Job 22:21 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা
Sub·mit (Verb) Let Go, Let God!
4 Days
What does it mean to submit to God, and why should you bother? Believe it or not, submitting to God isn't meant to box you in or restrict you; instead, it will free you! Submitting to God is a daily expression of love that brings you closer to God and produces many blessings, including freedom from worry, peace, and eternal rewards! Are you ready to let go and let God?
Staying Free After Breaking Free
15 Days
It was 2003 when I looked into the mirror and fully surrendered my 25-year battle with bulimia over to Jesus. Although I had been working on recovery with the Lord for more than a year, I realized there was one final step before freedom was truly mine. Twenty-one-years later, I am still walking in freedom! Breaking free is only part of the battle. Staying free requires a new level of strength and strategy. This plan reveals several keys to success that have guided my personal freedom-journey, and they can help you stay free too.
Suffering: A Study in Job
23 Days
The book of Job chronicles testing a righteous man's faith through suffering. Although Job's friends attempt to comfort him, it is only by God's revelation of His wisdom and might that Job finds true comfort. Even in deep suffering, God can do all things, and none of His purposes can be thwarted (Job 42:2).
Where Is God When I Am Lonely?
30 Days
Whether you've just lost a loved one, are going through a divorce, or you're waiting for that 'special someone,' we all face the empty pangs of loneliness sometimes. This reading plan from the UCB Word For Today looks at the many facets of feeling lonely, reminding you that God is your constant companion through the good times and the bad.
Abiding In Christ
31 Days
This Bible plan was created to help you dig deeper into God's Word for yourself, and see what it is saying about who God is, and how you will live in light of that truth. Rather than providing devotionals, we give you three important questions to ask yourself and write down the answers that God is speaking to you through His Word.