John 13:34 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা
Dealing With Diversity
3 Days
As I go through life loving my husband, the differences in our nationalities and races don’t often come up. But that day, I began to wonder if I might be missing something. My daughter’s revelation caused me to look around at our neighborhood, her school, and our church to see if there were underlying things making our differences more prominent to our kids.
3 Days
Love is a decision and a requirement of discipleship. Before the foundation of the World, God loved. God concluded that love will last forever, a gift accessible to all. Love is unusual; greater than our talents, possessing the capacity to forgive, influence culture, be disciplined and committed. Love is not a feeling or a hashtag. Instead, love is power and love is influential. This three-day plan is all about love.
Loving God By Loving Others
3 Days
We know we're supposed to love others, but that's easier said than done sometimes, isn't it? In this reading plan, discover how love unites you with other believers, invites the presence of God and demonstrates God's Kingdom to a watching world.
Be Satisfied
3 Days
Are you satisfied or discontented and want more? The theme of these meditations is satisfaction. We should be satisfied with loving God and loving others but why do we often try to make it more complicated? These reflections will help you accept Christ as your example to humble yourself and be satisfied with what you have and who you are. Being content with all that Christ has to offer you.
[Follow] Be Loving
3 Days
Being a Christian… what does that mean? Jesus came to establish a relationship with us, not a religion or an institution. In this second part of the Follow series, we will focus on the idea that Jesus came to make a relationship with our Creator possible. Many people quit religion because it is based on performance. However, the relationship Jesus wants with us is based on His love for us.
Love God, Love Others
3 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. This short reading plan is based on the theme, ‘Love God, Love Others’.
Bear One Another’s Burdens
3 Days
Instead of judging your brother or sister, choose to exemplify the grace of God and carry one another's burdens and troublesome moral faults. Surrender to God and let the love, grace, and mercy of God flow through the work of your hands as you read this timely and life-transforming message from Vance K. Jackson.
Community: Godly Community
3 Days
How far will you go to serve your neighbor? What does it look like to love your friends? What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ? In this three-day YouVersion plan, we will dive into what it means to live with truly Christlike love.
Knowing God, Yourself, and Others
3 Days
Self-discovery has captured this generation with personality tests, self-help books, and more people than ever seeking therapy to better understand themselves. But what does the Bible say about the importance of knowing yourself? How does knowing God help us know ourselves better? How does knowing God and knowing ourselves help us in our relationships? This plan unpacks first and foremost knowing God, how a knowledge of him helps us to know ourselves, and then how we can love others by knowing God and ourselves.
Freedom in Forgiveness
3 Days
Are you struggling to forgive people who have hurt you? Are you holding onto past bitterness and offense? Join me in this three-day devotional that will help you walk in freedom from the chains that are holding you back from growing emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. The Lord wants you to walk in the fullness of His joy and freedom today!
Disciples of Jesus
3 Days
Jesus outlines three essential characteristics of his disciples in the Gospel of John. They are growing in freedom through God’s Word, loving others as he loves us, and living a fruitful life connected to God. Over three days we will explore these marks of a disciple of Jesus.
4 Days Toward Redemption
4 Days
A four day devotional focusing on the redemptive power of Jesus and how to not only understand it, but also to truly experience and feel it.
Love, Love, Love...
4 Days
God is love. Jesus loves you in a unique, personal way. He does not see you as someone who is lost in the crowd; on the contrary, He sees you and looks at your heart. God invites you to have Jesus as an example—to love, to act and to speak like Him. In this reading plan we will discover more about it!
Making Marriage Successful
4 Days
Marriages need tune-up work. And the way God does that tuning is by reminding us what he says about marriage in his Word. This reading plan is a good reminder for people, married or single.
Culture Wars
4 Days
Is it possible for us to disagree with one another and still love unconditionally? According to Jesus, the answer is yes. He didn’t come to take sides. He came to introduce the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom that is often at odds with our political views, social opinions, or way of life. Join us for this four-day plan as we learn how to choose people instead of choosing sides.
How to Love Your Neighbors
4 Days
In a world where so much division and tension exists, we’d all be better off if we learned to love others—even if it’s inconvenient or uncomfortable. In this 4-day plan, we’ll discuss who our neighbors are and how to love them.
Mile Markers
4 Days
Mile markers tell us where we are, and the progress we are making on our journey. There are also spiritual mile markers that point to where we are with God and our progress toward spiritual maturity. We tend to make up what we think is important to God, but God is clear on the mile markers that matter. In this devotional, we will look at four of those mile markers.
What Does Love Look Like?
4 Days
There are lots of definitions of love out there. But what does the Bible say love looks like? This 4-day plan is a good place to start.
Fast, Pray, Love
4 Days
Where are your values taking you, or better yet, what are your values? We cannot form our Biblical values through our strength only through God's. Recalibrate your values as you fast, pray, and l.o.v.e.
3 Keys to Parenting With Jesus
4 Days
What I learned from observation, casual conversation, and personal experience is, you do not have to be perfect to be a good mom. What you need is Jesus. When you follow the words and ways of Jesus, he covers your weaknesses, fills in the gaps, and equips you to be the best mom for your children. Here are three keys to parent with Jesus.
Holy Week - on the Inside of Creation
4 Days
This is a series of short Holy Week reflections beginning with the events on Maundy Thursday, and ending with Resurrection Sunday. They are also glimpses inside the act of Creation itself. When we enter Holy Week we have a front-row seat to God’s creative process. In the end, we discover ourselves as co-creators in Christ, participating in the ongoing act of Creation.
Life Lessons From The Camino De Santiago
5 Days
Dennis Brooke, author of the novel The Last Apostle, explores life lessons learned from personal experience on the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage. The Camino, also known as The Way, is a pilgrimage to the tomb of James dating back to medieval times. This devotional relies on the writings of James’s brother John--the last apostle of Jesus Christ.
What The Bible Says About Work: For New Graduates
5 Days
This 5-day reading plan features devotions that help us understand how God has equipped us to live out our faith in all parts of our lives, including in the workplace. Readings are excerpted from the articles in the Faith & Work Bible by David H. Kim, Director for the Center for Faith and Work and editors at Christianity Today.
How Can I Be A Good Friend?
5 Days
The Bible is full of verses that teach us how to be a good friend. This reading plan shows us what God says about friendship. These songs will encourage you to be a good friend the way that God is a friend to us! How can you show love to your friends today? Who are other people in your life that you can share God’s friendship with today?
To Everything A Time
5 Days
Most of us are naturally impatient and hate to wait for anything. In these uncertain times, however, our expectations are often dampened by things completely out of our control, so we are often forced to spend time reflecting on what might have been. Author Eleanor Watkins guides us through a five-day plan which will help you discover the joy of waiting for everything to come in it's right season.