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Psalms 68:15-36

Psalms 68:15-36 TLV

When Shaddai scattered kings there, it was snowing on Zalmon. Mount Bashan is a mountain of God. Mount Bashan is a mountain of peaks. Why do you gaze with envy, you mountain peaks, at the mountain God desired for His dwelling? Yes, ADONAI will dwell there forever! The chariots of God are thousands and thousands —my Lord is among them as at Sinai, in holiness. You went up on high. You led captivity captive. You received gifts from humanity, even from the rebellious— so that God might dwell there. Blessed be my Lord! Day by day He bears our burdens— the God of our salvation! Selah God is for us—a God of deliverance. ADONAI my Lord has escapes from death. Surely God crushes the head of His foes, the hairy scalp of one walking in his guilt. My Lord said: “I will bring them back from Bashan, I will bring them back from the depths of the sea. So your foot may wade in blood, and your dogs’ tongue may have their share of your enemies’ blood.” They have seen Your processions, O God— the processions of my God, my King, into the Sanctuary: The singers go before, the musicians last, between maidens beating tambourines. “Bless God in the congregations— ADONAI, from the fountain of Israel.” There Benjamin, the youngest, is leading them, there the throng of Judah’s princes, there the princes of Zebulun, there the princes of Naphtali. Your God commanded your strength. Strengthen, O God, You who have acted for us. From Your Temple above Jerusalem, kings bring You tribute. Rebuke the beast of the reeds, the herd of bulls with the calves, peoples trampling down pieces of silver. He has scattered the peoples who delight in war! Nobles come from Egypt. Cush runs to stretch her hands to God. Sing to God, kingdoms of the earth, sing praises to the Lord—Selah— to Him who rides upon the ancient heavens of heavens. Look, He utters His voice, a mighty voice! Ascribe strength to God— His majesty is over Israel and His strength is in the skies. O God, You are awesome from Your holy places. The God of Israel gives strength and power to the people. Blessed be God!