The wicked are edgy with guilt, ready to run off even when no one’s after them; Honest people are relaxed and confident, bold as lions. When the country is in chaos, everybody has a plan to fix it— But it takes a leader of real understanding to straighten things out. The wicked who oppress the poor are like a hailstorm that beats down the harvest. If you desert God’s law, you’re free to embrace depravity; if you love God’s law, you fight for it tooth and nail. Justice makes no sense to the evilminded; those who seek GOD know it inside and out. It’s better to be poor and direct than rich and crooked. Practice God’s law—get a reputation for wisdom; hang out with a loose crowd—embarrass your family. Get as rich as you want through cheating and extortion, But eventually some friend of the poor is going to give it all back to them.
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