John 21:1 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

Hungry for God
3 Days
This 3-day reading plan written by Rev, Samuel Rodriguez focuses on our spiritual hunger, and recognizing that our souls require nourishment on a regular basis. No matter how often we pray, how many Bible passages we study and memorize, how frequently we attend church events or serve those in need, there’s always room to grow closer to God.

Turning Things Around
5 Days
When it comes to life, no one likes to lose. Circumstances conspire against us. Our actions drag us down. A few good shots to the chin, and before you know it, it can feel like life just knocked us out. But listen to the wisdom of Tony Evans as he reminds us that in our darkest hour, we have a Savior in our corner equipping us to turn things around.

The Life of Jesus, Part 10 (10/10)
5 Days
Embark on a journey to learn more about the life of Jesus. Together we will watch short clips from the film, The Life of Jesus, and reflect on what we see. Discover who Jesus really was and what He can mean to you. You can read each of the 10 plans separately, but we challenge you to complete the whole journey.

Signs and Miracles of Jesus in the Book of John
5 Days
Experience the wonder and mystery of God’s Word as you explore key miracles in Jesus' life on earth. In this five-day plan based on his book, Signs and Secrets of the Messiah, join Rabbi Jason Sobel in examining some of the miraculous deeds of our Savior and the details revealed in the context of His Jewish culture and traditions.

What Do You Want From Me?
5 Days
In the “What Do You Want From Me?” Bible study, we’re going to take a closer look at Peter's redemption in John 21 and discover five things Jesus wants from His followers: 1. Humility; 2. Time; 3. Love; 4. Boldness; 5. Contentment. Prayerfully, this study will serve as a reminder for faithful disciples of Jesus as well as a roadmap for those seeking a deeper relationship with Him!

Praying For Peace
6 Days
In a troubled world where there is no hope, Jesus still calms the storms. This 6-day devotional by Carter Conlon will help you live out the truth that God can, not just bring you peace in the midst of your storms, but also use you to spread His peace to those around you.

Let's Talk About It
6 Days
In this 6-part devotional, Pastor Dylan Dodson looks at difficult topics that impact all of us, yet can sometimes be hard to talk about in church. This plan will encourage you to be honest about your struggles while finding hope in Jesus.

How to Be Unsuccessful
6 Days
We all want to be successful… but what does that even mean? The world defines success as having money, power, and influence. But God defines it differently. So differently, in fact, that being successful in God’s eyes might look unsuccessful to the world. Join Pete Portal for this six-day plan to consider whether you’re willing to ignore the world’s definition of success and learn How to be Unsuccessful instead.

How to Face Life's Challenges
6 Days
Stephen Foster presents this six-day plan on how Jesus’ teachings unlock some of life’s major challenges. Each day equips you with Biblical application relating to different challenges like worry, failure, anger, loving enemies, judging others, and facing temptation. Be encouraged to approach these struggles with confidence in the love, power, and wisdom of Jesus, who is worthy of our worship even amidst the very real difficulties of life.

The God of Second Chances
6 Days
Many believe 'do-overs' are only for the golf course, kitchen, or movie screen, but the reality is, we all need a fresh start from time to time. This 6-day study explores instances where God extends His gift of second chances. But how do we move forward after messing up? By getting to know the God of Second Chances!

How Can I Forgive? A Journey to Authentic Forgiveness
6 Days
Have you ever experienced betrayal or rejection from people you love and trust? It can be debilitating. We question, “How can I recover?;” “Can I ever get my life back?;” “What does God expect me to do?;” “I am only human! Surely some cases don’t require forgiveness, right?” Journey with me down the road to healing as we consider 3 types of forgiveness.

The Man You Were Made to Be
6 Days
Men are under intense pressure these days. Could this be a good thing? Could it be God’s invitation to transformation? In this encouraging six-day plan, ex-cop and pastor Anthony Delaney explains that when we get honest before our heavenly Father – surrendering our fitness, finances, family, failures, and friendships – He shapes us into the men we’re made to be with nothing to prove and everything to live for.

There Is More In You
7 days
Everyone grapples with insecurities. Whether you’re jaded from past trauma, a present heartache, or a persistent feeling of rejection, self-doubt doesn’t have to narrate your story. Historically, God has always transformed those who feel the most inadequate into effective leaders, healers, and change agents. Start this reading plan to uncover how God uses “flawed” individuals to illustrate that there is more in you than your history!

Permission to Doubt
7 Days
What are we supposed to do when we aren’t sure what to believe? Or how do we move forward when we’ve been hurt by people who were supposed to reflect God? In a culture wrestling with deconstruction, it’s okay to doubt.

Welcome Resurrection
7 Days
Resurrection is more than an event we celebrate during Easter; it’s a person we get to walk with every day. As you step into Holy Week, sit in the emotions of those who lived through it and allow their stories to fuel your faith. Learn how to pray through pain and process disappointment in the presence of the One who can reveal hope in the middle of it all.

Lent Devotional: Restoration
7 Days
This 7-day plan on restoration will take you on a journey through the gospels, with prayers and reflections to help you connect with God as we approach Easter. In the Bible, we read many stories of Jesus restoring people to their God-given potential. He showed them a glimpse of God’s kingdom and his plan to renew all things. And he’s doing the same today.

And Such Were Some of You
7 Days
As Jesus made his way to Calvary, he met all kinds of people. Their reactions to him revealed what they believed, and the same is true today. Consider your own life in light of the Passionate Denier, the Pardoned Insurrectionist, the Convinced Centurion, and many more. Some people changed for the better, and some for the worse. When we encounter Jesus, like them, we will never be the same.

7 Days
Throughout history, God has used pioneers to advance His Kingdom and change the world. Pioneers are men and women devoted to the call of God, committed to kingdom expansion, and ready to take ground. The call to pioneer still exists today, and God is calling you. Join us for a 7-day devotional as we discover how to change the world.

It's All About Love?!
8 Days
The Bible says love is great and indispensable. It tells us to love the people around us. But most of all, the Bible speaks about God’s amazing love for us humans and invites us to love Him back with all our hearts. Do you love God?

Signs of Glory
8 Days
Water into wine. Feeding the multitudes. Walking on water. Jesus did some incredible things throughout His ministry! Let’s discover the eight sign miracles in John's gospel and see what they reveal to us about Jesus.

God's Not Done With You - a 10-Day Devotional by Tauren Wells
10 Days
As we walk through this reading plan together, may we be reminded that nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. No matter how low we feel, Jesus can forgive us, restore us, and even use us for His glory. What was once the place where we were most ashamed can now become the place where God performs his greatest miracles in our lives. – Tauren Wells

Countdown to Christmas Reading Plan by Provident Label Group
10 Days
Provident Label Group, home to Christian music’s premier artists, presents a nine-day Countdown to Christmas Reading Plan inspired by Christmas music from Casting Crowns, Zach Williams, Tenth Avenue North, Matt Maher, Matthew West, and more!

The Characters of Easter: Simon Peter
10 Days
Peter was just a fisherman from backwater Galilee, but he was pursued by Jesus and became the rock upon which the church was built. He witnessed the pivotal moment of the cross and empty tomb. Join author Daniel Darling on this 10-day plan to discover the life of Simon Peter, an unlikely character caught up in the story of Jesus.

Forgiving Challenge: The 11-Day Life-Changing Journey to Freedom
11 Days
Even though the offer of freedom is available to all, many still live in bondage. The key to unlocking your freedom is the forgiveness that Jesus has already won for you. Bring all of your sin, your guilt, and your shame to Jesus and experience this gift of grace in your life. A forgiven person is a forgiving person. So come. Be free.

The Gospel According To John
12 days
This reading plan explores the fourth gospel. John wrote the fourth gospel to assure persecuted Jewish believers that Jesus was the fulfillment of God's ancient promises to the Jews; that Jesus really is the Christ, the Son of God. John wanted to make sure that they would remain faithful to Jesus and enjoy abundant life in him.