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Psalms 78:21-37

Psalms 78:21-37 The Message (MSG)

When GOD heard that, he was furious— his anger flared against Jacob, he lost his temper with Israel. It was clear they didn’t believe God, had no intention of trusting in his help. But God helped them anyway, commanded the clouds and gave orders that opened the gates of heaven. He rained down showers of manna to eat, he gave them the Bread of Heaven. They ate the bread of the mighty angels; he sent them all the food they could eat. He let East Wind break loose from the skies, gave a strong push to South Wind. This time it was birds that rained down— succulent birds, an abundance of birds. He aimed them right for the center of their camp; all round their tents there were birds. They ate and had their fill; he handed them everything they craved on a platter. But their greed knew no bounds; they stuffed their mouths with more and more. Finally, God was fed up, his anger erupted— he cut down their brightest and best, he laid low Israel’s finest young men. And—can you believe it?—they kept right on sinning; all those wonders and they still wouldn’t believe! So their lives wasted away to nothing— nothing to show for their lives but a ghost town. When he cut them down, they came running for help; they turned and pled for mercy. They gave witness that God was their rock, that High God was their redeemer, But they didn’t mean a word of it; they lied through their teeth the whole time. They could not have cared less about him, wanted nothing to do with his Covenant.

Psalms 78:21-37 Amplified Bible (AMP)

¶Therefore, when the LORD heard, He was full of wrath; A fire was kindled against Jacob, And His anger mounted up against Israel, Because they did not believe in God [they did not rely on Him, they did not adhere to Him], And they did not trust in His salvation (His power to save). Yet He commanded the clouds from above And opened the doors of heaven; And He rained down manna upon them to eat And gave them the grain of heaven. [Ex 16:14; John 6:31] Man ate the bread of angels; God sent them provision in abundance. He caused the east wind to blow in the heavens And by His [unlimited] power He guided the south wind. He rained meat upon them like the dust, And winged birds (quail) like the sand of the seas. [Num 11:31] And He let them fall in the midst of their camp, Around their tents. So they ate and were well filled, He gave them what they craved. Before they had satisfied their desire, And while their food was in their mouths, [Num 11:33] The wrath of God rose against them And killed some of the strongest of them, And subdued the choice young men of Israel. In spite of all this they still sinned, For they did not believe in His wonderful and extraordinary works. Therefore He consumed their days like a breath [in emptiness and futility] And their years in sudden terror. ¶When He killed [some of] them, then those remaining sought Him, And they returned [to Him] and searched diligently for God [for a time]. And they remembered that God was their rock, And the Most High God their Redeemer. Nevertheless they flattered Him with their mouths And lied to Him with their tongues. For their heart was not steadfast toward Him, Nor were they faithful to His covenant. [Acts 8:21]

Psalms 78:21-37 The Passion Translation (TPT)

Then God heard all their complaining and was furious! His anger flared up against his people. For they turned away from faith and walked away in fear; they failed to trust in his power to save them when he was near. Still he spoke on their behalf, and the skies opened up; the windows of heaven poured out food, the mercy bread-manna. The grain of grace fell from the clouds. Humans ate angels’ food—the meal of the mighty ones. His grace gave them more than enough! The heavenly winds of miracle power blew in their favor, and food rained down upon them; succulent quail quieted their hunger as they ate all they wanted. Food fell from the skies, thick as clouds; their provision floated down right in front of their eyes! He gave them all they desired, and they ate to their fill. But before they had even finished, even with their food still in their mouths, God’s fiery anger arose against them, killing the finest of their mighty men. Yet in spite of all this, they kept right on sinning. Even when they saw God’s marvels, they refused to believe God could care for them. So God cut their lives short with sudden disaster, with nothing to show for their lives but fear and failure. When he cared for them they ignored him, but when he began to kill them, ending their lives in a moment, they came running back to God, pleading for mercy. They remembered that God, the Mighty One, was their strong protector, the Hero-God who would come to their rescue. But their repentance lasted only as long as they were in danger; they lied through their teeth to the true God of the Covenant. So quickly they wandered away from his promises, following God with their words and not their hearts! Their worship was only flattery.