Genesis 3:11 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

Hey God, Can We Talk? Difficult Conversations
3 Days
We all have had difficult conversations—with our friends, spouses, children, etc. But what about having difficult conversations with God? In this plan, we talk about three different conversations: the conversation after you’ve just royally screwed up, the conversation when your future seems bleak, and the conversation when your emotions are raw.

Total Restoration
3 Days
In this inspiring and life-changing three-day devotional, you will learn the undeniable truth that God has promised you total restoration. Not one of His promises has ever failed. Get ready to discover how you can put all of your faith in His unfailing promises and you will start seeing His restoration show up in every area of your life—beginning today!

After the Fire Goes Out
3 Days
When the heat is on, we feel energized, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the entire world. But what do we do when the fire goes out? True worship starts when we don’t have a barrier to fall back on, and we’re forced to show our real, vulnerable face to God. What is it that He’s calling out of you, and what can you learn from your lack of fire?

Biblical Success - Running Our Race - Headwinds
3 Days
In this plan we will discuss the headwinds of opposition as we strive to lead our lives as disciples of Christ making disciples by living with a Biblical worldview in a culture in turmoil over, pandemic, politics, and postmodernism.

Independence Is Impossible With Judah Lupisella
3 Days
Independence is impossible because you’re always depending on something: water to hydrate you, food to nourish you, and God to hold all things in the world together. You were created to be dependent. You must realize that you can do absolutely nothing without Christ—you need God. If you’re open to learning what it looks like to depend on God fully, then this plan is for you!

Jesus Is the Prince of Peace
3 Days
In this three-day devotional plan, Dr. LaDonna C. Osborn explores God’s promises of a Savior who would come to redeem His people and give us peace. From the garden of Eden to Isaiah, from John the Baptist to Peter, we learn how the gospel of the good news of the Prince of Peace can inspire us today.

God Is With You in the Unexpected (Pregnancy)
3 Days
This three-day Bible Plan is designed to help those facing an unexpected pregnancy process their emotions and find renewed hope in God’s love. This plan is adapted by Suzy Silk and Avail – a non-profit organization that exists to empower women and men facing an unexpected pregnancy or a past abortion.

If I'm Suffering, Is God Punishing Me?
4 Days
Does suffering ever cause you to wonder if God is punishing you? Through study of God's word, reflection and prayer, let this 4-day plan help you draw closer to God in difficult times.

Why Eve Sinned - Genesis 3
4 Days
We can learn a lot about why we sin by looking at the first sin ever committed. Drawing from David Bowden's upcoming book, Rewire Your Heart, this study will dive deep into what happened with Eve at the tree and how it reveals to us the root of all sin.

How To Deal With Suffering
4 Days
Have you ever wondered why God allows us to suffer? Interestingly, the Bible does tell us about suffering. In this plan we will go through different verses of the Scriptures that can help us gain a positive perspective and understanding of suffering in this life on earth.

Insecurity: God's Enemy
4 days
Insecurity is horrible, I know, and it definitely isn’t something you should want to accept and embrace, but it will go, believe me, it will go. Or don’t believe me, but believe Jesus. For remember how He promised that every plant not planted by His heavenly Father will be rooted up? In this plan, you read three touching and powerful poems on insecurity from a biblical perspective.

Rise to the Challenge
4 Days
Our world is full of men, but God is looking for kingdom men who will rise up and take responsibility for their own actions, their families, their churches and their communities. When we have leadership like that taking hold, God will be magnified through every aspect of our lives.

Jesus Everlasting
4 Days
When daily stresses and fears feel overwhelming, women want to know above all that Jesus is with them. With her approachable style and passion for digging into God’s Word, Wendy Pope invites women to put themselves in the scenes of Jesus’s encounters.

Harmful Agreements
4 Days
Words are powerful. Your voice has the ability to bring good or evil into your life. We must always remember that we have an enemy who loves to whisper lies in our ears and has the power to bring those lies into the world through our mouths. Our job is to discern which voice we listen to and be careful about what we say, think, and believe.

Biblical Success - Spiritual Warfare?
4 Days
This plan will discuss spiritual warfare, its first cause, and its effects on our lives in current cultural forms. We will propose scriptural defenses and weapons and how we fight as Christ-followers.

12 Passages Every Christian Should Know
4 Days
What core truths do you need to thrive in the faith? Around the world, churches are being planted, and new believers are coming into God’s Kingdom every day. Perhaps you're one of them? This four-day reading plan will help you to start building a solid foundation in your faith. The first four passages equip you to embrace the spiritual battle, remember the Creator, understand how we were made in His image, and acknowledge the fall.

4 Days
Have you ever felt like you are simply at the mercy of life’s occurrences? Do you always feel like a victim? Find your identity as a victor in the Word of God and take your rightful place of dominion!

Kids Bible Experience | Jesus, the Best Gift Ever
4 Days
Game systems… new clothes… snacks that are honestly kind of gross but we eat them because it’s tradition… We are talking about GIFTS! Over the next few days, we will be focusing in on the greatest gift we could ever hope to receive: the Savior of the world… Jesus!

Kids Bible Experience | Someone Please Explain "Grace"
4 Days
He is the hero we need, not the one we deserve… And NO, we aren’t talking about Batman! In this plan, we are digging into the GRACE God has shown us and how it is made possible through our hero… JESUS.

Eden, Exodus & the Empty Tomb
4 Days
In the Eden, Exodus & The Empty Tomb bible study, we’re going to take a closer look at Genesis 3, Exodus 12, and Matthew 27-28 and trace four essential themes in each story: 1. The Captive; 2. The Child; 3. The Sacrifice; 4. The Mission. Prayerfully, through this study, you will grow in your understanding of the significance of Jesus' resurrection!

COMIC BIBLE - Fearless
5 Days
Fear. It drives so much of the world around us but God tells us that something else should drive us instead of fear. The Fearless Bible study gives us powerful Scriptural reminders of how and why not fear.

Majesty In A Manger
5 Days
The single most significant point that there has ever been in human history didn’t start out all that impressive. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus began with a birth that confounded expectations and rewrote the rules. And yet there was majesty in the manger. But why did it have to be that way? Join this little wander through the Bible's back streets as worship gets truly festive.

UNCOMMEN: Deeper & Darker
5 Days
Sin is intertwined in our daily lives. It’s deeper and darker than we fully realize, but we don’t have to hide behind our shame. Jesus Christ has died on the cross and risen again so that we can find our true selves in a sinful world. Uncommen men learn to cry out for the courage to reveal themselves and receive healing and forgiveness.

What's Wrong With the World?
5 Days
Because of sin, our world is broken. It seems that there is a huge gap between us and God that we can never overcome. But God had a plan for our salvation, and that plan was Jesus. This video plan shows you how Jesus covers over that gap so you can enjoy the forgiveness and eternal life that he brings.

The Way of the Warrior
5 Days
Have you come to the place in your life where you have realized that the most important battle you will ever fight is for inner peace? Do you long for the tools to cultivate humility, focus, ownership, strength, and vulnerability in your life? In this 5-day devotional, Erwin McManus, cultural pioneer and lead pastor of MOSAIC, provokes that the only path toward world peace is inner peace. Based on McManus’ new book The Way of the Warrior: An Ancient Path to Inner Peace, discover how to establish peace and tranquility in your home, community, and throughout the world. McManus delivers wisdom, instills passion, and describes the sacred movements you need to become the warrior you were created to be.