to follow His plan. He calls us to produce lasting fruit which requires intentionality and focus. Uncover the keys to strategic thinking and living so you can better manage the resources entrusted to you and fulfill God’s purposes for every aspect of your life, work, and ministry.

Discipleship: God's Plan for Reaching the World
6 Days
Many churches today are like spiritual orphanages, filled with people who accepted the gospel but never grew in maturity because no one has discipled them. This 6-day devotional plan will help you break the cycle of spiritual abandonment by exploring Jesus' command to discipleship. May it reignite your passion for becoming a disciple-making disciple.

Bible & Possessions
6 Days
When managing money and possessions, according to Biblical principles, it is important to develop an objective view and to cut the ‘umbilical cord’ with which we are attached to what we possess or otherwise risk being possessed by our possessions. Realising that God owns it all, will help us become detached to possessions and more attached to God.

What Jesus Said About the Cost of Discipleship
6 Days
Being a child of God, a follower and disciple of Jesus is a wonderful privilege. But every Christian must understand that there is a cost – it is not always easy to be a follower of Jesus. This study is about the cost of discipleship.

Everyday Disciple 1 - Counting the Cost
6 Days
As Jesus made clear, being his disciple involves a challenging choice. You must weigh up the costs and benefits of serving Jesus and decide whether you are willing to sacrifice your life and desires to follow Him. This Plan will assist you in making this choice. We will start with the costs of being a disciple, but we will certainly get to the benefits.

What Jesus Said About Total Surrender and Death to Self
6 Days
So often we are following the Lord Jesus, but there are significant parts of our lives that hinders the Holy Spirit to work in our lives.

Sharing His Seat
6 Days
All of us need to decide what and who is important to us. What takes the first rank in your life? Where does your time, energy, and effort go? Is Jesus at the center of your life, or is something or someone else sitting in His seat?

Moorings – Anchor for the Soul
7 Days
“Mooring” a nautical term, refers to an anchor to which a ship is secured to prevent it from being carried away by the waves. Mooring serves as a primer for our soul’s contemplation. As you ponder over these reflections, may God reveal His eternal truths and perspective to you so that Christ remains as the anchor in your life.

7 Days
Still haven't made up your mind about God? Not really sure what you believe? Spend the next seven days exploring the Bible and see what God reveals to you about his true nature. This is your opportunity to read the story for yourself and decide what you believe. The idea of God is too important for you to still be undecided.

Now What?
7 Days
Jesus said, ‘Come, follow me.’ Have you ever thought to ask, ‘Where are we going?’ What do you do when following Jesus leads to some unexpected and undesired places? Do you pray, ‘God bless me, but don’t mess with me.' What does it mean to follow Jesus? What’s God’s purpose for your life? Why does the pursuit of God often lead to seasons of difficulty? How does God go about changing the world? How does God go about changing you?