James 5:15 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা
God's Power to Heal
3 Days
During this intense Covid season, Pastor Samuel Rodriguez takes you through three days of God's healing power. Whether you are sick, heart broken, or depressed, this reading plan can help you recognize obstacles to healing your heart and remedy the impediments by pointing to God's Word.
Perfectly Imperfect
3 Days
Every imperfection you have, every flaw you carry, and every trial you've been through doesn't take away from how God views you as perfect. Though we fall short of perfection in the eyes of the world, we will always be perfect in the eyes of God.
Rescue by Justin Camp
4 Days
Rescue gives men the start they need to find new spiritual life through the relationships God has waiting for them. Scripture is clear: we’re meant to be together, to do life together, to care for one another, to be united with God and with others. When we are united, then we are safe, strong, free—rescued for good.
KNOW James
4 Days
This plan will explore what the letter of James teaches us about growing into maturity in four major areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or believers 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action
James Bible Study
4 Days
This plan is intended as a guide to discovering the message of James for yourself! Grab a notebook to jot down your thoughts as you are led through a process of: 1) Observing the text of James 2) Interpreting its original message to James’ audience in the first century 3) Applying the letter’s timeless truths to your life today
Sharing Our Faith With Adult Children
4 Days
"Wives of Faith" is a group of women dedicated to prayer for children and husbands whose mission is to support each other and intercede daily before God, seeking His guidance, protection, and blessings for the lives of our loved ones. Join us on our journey of faith and love for the family.
Putting God First in Your Marriage
5 Days
Do you want to put God first in your marriage? This plan by Dr. Kim Kimberling will give you a clear look into one couple’s life and how they choose to put God first. This plan will help you see the importance of seeing God’s work in your life and choosing to put Him first. Complete this plan together and be on your way to having an Awesome Marriage!
Dog Tales & Pup Parables
5 Days
God hears the prayers of every believer. In Dog Tales & Pup Parables: Devotions for a Dog Lover's Heart, author Janet DeCaster uses delightful real-life stories from her experiences with dogs to illustrate powerful lessons on the power of prayer. Through this 5-day reading plan, readers will be encouraged to pray about everything and have renewed faith for God's sure answer and even the miraculous!
Seeking God’s Direction
5 Days
Do you want to seek God’s direction for your life and your marriage? This plan will give you a clear look into one couple’s life and how they sought God’s direction in the midst of a crisis. This plan by Dr. Kim will help you see the importance of faithfully following God as well as learn how to deal with crises in marriage.
Praying With Others
5 Days
Prayer is a powerful way to interact with both God and others. Praying with others can be both encouraging and deeply meaningful. This plan will help you think of new ways to do that. Each of the five days contains a short audio message (1-2 minutes). The guests share about praying face-to-face, deepening relationships through prayer, seeing God's power, and leading group prayer.
Tests And Triumphs Of Faith: James
5 Days
Examine the book of James in three parts: the test of faith, the characteristics of faith, and the triumph of faith. Faith without works cannot be called faith. Faith without works is dead, and a dead faith is worse than no faith at all. Faith must be there, but it must be more. It must inspire action. Throughout his epistle to Jewish believers, James integrates true faith and everyday practical experience by stressing that true faith must manifest itself in works of faith.
Wisdom for Busy Professionals
5 Days
The book of James is beloved for how practical it is in our lives and work. In each day of this five-day plan, you’ll read a chapter of James as well as a short devotional that will focus on a few key verses that are particularly relevant to busy Christian professionals.
How Should I Pray?
5 Days
How are we to pray to an almighty and all knowing God? Jesus taught His disciples how to pray when they asked Him the same question. There is much we can learn from His example and teaching.
5 Days
As we look through the various spiritual gifts listed in scripture, one gift that stands out but is not really discussed is the gift of Healing. Jesus sent out His disciples with the instructions “to heal.” It is clear that Healing was a part of their ministry. But what does that mean for us today?
5 Days to Slay Your Dragon
5 Days
You can pretend it’s not there. You can call it weird. But the supernatural realm is very real. Daniel Kolenda shows you how to slay the demonic dragon behind your every struggles.
Moving Beyond Where I Am Stuck
5 Days
Have you ever walked through a season where you just felt stuck? One you wish you could move beyond yet still find yourself in? Through this plan, Natalie Grant and Charlotte Gambill provide God-given trusts and steps to take to help you move beyond where you are currently stuck.
5 Days
This devotional series looks to inspire and refresh those who are in a season of stress, weariness, and uncertainty. Everyone faces difficult seasons and the Spirit of God can Reboot and empower us through God's word to live with strength in the midst of hardships.
Before the Cross: The 5 Prayer Principles
5 Days
A lot of us are afraid to pray because we never know how to do it, what to say, afraid we will do it wrong, or just feel silly sitting there. Here is how Jesus modeled a life of prayer for us and how He gave us 5 prayer principles.
Surfing Through James
5 Days
In surfing, as in life, all kinds of challenges can come your way – from pecking-order battles in the line-up to getting caught in the impact zone. Join Christian Surfers Founder, Brett Davis, to unpack practical wisdom from the Book of James for surf and for life! See how you can rise to life’s challenges, refine your character, and draw closer to the One who made it all – Jesus.
Give It to God and Go To Bed
5 Days
When you give it all to God and go to bed, you stress less, sleep better and dream more. God is waiting to help you manage today’s challenges and experience a less stressful, more productive tomorrow. He will help you make the daily divine exchange that empties out the battlefields of your life—your worries for God’s weapons. Your worry does not fight off your enemies. But God’s weapons do.
Praying for Friends in Need: A 5-Day Study by Asheritah Ciuciu
5 Days
Have you felt burdened for your friends lately? Perhaps they have faced heartache and you don't know exactly how to intercede? In this 5-day study, you'll walk through prayers for those, struggling with infertility and miscarriage, who are sick, caring for aging parents, aching for straying children, or walking through divorce.
Life According to James
5 Days
Throughout church history, this book has been controversial, mainly due to the debate over faith vs. works. However, a deep dig into this book will yield much treasure for living the Christian life. This week, let’s explore it together.
True Faith: A Study in James
5 Days
Written by Jesus’ brother, the book of James is a practical guide to living a Christ-centered life. James encourages his readers to remain steadfast in a trial, tame the tongue, and humble themselves before the Lord. The practicality of the letter reminds us that true faith is seen in a life marked by faithful works.
Financial Discipleship - the Bible on Honesty
5 Days
The Bible has a lot to say about honesty. Most of us know we shouldn’t lie or steal, but His instruction goes much deeper. This 5-day plan will help readers gain a biblical understanding and perspective on Christ-like honesty, apply it to their lives, and prepare them to share this learning with others.
Healing Rain That Makes Us Whole
5 Days
Do you long for health, wholeness, and freedom? Do you continue to hit wall after wall of resistance on the road to pursuing healing? You can move from the trenches of despair and sickness into newfound freedom and joy as you walk in seven keys to divine healing. By immersing yourself in Christ’s love through the power of His blood, you can find wholeness of mind, body, and heart.