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Markus 7

Yeesus un te yute sayn tratitsioon
Mateus 15.1-9
1Phaar fariseyer un phaar Kesets mayster woo fon Yeruusalem khom waare, hon sich um Yeesus rom fersamelt. 2Un hon kesiin tas phaar fon Yeesus sayn tisiple tas proot kes hon mit unrayniche hënt, tas mënt, oone kewex.
3(Ti yute, un hauptseechlich ti fariseyer, mache wii se es kelërnt hon mit ti alte tratitsioone: ese ploos wen se ti hënt kuut ap kewext hon. 4Un eep se ese, tuun se ales ap wexe was fon te wënte khomt. Un hon noch fiil anere kewoonheete, wii ti kleeser, kruuche, metaal tings un peter richtich wexe).
5Ti fariseyer un ti Kesets mayster hon Yeesus aan kefroot:
— Warom tuun tayn tisiple net mache was te alte tratitsioon xiket, awer, ese oone ti hënt wexe?
6Yeesus antwort tëne:
— Xayn Hayliche! Richtich hot xon Isaiias profetiseyert iwich aych, wii es kexrip is:
Hërkot saat:
Tas folek eert mich mit te lipe,
awer tëne sayn hërts is wayt wech fon mich.
7Un, unitslich tuun se mich aan peete, am unterichte kesetse woo fon te mënxe sin.
8Un saat wayter:
— Teyer lost em Hërkot sayn kepoote neewe un tuut te mëner sayn tratitsioone peoopachte.
9Un Yeesus macht xlus am saan:
— Teyer saat em Hërkot sayn xrifte kexiklich ap fer ayer aychent tratitsioon opserweere. 10Also, Mooses saat: “Rexpekteyer tayne papa un tayn mama.” Un saat aach: “Weyer sayne papa un sayn mama ferfluucht, sol kextrooft kewe mit em toot!” 11Awer, teyer lërnt tas wën en man fer sayne papa ore mama saan tuut: “was teyer fon mich penutse khënt is opfer fer te Hër”, 12tan, tuut teyer em pefraye fon was aneres se mache fer sayne papa un mama, 13un em Hërkot sayn wort playpt weyertloos weche ayer aychne tratitsioon, woo teyer selepst wayter keliwert het, un macht fiil aner tings.
Yeesus xprecht iwich ti unraynheet
Mateus 15.10-20
14Yeesus hot tas folek noch mool pay keruuf un saat:
— Heyert mich, teyer al, un ferxteet. 15Es kept niks aus em mënx woo, wën es rin keet, em kontamineere khan, awer was fom mënx raus keet, tas kontamineyert. 16Wën yemant oore hot fer se heere, tee sol heere!
17Wii Yeesus in en haus rin kang is, un tas folek tsurik kelos hot, hon sayn tisiple em aus kefroot iwich tii paraapel. 18Tan saat Eyer:
— Soo, tuut teyer es aach net ferxteen? Pekhept teyer net tas ales was fon traus in te mënx keet khan em net kontamineere? 19Wayl es net in sayn hërts keet, awer in te layp un tëm noo keet es fom khërper raus.
Too temit wolt Yeesus saan tas ti kanse sorte ese kes khëne kewe.
20Un saat wayter:
— Was fom mënx raus keet, tas is was kontamineyert. 21Wayl fon inerlich, fom hërts fon te mënxe, khome ti xlechte foersetse ore pleen, ti prostituitsioon, tas xteele, tas umpringe, tas man un frau hinerkeen ore eepruch, 22tas keltkeerich sin, tas xlechtsinich sin, tas foersetslichkheet ore yemant in xlechte pleen rin rayse, tas sinlichkheet ore sensualiteet, ti nayt, tas ferfluuchung ore Hërkots lesterung, ti hoochmuut, ti fariktichkheet. 23Also, tii kanse xlechtichkheete khome fon inerlich un kontamineere te mënx.
Ti auslëner fraa
Mateus 15.21-28
24Yeesus is fon too fort kang un is noo te rechioon woo ticht an te xtat Tiro playpt. Tee is in en haus rin kang un wolt net hon tas yemant se wise kreecht tas eyer too waar, awer khont sich net ferxtekle. 25Selich fraa, woo en meetche hat woo tomineyert waar fon en xlechte kayst, hot keheyert xpreche iwich Yeesus. Tii is khom un hot sich kekniit an tëm sayn fiis. 26Waar en frëmt fraa, mit siiro-feniisia natsionaliteet, un hot ferlangt tas Yeesus te temoon fon sayn khint fort yaae teet. 27Awer, Yeesus saat tëm:
— Los tas ti khiner te eyerxt ese. Is net richtich tas proot wech hoole fon te aychne khiner un fer ti hunt hiin xmayse.
28Ti fraa antwort:
— Awer, Hër, sokaar ti huntcher woo unich em tix playwe frese ti krimle fom proot woo ti khiner runer fale lose. 29Yeesus saat:
— Weche tee antwort khanst tuu tsurik hëm keen; te temoon is xon aus tayn meetche kang.
30Wii ti fraa tsurik hëm khom is, hot se tas khint ketrof im pet am laye; un te temoon waar wërklich aus tëm raus kang kewees.
Heelung fon en taupe un xtoterer
31Noch mool, is Eyer fort kang fon Tiiro un is torich Sitoom pis an ti Kalileya Lakoo kang, torich Tekápolis. 32Tan, hon se en man keprung woo taup waar un kextotert hot, un hon aan kehal Eyer solt sayn hënt tëm iwer hale. 33Yeesus hot te man aus em folek kefiert un hot Eyer tëm ti fingere in ti oore ketuun un an tëm sayn tsung kefaar mit xpuk an sayn finger. 34Tëm noo, hot Eyer sayn aue noo em himel kewënt, hot aatem ketsoo un saat:
— Ëfeta! was petayt: “Mach tich uf!”
35Tëm man sayn oore sin uf kang un klaych hot sayn tsung sich loos kemach un hot mit laychtichkheet kexproch. 36Awer, Yeesus hot tëne ortnung kep tas se fer nimant tas fertseele solte; awer woo meyer Er ferlangt hot, soo fiil meyer hon se es wayter fertseelt. 37Un ale layt woo em aan keheyert hon waare ausersich, un hon kesaat:
— Ales was eyer macht is kuut; tee macht pis tas ti taape mënxe noch mol heere khëne un tas ti xprooch loose noch mol xpreche khëne.

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Markus 7: NTHunsrik





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