Luke 23
1Ða aras eall heora manigeo ⁊lædden hine to pilate. 2⁊agunnen hine wreigen ⁊cwæðen. Ðisne we gemetton forhwerfende ure þeode ⁊forbeodende þt man þam caysere gafol ne sealde ⁊sægð þæt he syo crist kyning; 3Ða axode pilatus him ert þu iudea cyng; þa andswerede he. þu hyt sægst. 4Þa quoth pilatus to þam ealdren ⁊þam werede. ne finde ich nænne intinge on þisen men. 5Þa hlydden hyo ⁊cwæðen. He astyred þis folc lærende þurh ealle iudean aginnende of galileam oð hider. 6Ða pilatus gehyrde galileam. he axode hwader he wære galileisc man. 7⁊þa he gecneow þt he wæs of herodes anwealde. he hine agensende to herode. he wæs on þam dagen on ierusalem. 8Soðlice herodes fagenede þa he þanne hælend geseah. langere tide he wilnode hine geseon. forþan þe he geherde mychel be him ⁊he hopede þt he geseage sum taken þe fram him gewurðe. 9Þa axode he hine manege worden ⁊he naht ne andswerede. 10Ða stoden þare sacerda aldres hine anrædlice wreigende. 11Ða oferhugede herodes hine mid hys hyrde ⁊bisemerede hine gescridne mid hwiten reafe ⁊hine agensente to pilaten. 12And on þam daige wurðen herodes ⁊pilatus gefreond. Soðlice hyo wæren ær gefeond heom betweonen. 13Ða cwæð pilatus to þare sacerda ealdren ⁊ðugeðe (sic) ealdren ⁊to þam folke. 14Ge brohten me þisne man swilce he þis folc forhwyrfde ⁊nu ich beforen eow axiende. ich nænne intinge finden ne maig on þisen men. of þan þe ge hine wreigeð. 15Ne forþan herodes. ich hine asende agen to him ⁊him naht þæs lices deade gedon wæs. 16ich hine gebetne forlæte. 17Niede he scolde heom forgefen ænne to heore freolsdaige. 18Þa grette eall þæt folc togadere ⁊cwæð. Nym þisne ⁊forgyf us barraban. 19se wæs for sumere twirednysse ⁊manslehte of cwarterne asend. 20Eft spræc pilatus to heom ⁊wolde forlæten þane hælend. 21Ða gretten hyo ⁊cwæðen. aho hine aho hine. 22Ða cwæð he to heom ðridde syðe. Hwæt dyde þes yfeles. ne afunde ic nan þing yfeles on þise men. þæt he syo deaðes scyldig. ic hine þreage ⁊forlæte. 23And hyo stoden ⁊mycelere stefne bæden þt he wære ahangen ⁊hire stefne sweðeredon. 25⁊he forgef heom þane þe wæs for manslihte ⁊sumere sake on cwarterne þane hyo bæden ⁊þane hælend he sealde to hire willan. 26And þa hyo hine lædden hyo gefengen sumne cyreniscan symonem se com of þam tune ⁊þa rode him onsetten. þt he hyo bære æfter þam hælende. 27hym felgede mycel wered folces ⁊wife. þa hine heofen ⁊weopen. 28Þa cwæð se hælend bewend. Eala dohter ierusalem; nelle ge ofer me wepen. ac wepeð ofer eow sylfe ⁊ofer eower bearn. 29forþan þa dages cumeð on þam hyo cweðeð. eadige synden þa untemenden ⁊innoðes þe ne akenden ⁊þa breost þe ne sucen. 30þanne aginneð hyo cweðen to þam munten falled ofer us ⁊to bergen oferwreod us. 31forþan gyf hyo on grenen treowe þas þing doð. hwæt doð hyo on þam dreigen. 32And mid hym wæren gelædde twege oðre manfulle þt hyo wæren ofslegene. 33⁊syððen hyo comen on þare stowe. þe ys genemned caluarie þæt ys heafedpanne stow. þær hyo hine hengen ⁊ænne scaþan on hys swydren healfe ⁊oðer on hys wenstran. 34Þa cwæð se hælend fader forgef heom forþan hy nyten hwæt hyo doð. Soðlice hyo dælden his reaf ⁊wurpen hloten. 35⁊þt folc stod geambadiende ⁊þa ealdres hine tælden mid heom ⁊cwæðen. Oðre he gehælde. hine sylfne he gehæle gyf he syo godes gecorene. 36And þa cempen hine bysmereden. ænd hym æched brohten. 37⁊þus cwæðen. Gyf þu syo iudea kyning gedo þe sylfne halne. 38Ða wæs his ofergewrit ofer hine awriten. grekiscen stafen ⁊hebreiscen. þis is judea kyning. 39And (sic) of þam scaðen þe mid hym hangede. hine gremede ⁊quoth. Gyf þu crist ært gehæl þe sylfne ⁊unc. 40Ða andswerede se oðer ⁊hine þreadde ⁊cwæð. Ne þu god ne ondrædst. þæt þu ert on þare ylcan genyðerunge. 41⁊we her Note: we her over an erasure. witodlice be uncer ærdæden onfoð. Soðlice þes naht yfeles ne dyde. 42⁊he cwæð to þam hælende. Drihten gemune þu me. þanne þu kymst on þin rice. 43Þa cwæð se hælend to hym. todaig þu byst mid me on paradise. 44Ða wæs neoh syo sixte tid ⁊þeostre wæren ofer ealle eorðan. oððan nigeþen tide. 45⁊sunne wæs astyred ⁊þas temples wahrift wærð tosliten on midden. 46Ða quoth. se hælend clepiende mycele stefne. Fader ich bebeode minne gast on þinre hande ⁊þus cweðende he forðferde. 47Ða se hundredman geseah þt þær geworðen wæs. he god wuldrede ⁊cwæð. Soðlice þes man wæs rihtwis. 48⁊eall wered þe æt þisse wæfernyssen wæren ⁊geseagen þa þing þe geworðen wæren. agen gewende heore breost beoten. 49Ða stoden ealle his cuðan feorren ⁊þa wif þe hym felgden fram galilea þas þing geseonde. 50⁊þa an man on namen ioseph se wæs gerefe ⁊god wer ⁊rihtwis. 51þes ne geðwærede hyore geþohte ⁊hyra dæden fram arimathia iudee cestre. se sylfe geambadede godes riche. 52þes geneahlahte to pilate ⁊bæd þas hælendes lichamen. 53and niðeraleigde hine ⁊on scetan befeold ⁊leigde hine on aheawene byregene on þare næs na geot on anig aleigð. 54And þa wæs se daig parasceue þt is gegarewunge ⁊sæterdaig onlihte. 55Ða wif þe hym felgden. þe comen mid hym of galilea hyo geseagen þa byrigenne ⁊hu his lichame aligd wæs. 56⁊hyo chyrden ⁊gerewedon wyrtgemang ⁊sealfe ⁊on sæterndaig hyo gestylden æfter bebode.
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Luke 23: ASxG
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The Four Gospels in AngloSaxon (Old English) were translated from Latin by Abbot Ælfric of Eynsham, probably some time within the period 990 – 1010.