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Matoose 3

Xhamaqicha Yohanisey erusosa
Mrq 1:1-8; Luq 3:1-18; Yoh 1:19-28
1Ye woggaaka Xhamaqicha Yohanisey yoodi Yuuda wude yese saha melaaka ohe e ayto. 2Ohisineni <<Afa kaatetese woggay ellosso, hi cubbo dhaddi maaquwayte!>> yeydi e hicha. 3Kaayaxi Isayasey Yohanise gisha ohisine
<< <Laaxi oge naquwayte, modhussi gizusuwayte> yeydi hissine saha melaa uwwara axi kato>> hidi e hidecha.
4Yohanise maa'oy gaalo ufussaafa meddhuttesesako e maaqicha. Be elfani zalabhitena e gixhicha. E muucho kaxani booliyara ziizita degessi shidiyarako e maaqicha.
5Ye woggani axiti Yerusaleeme katamaafa Yuuda wudiyafa Yordanose googe yese wudittaafa uddi Yohaniseko u yoocha. 6Be cubbo u bazzicha, Yohanisey Yordanose waassaa uso e xhamaqicha. 7Yohanisey laga Farasaxitaara Sodoqaxitaaray xhamaquttiya esuko yoosune beedi <<Hinuno gappasshi nayshito! Qaaruseesito#3:7 Gappasshi nayshito! Qaaruseesito! Ha godowa <<Gappasshi nayshito>> yeydi diizuttasi Ayhudaxiti <<Gappasshi oo'oyne shooshi qaarusako qaaruse>> yeydi u hicho gishako. ! <Wontokofa yoone huulaafa kesoko nu kese> hidi waydi hi maxe? 8Hi cubbo dhaddi hi maaddhonike esuna eruso hanta hantuwayte! 9<Nuni Abrahaame nayshuko> hidi cee'uttofita! Hinuse ohoko ta ohe. Wontoy ha shushaafa etti Abrahaamese nayshe mahesuko e danda'e. 10Fetto hatte mixita e xhabhowafa bursi dafese gandey naquttiko e yese. Yoonase modhe aafe kaxhuwa mixiti uddina burdiko tamaa u dafutte. 11Hay, tani hi cubbo dhaddi hi maaddhosi esuna eruttorosako waaxuna ta xhamaqe. Ta geede yoonesimay taame gare osaxuko, e toke kobhani iddese tani elluwasso. Ayaana Geeshunaara tamanaarako hinumba e xhamaqe. 12Esini kaxa butti falaafa e aafe esuna shahese haxhoole aytiko e yese. Aydaafa geesshi gossa li'iyako e gelse, falama bayese danda'uwa tamanako e megge>> yeydi e hido.
Yesuusay xhamaquttosa
Mrq 1:9-11; Luq 3:21-22
13Ye woggaaka Yesuusay Yohanisey xhamaqorosa Galilaafa Yordanose shoore e yoodo. 14Yohaniseni <<Ha esi maaquwasso, neni taa xhamadhakoko e bishe. Waanidi neni taako yoonne?>> yeydi hissine inxha'e e ayto. 15Yesuusani <<Wontoy woossosa uddi hante e worguse gisha dhagguwa, ta otonikewo mahuwa!>> hidi e hido. Yohaniseni ye zeere etti Yesuusa e xhamadho. 16Yesuusay xhamaqutti waassaafa kessonikewo afay e do'utto. Wonto Ayaanani hade woyya bisshi hoddhi Yesuusa gara e uttusune e beedo. 17Ye woggawo <<Ta eehe ta yeley ha esako, esuna maggako ta magge>> yeydi hine katoy afaafa e sinto.

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Matoose 3: KilleC





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