Acts 7:30 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

Praise You Anywhere: Praising God in All Places
3 Days
“I’ll Praise You Anywhere," Brandon Lake declares in his new song “Praise You Anywhere." But, what does it truly look like to praise God anywhere and everywhere? How do we tangibly do this? Join us as we take time to learn about praising God on the mountain, the valleys, and in the ordinary.

Question Life
5 Days
Join us as we ask questions about life. Here's five pieces by fellow young people on topics that are close to our hearts. May these help you make sense of all that you're experiencing in life and draw you closer to Jesus. He's the one who gives meaning to life.

Tony Evans Teaches On Hebrews
5 Days
In this five-day reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans will journey with you through the first section of Hebrews (1:1—3:6) and discuss Jesus: The Superior Person. Hebrews was written to encourage believers to never give up. So, if you have ever faced discouragement in your journey of faith, then this is the book you should study to find encouragement and hope to finish the race of faith well.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–15–The Church Is Born
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the fifteenth part "The Church Is Born." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Discover Your Calling
5 Days
God is inviting you to join him, to participate in his redemptive work in the world. But where do you start? How do you discern calling? How do you know whether you are hearing God’s voice, or just last night’s pizza? What do you do when you experience challenges, criticism, and doubts? This 5-day plan will help you discover and live out your calling with confidence and joy.

Letting God Be Enough: Why Striving Keeps You Stuck & How Surrender Sets You Free
5 Days
No matter how good we look to others, the nagging voice of self-doubt is hard to shake. We wonder: If people really knew me would they still accept me? Will I be rejected when I can't perform? What if I end up alone? If you find yourself having thoughts like these, join Erica Wiggenhorn for 5 days in the story of Moses and find what happens when we surrender.

The Essential Question (Part 3): The Church Is Persecuted
5 Days
In 50 carefully selected passages from the Bible, you will discover the essential question Paul asked the Lord while he was traveling to Damascus: "What shall I do, Lord?" Have you ever asked yourself, What difference am I making with my life? On some level, we all struggle to find our own answer to that fundamental question. The search for significance is the underlying motivation for virtually all human activity.

Acts 7:20-53 | Obstinate or Obedient?
5 Days
God’s people face a daily choice between obedience and obstinance. It marked Israel’s history. It marks ours too. Acts 7 is a face-off between obedience and obstinance as Jesus’s Kingdom continues to grow. This 5-day Plan continues a journey through the Book of Acts, the Bible’s gripping sequel of Jesus at work in the life of His followers as He expands His Kingdom to the ends of the Earth. It’s a journey on what it means to be a Christian. It’s a story in which you have a role to play.

The Book Of Acts
7 Days
The Book of Acts, also called "The Acts of the Apostles," is the companion volume to the Gospel of Luke. This reading plan explores the major concepts that Luke addressed as he unfolded the unhindered spread of the gospel of God's kingdom in the days of the early church.

Forgiveness: The Freedom of the Gospel
7 Days
Any way you cut the Gospel, it bleeds forgiveness. Yet, even the most seasoned Christian can struggle to extend forgiveness to those that have deeply wounded them. Dr. Bruce Hebel invites you on a seven-day journey to discover what God has to say about experiencing the freedom of the Gospel through forgiveness and show you how to apply the blood of Jesus as payment in full for every wound.

By the Power of the Spirit
7 Days
In this men's devotional, we journey through the Book of Acts, hitting on its major themes as we see God's great power at work in His Church through the power of His Spirit. Written by J.R. Hudberg.

Recovery Insights from Bible Personalities
10 Days
People in the Bible struggled with significant issues much as we do today. Each of the stories in this 10-day plan taken from the NIV Celebrate Recovery Study Bible illustrates a particular recovery issue from the lives of characters in the Bible. Gain insights from the life of Esther, Moses, Eve, Samson, Peter, and others for your own recovery journey.

ACTS Zúme Accountability Group
10 Days
We all know that we should read our Bible, pray, and be the church, but what if we actually started doing that? Zúme Accountability Groups are small groups of 2 to 4 people that don’t just want to be hearers of the word, but doers! If you want simple and practical “HOW TO” steps to be and do what Jesus called, commanded, and created us for then start this plan.

Living As If God Exists (Because He Does)
10 Days
The world tells tales that deny God. We believe many of them. The Bible tells a different story, but to understand that story we have to live it. Inspired by D. L Moody Center’s Go Dark, Shine Bright campaign, this 10-day Bible Plan challenges you to set aside stories that keep the Lord at arm’s length by engaging in practices that will ground your life in God’s story.

Hope Has a Name: With Bible Study Fellowship
10 Days
In Hope Has a Name, you’ll learn alongside the earliest disciples that sharing the hope of Christ is worth sacrificing our lives. Witness Stephen stand trial and remain unshaken as He testifies to the promised Messiah. Enter Matthew’s action-packed account as Jesus faithfully prepares to redeem His people. Like the first disciples, will you tell Jesus’s story of hope with the life He’s won for you?

God's Touchpoints - An Old Testament Journey
14 Days
In the Old Testament times, God chose people (TOUCHPOINTS), interacting with them in innumerable ways. This, in the light of the New Testament (NT), brings deep perspectives on the Word. GOD’s TOUCHPOINTS has four parts, the first being Old Testament Summary, Patriarchal ages – covering key people and foundations. The sequel is GOD REVEALED – a New Testament Journey. Following the “additional reading” passages provided will take you through the entire bible in both series.

The Book Of Acts: Part 1 - Jerusalem
14 Days
An exciting look at the birth of the early church, through the eyes of Luke, the author of the gospel of Luke. This series combines video clips from the movie, The Book of Acts, with thought-provoking questions for reflection, discussion and practical life application

The Basic Training Challenge – The Church Then And Now
15 Days
God began by calling a man, then a nation, and finally through Jesus, established a church. The Basic Training Challenge provides you with a starting point to learn about God’s mission here on earth through the Christian church. Similar to your basic training, this plan will challenge you to get spiritually fit in God’s Word.

The Ultimate Peace Mission
15 Days
Every successful mission starts with a vision and a group of people united to fight for it. We seek justice, order, equality, and peace in hopes of creating a better world. God’s vision is to heal a broken world, and he uses the Church to accomplish wholeness. In this study, you will learn about God’s ultimate plan for his people and how his sovereignty throughout history is accomplishing his mission.

The Early Church
17 Days
(Part one of a four part journey through the Books of Acts.) Even in (and especially in?) hard times, God is present and is working to build His Church. We can find encouragement in this. When circumstances force us to pivot, we don’t have to lose heart - God is with us.

19 Days
The book of Acts shows us how God used the disciples in the days after Jesus’ ascension to impact the world with the power of the Gospel message. We hope as you read, you’ll realize we are also called to be witnesses to the gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered with the Holy Spirit to go into this world.

The Birth of the Christian Church
20 Days
The book of Acts reveals the power of God at work through the Apostles and other individuals who would turn the world upside down with the Christian movement. This study will help you understand the importance of the Holy Spirit at work in your life and recognize that God’s children can do the extraordinary work of Jesus Christ when yielded to his will and power.

Acts: Go & Be Chapters 1-9
21 Days
This 21-day plan through chapters 1-9 you will see it’s not merely just an account of what happened, but rather what is still happening to this day around the world through the power of The Holy Spirit. In Acts, you will get to see the power of the Holy Spirit on display in the lives of the men and women who followed Jesus.

The Beatitudes
28 Days
Go in-depth into one of the most famous sermons ever preached by Jesus, the Beatitudes. This passage is filled with practical and profound wisdom that every Christian can benefit from. We pray that as you take the time over the next few weeks to study these ten verses, that you would hear from the Lord and experience a deeper relationship with Him!

The Domino Effect
28 Days
You’ve heard of the domino effect, right? The term is used to describe when one event sets off a chain reaction of other events.. Is your life, your choices and your commitments creating a domino line? Our mission and call as believers in Jesus is to continue to build our domino line so generation after generation will be able to proclaim the name of Jesus.