Ezekiel 16:14 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা
5 Days
So you may not be an All-Pro Husband? Who is? At UNCOMMEN we believe God designed men to win as leaders, husbands, and dads. In just a few minutes each day, we’ll stretch those husband muscles and get you back in the game!
MOMentum: In Faith & Motherhood
7 Days
At times motherhood can leave us feeling stuck. We struggle to find our purpose and identity. Moms are stressed and overwhelmed by the day-to-day monotony. We need both an emotional and spiritual boost. This 7-day devotional will give you MOMentum to move forward in your faith and find joy in motherhood. Repeat these reminders from week to week to help keep God at the center of your heart and home.
Practicing Secrecy in an Age of Influence
9 Days
We live in an age of influence. Daily, we follow the private lives of our favorite influencers, anxiously awaiting their next post. All the while, we aspire to become just like them. Together, we will consider how practicing the discipline of secrecy can help us walk in humility, reflecting the glory of God to those around us, all while resisting the temptation to build our own kingdom here on Earth.