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Nahum 1:7-15

Nahum 1:7-15 Amplified Bible (AMP)

The LORD is good, A strength and stronghold in the day of trouble; He knows [He recognizes, cares for, and understands fully] those who take refuge and trust in Him. [Ps 1:6; Hos 13:5; John 10:14, 27] But with an overwhelming flood [of judgment through invading armies] He will make a complete destruction of its site And will pursue His enemies into darkness. ¶Whatever [plot] you [Assyrians] devise against the LORD, He will make a complete end of it; Affliction [of God’s people by the hand of Assyria] will not occur twice. Like tangled thorn branches [gathered for fuel], And like those drowned in drunkenness, The people of Nineveh are consumed [through fire] Like stubble completely withered and dry [in the day of the LORD’S wrath]. [Mal 4:1] From you [O Nineveh], One has gone forth who plotted evil against the LORD, A malevolent counselor [the king of Assyria]. [2 Kin 19:20-23; Is 10:5-7; 36:15-20] This is what the LORD says, “Though they are at full strength and many in number, Even so, they will be cut off and pass away. Though I have afflicted you and caused you grief [O Jerusalem], I will afflict you no longer. [2 Kin 19:35-37; John 5:14] “Now, I will break his yoke [of taxation] off you, And I will tear off your shackles.” [Is 14:25] ¶The LORD has given a command concerning you [O king of Nineveh]: “Your name will no longer be perpetuated. I will cut off the carved idols and cast images From the temple of your gods; I will prepare your grave, For you are vile and unworthy.” [Is 37:38; Ezek 32:22, 23] ¶Behold, on the mountains the feet of him who brings good news [telling of Assyria’s destruction], Who announces peace and prosperity! Celebrate your feasts, O Judah; Perform your vows. For the wicked one [the king of Assyria] will never again pass through you; He is completely cut off. [Is 52:7; Rom 10:15]

Nahum 1:7-15

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