Ephesians 4:2 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

Scripture Walk
3 Days
This plan is designed to help you take steps toward investing time in God's Word, spending meaningful time with your family, and becoming more physically fit. Why knock out all three goals at once, while having fun at the same time!

From Spark To Flame
3 Days
How would you describe your faith journey? Is it a well-established fire? Is it warming? Comforting? Does it push away darkness? Or is merely a spark? Not quite yet a flame? Hardly casting a shadow. These guided audio meditations will help recognize a spark from an encounter with God. And watch the spark turn to flame. Pushing out fear and darkness.

You Are Heard
3 Days
Have you felt your prayers go unanswered on your journey of late? Like your prayers are hollow words bouncing in an empty room? These guided audio meditations will help give you peace that God hears your words. No matter the words. No matter the language. God is attentive to you and the prayers of your heart.

You Aren't Alone
3 Days
Do you ever feel alone, isolated, or unwanted? The theme of these guided audio meditations is "being known." Day 1 is how to celebrate the joy of Christ together. Day 2 is about being synchronized with others and united in Christ. And, Day 3 is about living a life that lets the world know who you are. We pray you are blessed and encounter God in this plan.

Scripture To Pray Over Your Marriage
3 Days
Deepen your marriage relationship through the power of praying according to God's Word. Join Jack & Heather Hair on this three-day journey of Scripture-based marriage prayers.

How To Love Others
3 Days
Isn’t it adorable watching an older couple express a thriving love that has stood the test of time? We can all learn something from that kind of intentional love. These three guided audio meditations are about learning to love others. The first meditation explores how to live in unity with others simply. The following meditation sets a higher standard. And finally, a reflection helps us model God’s love towards others.

How to Protect Your Wife
3 Days
As husbands, we represent Christ in our marriage and our wives represent the Church. Our protection of our wives should encompass much more than just physical protection. In this 3-day reading plan we will look at ways to protect your wife other than just physical protection.

Eternal Blessings, Now
3 Days
Are there future promises for which you still hope or dread? The theme for these guided biblical meditations is how your future hopes are already present in Christ. I pray you will find a safe refuge trusting the unknown future, to a God who does know now. There are future blessings already hidden in every moment of your present life, so open your heart to see them.

Moments for Mums: Loving When It’s Hard - Part 1
3 Days
Love is an easy word to say but a hard word to live out sometimes. How can we love well in all our different relationships? Encouragement for mums in the midst of the beautiful mess of parenting and life. Presented by MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Australia.

Injured by the Church
3 Days
Jesus is perfect. But churches are filled with Christians who are still on the way to resemble him. It is therefore possible that you have been hurt by Christians. I want to help you overcome these wounds so that you can live connected to the body of Christ and not fall into the trap of isolation and bitterness.

Moments for Mums: Make Love Your Legacy - Part 2
3 Days
We all create a legacy for our families and those around us. Will your legacy be one of love? Moments for Mums: Encouragement for mums in the midst of the beautiful mess of parenting and life. Presented by MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) Australia.

From Spark to Flame
3 Days
How would you describe your faith journey? Is it a well-established fire? Is it warming? Comforting? Does it push away the darkness? Or is it merely a spark? Not quite yet a flame? Hardly casting a shadow. These guided audio meditations will help recognize a spark from an encounter with God. And watch the spark turn to flame - pushing out fear and darkness.

Rest Assured
3 Days
Jesus assures that if we come to him, he will give us his rest. Let’s learn more about his rest and how proper rest helps our spiritual and physical bodies.

The Appeal of Appreciation: A 3-Day Marriage Plan
3 Days
Encouragement can be a powerful force for good in the lives of people we know. Coming alongside our spouses, children, and others with a kind word or helping hand can impact them in ways we might not even imagine – from putting smiles on their faces to sparking a positive change of direction in their perspectives or paths. Let’s consider ways that we might be uplifting to those we love.

Here and Now: Embracing the Gift of Presence in Marriage
3 Days
This three-day guided prayer plan will help you and your spouse pray together for deeper connection through intentional time together, emotional availability, and affection.

4 Days To Deeper Intimacy In Marriage
4 Days
This is a four day devotional focusing on marriage and having deeper intimacy.

You // for Good Works but Not All Works
4 Days
God can make all men new. But He's not an assembly line, stamping out identical products. You're made with purpose, for a purpose. But how do you figure out what it is you're made to do and His unique call for your life? This 4 day plan will help you wrestle with these questions and equip you to answer them in the season ahead.

Stop The Fighting - Part 2: Breaking The Cycles Of Unhealthy Conflict
4 Days
Conflict in marriage is inevitable, but there are healthy ways to resolve it. This plan by Dr. Kim Kimberling will help you learn about conflict resolution as well as how to deal with anger and hurt in a healthy way.

Team Buidling
4 Days
Let’s be honest -- being a member of a team can be difficult. Sometimes people don’t get along, and tensions can run high. In 1 Peter 3:8, Peter provides four keys to fostering harmony. This plan will walk through Peter’s wise words and encourage you in your next steps to work towards creating a strong, harmonious and effective team.

From Anger to Joy
4 Days
Anger is called a "secondary emotion" because it always stems from somewhere. As you seek the roots of your anger, let this four-day plan help you move forward into joy.

KNOW Ephesians
4 Days
This plan will explore what the letter of Ephesians can teach us in four areas. 1) WHO GOD IS: God’s character and nature 2) WHO WE ARE: the identity of humanity and/or believers 3) WHAT WE BELIEVE: core Christian doctrines 4) HOW WE LIVE: putting faith into action

The Church - Ephesians 4
4 Days
This 4-day devotional, "The Church" invites believers to reflect on and live out the teachings of Ephesians 4. It challenges us to embody qualities that reflect Christ's transformative work: humility, gentleness, patience, unity, and love. Each day offers practical insights and applications for embracing our spiritual gifts, putting off the old self, growing in truth, and fostering forgiveness and compassion in our relationships. With scriptural grounding, thoughtful reflections, and heartfelt prayers, this devotional encourages believers to walk in a way that honors God and strengthens the body of Christ.

A Family of Connection
4 Days
Listening is the key to creating a family that thrives in love and unity, fostering understanding and peace. This plan explores how intentional listening, guided by God’s wisdom, can transform your family into a harmonious and connected unit, reflecting His grace in every interaction.

How Do I Find My Calling?
5 Days
“My greatest fear is that my life will not make a difference.” Have you ever felt this way? In this plan, study what the Bible teaches about calling and learn practical steps for discovering your unique, God-given design.

Finding Access To God
5 Days
Julie Barrios introduces us to this great series on finding access to God by embracing our gift of the royal priesthood. God invites us to the task of helping facilitate the relationship He has with others. Begin to explore what that might look like in the context of your own relationship with Him.