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Mak 12

Yuda mar beleŋ Yesu mayke kamyeŋ gote maya mere
(Matiyu 21:33-46; Luk 20:9-19)
1Be, gwaha teŋbe Yesu beleŋ Al Kuruŋ doloŋ ird ird mata doyaŋ marte karkuwaŋmiŋya Moseyen saba marya Yuda marte doyaŋ mar parguwakya goyen maya mere mat gaha yinyiŋ: “Al kura wain meteŋ harde koya kerde milgu iryiŋ. Irdeb wain fimiŋ gilyaŋ heŋ heŋ niŋ mete talde det gitik iryiŋ. Irdeb wain meteŋ go doyaŋ ird ird ya yok manaŋ iryiŋ. Irdeb meteŋ gobe meteŋ mar hoyaŋ haniŋde kerdeb naŋa gisaw kuriŋ. 2Be, wain fiŋ heke yad yad nalureb meteŋ miŋ al gore almiŋ kura hulyaŋ irke meteŋ doyaŋ irde hinhan mar hitte wayyiŋ. Waŋbe, ‘Wain kura nunke yad kwe,’ yinyiŋ. 3Gega mel goreb al goyen mayde mayde takira tike duliŋ kuriŋ. 4Gwaha irkeb meteŋ almiŋ hoyaŋ wor teŋ kerke wayyiŋ. Irkeb al gobe tonaŋde mayde nanyaŋ irde buluŋ buluŋ irde takira tiyamiŋ. 5Be, sopte po al hoyaŋ hulyaŋ iryiŋ. Gega al gobe mayke kamyiŋ. Irkeb meteŋ miŋ al beleŋ sopte al yad yerke waŋ hinhan po goyenbe kurabe gasa yirde yakira teŋ hinhan. Munaŋ kurabe gasa yirke kamde hinhan. Meteŋ marmiŋ tumŋaŋ buluŋ buluŋ yirde hinhan. 6Be, go po tike kuŋ kuŋ funaŋbe, ‘Urne gab palap irnayiŋ,’ yeŋbe urmiŋ bubulkuŋne wor po yeŋ nurde uneŋ hiyen al goyen teŋ kerke wayyiŋ. 7Gega wain meteŋ doyaŋ irde hinhan mar gobe kadom momoŋ gird teŋbe, ‘Meteŋ gate miŋ alyen urmiŋbe gago niŋgeb, wake mayteke kami. Gogab meteŋ gate miŋ al miŋmoŋ hekeb neŋ beleŋ po tetek,’ yamiŋ. 8Irdeb meteŋ miŋ al gote urmiŋ goyen mayke kamkeb tukuŋ meteŋ siŋare gor temeyamiŋ.
9“Gwaha tikeb meteŋ gote miŋ al beleŋ waŋbe daha yiryeŋ yeŋ nurde haŋ? Gobe waŋ gasa yirke kamnayiŋ. Irdeb meteŋ go teŋ al hoyaŋ haniŋde kiryeŋ. 10Mere ga dinhem gate miŋ goke Al Kuruŋyen asaŋde katiŋ goyen kapyaŋ ma heŋ haŋyen? Mere gobe gahade:
‘Ya yird yird mar beleŋ igiŋ moŋ yeŋ nurde pel iramiŋ hora goyen al hoyaŋ beleŋ teŋ go hende ya saŋiŋ wor po iryiŋ.
11Go iryiŋ gobe Doyaŋ Al Kuruŋ beleŋ iryiŋ.
Dilniniŋdebe keneŋmiŋ kusamuŋ wor po,’ yitiŋ hi,” yinyiŋ. Tikiŋ 118:22-23
12Gwaha yinkeb mel goreb, “Siraw mere gabe neŋ ga po dineŋ hi,” yeŋ nuramiŋ geb, goke igiŋ ma nurdeb daha mat kura teŋ fere tiniŋ yeŋ beleŋ niŋ naŋkenamiŋ. Gega mel gobe al buda kuruŋ goke kafura heŋbe tubul teŋ kwamiŋ.
Yesu tuŋaŋ urniŋ yeŋ teks yad yad mata niŋ gusuŋaŋ iramiŋ
(Matiyu 22:15-22; Luk 20:20-26)
13Be, go kamereb Al Kuruŋ doloŋ ird ird mata doyaŋ marte karkuwaŋmiŋya Moseyen saba marya Yuda marte doyaŋ mar parguwakya goreb Yesu goyen meremde kura soŋ heke tenayiŋ yeŋbe Herotyen alyabe Farisi mar kuraya hulyaŋ yirke Yesu hitte kwamiŋ. 14Kuŋbe, “Tisa, gebe mere fudinde po teŋ hayen. Irde al kura al deŋem yaŋ ma deŋem moŋ goke ma nurde hayen geb, al niŋ kafura ma heŋ hayen. Irdeb fudinde mat po Al Kuruŋyen mere tagalde hayen. Niŋgeb gusuŋaŋ kura girtek. Moseyen saba gama irde hite mar gare Roma gabmanyen doyaŋ al kuruŋ Sisar niŋ teks kertek gobe igiŋ ma dahade? Untek ma, goŋmiŋ?” inamiŋ. 15Gega Yesu go usi matamiŋ goyen yeneŋ bebak teŋbe, “Daniŋ lomlom nirde haŋ? Hora kura tawaŋ nunke kene,” yinyiŋ. 16Gwaha yinkeb hora mulowom uŋkureŋ tawayamiŋ. Tawakeb, “Gabe ganuŋde toneŋya deŋemya har?” yineŋ gusuŋaŋ yiryiŋ. Irkeb wol heŋbe, “Roma gabmanyen doyaŋ al kuruŋ Sisaryen,” inamiŋ. 17Irkeb Yesu beleŋ, “Dawet kura Roma gabmanyen keneŋbe Roma gabman po uneŋ hinayiŋ. Gwahade goyen po, Al Kuruŋyenbe Al Kuruŋ po uneŋ hinayiŋ,” yinyiŋ. Irkeb mere go nurdeb dinoŋ kok yamiŋ.
Sadusi mar beleŋ al kamtiŋ huward huward niŋ Yesu gusuŋaŋ iramiŋ
(Matiyu 22:23-33; Luk 20:27-40)
18Be, go kamereb Sadusi mar beleŋ Yesu hitte wayamiŋ. Go mar gobe al kamtiŋbe epte ma huwarnayiŋ yeŋ haŋyen. Be, mel goreb, 19“Tisa, Mose beleŋ asaŋde gahade kayyiŋ: ‘Al kura diriŋ miŋmoŋ heŋya berem tubul teŋ kamkeb kuliŋ kura hiyeŋ goreb itiŋde beretap goyen teŋbe itiŋ ge diriŋ forok irde unyeŋ,’ yitiŋ hi. 20Be, kamay itiŋya mel 7 kura hinhan. Itiŋ kuruŋbe berem yaŋ gega, diriŋ miŋmoŋ heŋya kamyiŋ. 21Irkeb kuliŋ beleŋ beretap go tiriŋ. Gega yeŋ wor diriŋ miŋmoŋ heŋya kamyiŋ. Yende kuliŋ wor gwahade po kamyiŋ. 22Be, gwahade po kuŋ kuŋ kuliŋ funaŋ ge wor beretap go tiriŋ goyen diriŋ kura forok ma irdeya kamyiŋ. Funaŋbe bere goyen wor kamyiŋ. 23Be, ire itiŋya mel gote berembe uŋkureŋ gogo po hinhin geb, kame al kamtiŋ huward huward nalurebe bere gobe ganuŋde berem hiyyeŋ?” inamiŋ.
24Gwaha inkeb Yesu beleŋ wol heŋbe, “Deŋbe Al Kuruŋyen tareŋya merem asaŋde katiŋya goyen keneŋ wuk ma yeŋ haŋyen. Gwahade geb soŋ heŋ haŋ goyen go ma keneŋ haŋ? 25Al kamtiŋ huwarnayiŋ nalurebe al beleŋ bere yade bere beleŋ al kuŋ kuŋ mata go miŋmoŋ hiyyeŋ. Yeŋbe Al Kuruŋyen gasuŋde hurkuŋbe yende miyoŋ yara henayiŋ. 26Al kamtiŋ huward huward matabe Moseyen asaŋde kapyaŋ ma heŋ haŋyen? Al Kuruŋ beleŋ he gergeŋ melak heŋ hinhin bana gore mat Mose mere irde, ‘Nebe Abraham, Aisakya Yekopyat Al Kuruŋ,’ inyiŋ gobe ma kapyaŋ heŋ haŋyen? Mel gobe kamamiŋ gega, toneŋbe yeŋya haŋ geb, gogo gwahade yiriŋ. 27Niŋgeb Al Kuruŋbe al kamtiŋde Al Kuruŋ moŋ, diliŋ gergeŋ haŋ mar gote Al Kuruŋ. Deŋ gab soŋ wor po heŋ haŋ,” yinyiŋ.
Moseyen saba gote miŋ wor pobe da?
(Matiyu 22:34-40; 23:1-36; Luk 10:25-28)
28Be, goyenterbe Moseyen saba al kura gor heŋbe mel gore buluŋ mat Yesu gusuŋaŋ iramiŋ goyen Yesu beleŋ wol heŋ yuneŋ hike palŋa irde hinhin. Irdeb Yesu beleŋ meremiŋ keŋkela po wol heŋ yuneŋ hike nurdeb yeŋ wor, “Saba budam kuruŋ nurde hite gote miŋ wor pobe damiŋ?” ineŋ gusuŋaŋ iryiŋ. 29Irkeb Yesu beleŋ wol heŋbe, “Saba miŋ wor pobe gahade. Deŋ Israel mar nurnaŋ ko. Doyaŋ Al Kuruŋniniŋbe Al Kuruŋ yeŋ uŋkureŋ po hi. 30Niŋgeb bubulkuŋtiŋde mat, bitiŋde mat, irde dufaytiŋde mat wor po Al Kuruŋ niŋ amaŋeŋ nurde uneŋ hinayiŋ. Tareŋtiŋ manaŋ tumŋaŋ gabu irde yeŋ ge amaŋeŋ nurd uneŋ hinayiŋ. 31Saba gote kurhanbe al kadtiŋ goyen dindigeŋ ge amaŋeŋ nurde haŋyen gwahade goyen po nurde yuneŋ hinayiŋ. Saba hoyaŋ kura iraw gayen fole yirtiŋ ma haŋ,” inyiŋ. 32Gwaha inke al goreb, “Tisa, Al Kuruŋbe yeŋ uŋkureŋ gog po, hoyaŋ miŋmoŋ yaha gobe fudinde wor po yaha. 33Bubulkuŋtiŋde mat, bitiŋde mat, irde dufaytiŋde mat wor po Al Kuruŋ niŋ amaŋeŋ nurde uneŋ hinayiŋ. Tareŋtiŋ manaŋ tumŋaŋ gabu irde yeŋ ge amaŋeŋ nurd uneŋ hinayiŋ, irde dindikeŋ ge amaŋeŋ nurde haŋyen gwahade goyen po kadtiŋ ge bubulkuŋtiŋde mat amaŋeŋ nurd yuneŋ hinayiŋ gobe Al Kuruŋ diliŋde galak mataya dapŋa kumga teŋ kasor ird ird mataya goyen fole wor po yirde hi,” inyiŋ. 34Be, al gore Yesuyen mere goyen keŋkela wol hekeb, “Gebe Al Kuruŋya awalik hetek binde wor po haha,” inyiŋ. Gwaha inkeb gor hinhan mar beleŋ gusuŋaŋ ird ird niŋ kama hamiŋ.
Yesu beleŋ Farisi marte sikkeŋ tagalyiŋ
(Matiyu 22:41-46; Luk 20:41-47)
35Be, Yesube Al Kuruŋyen ya balem koya beleŋ po milgu irtiŋ bana goŋ al saba yirde hinhin. Saba yirde heŋyabe gaha yinyiŋ: “Dahade niŋgeb Moseyen saba mar beleŋbe Mesaiabe Dewityen foŋeŋ yeŋ haŋyen? 36Dewit yiŋgeŋbe Holi Spirit beleŋ ketal urke mere tiyyiŋbe gahade:
‘Al Kuruŋ beleŋbe Doyaŋ Al Kuruŋne gaha inyiŋ:
“Waŋ ketalner heŋ al deŋem yaŋ wor po hawayiŋ.
Irkeb asogo girde haŋ mar goyen bul yirde yawamekeb gasa yirde yufurka tiyayiŋ,” inyiŋ,’ yitiŋ hi. Tikiŋ 110:1
37Dewit yiriŋ gwahade po Mesaia goyen Doyaŋ Alne inyiŋ. Gega dahade niŋgeb, Moseyen saba mar beleŋ bul mat Mesaia gobe Dewityen foŋeŋ yeŋ haŋyen? Gobe kukuwamŋeŋ wor po,” yinyiŋ. Irkeb al buda kuruŋ gore mere go nurdeb amaŋeŋ nuramiŋ.
38Be, saba yirde heŋyabe gaha yinyiŋ: “Moseyen saba mar niŋbe keŋkela po heŋ ga hinayiŋ. Yeŋbe al beleŋ deneŋ palap dirnaŋ yeŋbe uliŋhormiŋ somborŋeŋ yerde al diliŋyaŋ wilwul teŋ haŋyen. 39Irdeb Yuda marte gabu ya bana dula nalu karkuwaŋyaŋ kuŋ heŋbe al deŋem yaŋde gasuŋyaŋ po keperde haŋyen. 40Irdeb beretapyen samuŋ komkom heŋ haŋyen. Gega al beleŋ turuŋ dirnaŋ yeŋ Al Kuruŋ mere irhet yeŋbe mere ulyaŋ wor po tuluŋ teŋ haŋyen. Al gwaha teŋ hinayiŋ mar gobe gote muruŋgem buluŋ kuruŋ wor po tenayiŋ,” yinyiŋ.
Beretap beleŋ Al Kuruŋ galak iryiŋ gote mere
(Luk 21:1-4)
41Irdeb Yesube Al Kuruŋyen ya balem bana goŋ Al Kuruŋ niŋ hora yerd yerd gasuŋ goyen siŋa kurhan keperdeb alya bereya hora yawaŋ yerde hike yeneŋ hinhin. Yeneŋ hikeya al samuŋ miŋyaŋ mar budam hora karkuwaŋ yawaŋ yerde hinhan. 42Gega beretap kura waŋbe hora mulowom irawa yiryiŋ. 43Irkeb Yesu beleŋ komatmiŋ yago tumŋaŋ hoy yirdeb, “Fudinde wor po dineŋ hime. Beretap buniŋeŋ garebe al budam gor hora yerhaŋ mar goyen fole yirde hora kuruŋ po kera. 44Samuŋ miŋyaŋ marbe samuŋmiŋ yufut yuneŋ hora yerhaŋ. Munaŋ bere gabe siksukŋeŋ niŋgeb, horamiŋ basiŋa irtek yara gega tumŋaŋ yawaŋ yera,” yinyiŋ.

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