Colossians 1:13 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

Accepting Where You're At // Surrender The Journey
3 Days
It’s tempting to feel like we need to perform before God can work in our lives. When we struggle, it can seem as if we’re failing. But God has already rescued us! No matter what we encounter or battle, He is with us and will fulfill His plans for us. Begin this three-day plan via Rush from Gather Ministries and surrender all of your doubts, hurt, and perfectionism to Him.

How Jesus Won Your War
3 Days
No matter what you’re facing today, know this: Jesus has already won your war. Mark and Grace Driscoll impart three powerful lessons to encourage you through your spiritual struggles.

Missional Evangelism
3 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission). We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. In this short series we focus on Missional Evangelism.

Pray the Word
3 Days
The Bible is a manual for life. Let it be your guide and inspiration in communication with God. Speak to Him using His words. This Bible plan provides three days of Bible prayers to get you started!

Infinitum: Inspect Colossians 1
3 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. This plan inspects Colossians 1.

Lift Your Head Up
3 Days
Finding ourselves in a situation where we feel trapped, with no apparent way out, is challenging. Perhaps you’ve experienced a time when you said, “There’s just no possible way out of here.” But God, in His unwavering faithfulness, is always there to rescue us. He lifts our heads from despair, enabling us to shift our focus to His glorious presence.

4 Messages Of Hope In Revelation
4 days
The book of Revelation is all about Jesus Christ—His salvation, His faithfulness, His judgment, His heaven, and His second coming. John shared Jesus's hope with us, so we can wait for His return in a celebration of joyful anticipation! Revelation shows us our Savior in His regal power so we can worship Him, trust Him, and love Him, obey him, and rest in Him.

The Greatness of Christ
4 Days
If there is someone who had a very wide and deep revelation of the nature of Christ, it was the Apostle Paul, who since his conversion had an encounter with Him. In this plan, we will see the Son of God as Paul presented Him to the Colossians: as a great Christ!

Preeminent: A Study in Colossians
4 Days
While imprisoned in Rome, Paul warns believers to remain vigilant against false teaching by beautifully expounding on the cosmic Person of Christ. Jesus is “the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent” (Colossians 1:18). In response to Christ’s preeminence, Paul commands his readers to “seek the things that are above where Christ is…and not on the things that are on earth” (Colossians 3:1-2).

Jesus, I Surrender All
4 Days
As a follower of Jesus, we know that surrendering control of each area of our lives is necessary to become like Jesus. But this doesn’t mean that taking up our cross daily and following Him is easy. In this reading plan, we will consider a reliable pattern for how spiritual formation into the image of Christ actually happens.

Colossians: Rooted and Built Up in Christ
4 Days
In his letter to the church at Colossae, Paul encourages his readers to “live their lives in Christ, rooted and built up in him.” But what does this practically look like in the everyday moments of our lives? In this reading plan, we will look at how meditating on God’s word, serving the needs of others, and intercessory prayer play a role in helping you and me remain rooted in Christ.

4 Days
This plan offers a 4-day journey through the book of Colossians, making it ideal for both individual and group study.

Rescued and Adored: Your Journey With God
5 Days
There is much more for us than our limited human selves can comprehend. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit can open our eyes and hearts to all that God has for us—how He sees us, how He’s designed us, and how He’s always waiting for us to come into His presence. This plan equips you to tune into the voice of the Holy Spirit and reminds you of God’s love, fortifying you for the life you’re living right now in God’s embrace.

5 Days
Win the spiritual battles you face through these helpful insights and Biblical lessons brought to you by renowned pastor and author Tony Evans.

Christ In You: Living Into Your Life's Purpose
5 Days
You’re made for a purpose. As Jesus Christ dwells with you and lives in you, He also equips you to fully embrace your life's purpose. In this plan, you'll discover what the Bible says about how God intends to work through you—and how He wants to use you to shine His life into a world desperate for what can only be found in Him.

5-Day Devotional To Becoming The Greatest You
5 Days
Trent Shelton’s 5-Day Devotional to Becoming the Greatest You takes you through the necessary steps to become everything you are meant to be, from facing the reality of your circumstances and realizing your purpose in life, to breaking free from toxic environments and forgiving those--including yourself--who've harmed you, to learning how to guard yourself against the pitfalls of life.

Easter - Victory Over Death
5 Days
This 5-day plan will help you know the true meaning of Easter. Jesus endured terrible suffering and even death for you to have life. Are you ready to experience this victory over death that we have in Jesus Christ? Your life will be transformed!

Illuminate: Living in the Light
5 Days
The Bible has a lot to say about light, starting on the very first page and going all the way through to the last page. Followers of Jesus Christ are called to "live in the light" - and that means something very different than "get some sun" or "catch some rays." After all, God didn't just make light. He IS light.

The Nature Of Christ
5 Days
It is of the greatest importance for every follower of Christ to know who and what Jesus is. Why? Because Jesus said so! In Matthew 16, He asks His disciples who He is. Walk with us through a few simple devotions and learn about the nature of Christ as you grow in faith, knowing who He is. Be blessed!

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–17–Paul To The Churches
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the seventeenth part "Paul to the Churches." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Flourish in Kinship: A 5-Day Journey Through Ruth
5 Days
Our lives are filled with relationships, and we were created to be in close community with others. This five-day journey help us understand that as we depend on Christ to do within us that which we cannot do on our own, we (and our relationships) will be strengthened and filled with the fruit of the Spirit.

The Supernatural Life
5 Days
Embracing the supernatural reality of the spiritual world of the Bible is essential for understanding the Bible. Though we can’t see everything, God is working behind the scenes to cause everything promised in the Bible to come to pass. This 5-day plan will challenge you to live intentionally—and believe that His unseen hand is engaged in your circumstances.

Friendships That Last
5 Days
In a world that’s more connected than ever, it can be challenging to develop deep and lasting friendships that build us up and bring joy to our lives. This devotional series will share the biblical aspects of friendship and offer insight into how God guides these treasured relationships.

Revival Rising: Loving God and the Lost With All That You Are
5 Days
Genuine revival, born out of genuine love for God, does not happen around us; it happens in us. These devotions will encourage you to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. Through this plan you will better understand the power of God’s complete redemption and wholeness, preparing you to carry His light into the darkness. Let His revival rise in you.