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Remarja 2

O Dewel rakrell o tchatchepen win pral lauterende
1Tu mensho, kai dikeh ap kolende un peneh, har baro hi lengri doosh, tu nai peneh gar tutar: “Man hi kek doosh ap mande.” Ko tchilatchepen, hoi tu ap o wawareste dikeh, hi ninna ap tute. Tu te sikreh ap o wawareskri doosh, rakreh tu o tchatchepen pral tute win. 2Mer djinah, o Dewel djal pal o tchatchepen, te dell lo kolen i phagi, kai sawo tchilatcho koowa krenna. 3Tu te sikreh ap i wawarende, kai sawo koowa krenna, un tu kreh kowa ninna, patseh tu tchatchepah, tu nai nasheh o Debleskri choljatar krik? 4Hi tuke o Debleskro baro latchepen tchi moldo? Les hi i baro dji un dell i menshen gar sik pre. Djineh tu gar o Debleskro latchepen, hoi kamell tut ap leskro drom te anell? 5Un tu kameh gar pash leste te well. Tiro dji hi har bar. Doleske well o Debleskri choli baro un bareder, hoi ap tute wella ap ko diwes, kai hi o Dewel o tchatchepaskro rai un rakrell o tchatchepen win pral i tsele menshende.
6Ap ko diwes dell lo hakenes pal kowa, hoi job kras. 7Kolen, kai mukan gar tele, te krenn le o latchepen, dell lo o djipen, hoi gar pre-herella.#2:7 Kowa hi o Debleskro djipen. Jon hi kolla, kai tchiwan pengro dji koi pre, te dikell o Dewel kamles ap lende, un te lell lo len pash peste an leskro railepen, kai dell lo len o djipen, hoi gar pre-herella. 8Ap kol wawarende well leskri choli. Lenge hi lo gar latches. Jon hi kolla, kai djiwan pal pengro shero un shunan gar ap o Debleskro tchatcho lab, un kran, hoi lengro tchilatcho dji lenge penas. 9Bibacht un daar well ap i tsele menshende, kai o tchilatchepen kran, gar kokres ap i biboldende, na-a, ninna ap kolende, kai kek bibolde hi. 10Railepen, tchatchepen un bacht dell o Dewel kolen, kai kran o latchepen, – gar kokres i bibolden, na-a, ninna kolen, kai kek bibolde hi.
11O Dewel dikell gar ap jekeste, koon job hi. 12Kolla, kai kran o tchilatchepen, djan nashedo, ninna te prindjran le gar o Moseskre laba, kai penenn, har jon hunte djiwenn. Un lauter, kai prindjran kol laba un kran o tchilatchepen, lenn ninna pengri phagi. 13Glan o Debleste hi kolla tchatcho, kai krenna, hoi job kamella, un gar kolla, kai shunenn kol laba un krenn gar, hoi kol laba penenna.
14Mank i menshende, kai prindjrenn gar o Moseskre laba, hi sawe, kai krenna, hoi o Dewel kamella, ninna te was kowa lende gar siklo. Lenge penell lengro dji, hoi latcho un tchatcho hi. 15Jaake dikah, an lengre djia hi tchinlo, hoi o Dewel kamella. Te kran le o tchilatcho koowa, penell lenge lengro dji: Kowa his gar mishto, hoi kral. Te kran le latcho koowa, penell lenge lengro dji: Kowa his mishto, hoi kral. 16Lauter kowa, hoi an o mensheskro dji hi, well diklo ap ko diwes, kai hi o Jesus Kristo o tchatchepaskro rai un rakrell o tchatchepen win pral i menshende. Jaake penell les o Debleskro lab, hoi me i menshenge penau.
I biboldengri doosh
17Hoi krenn tumer, i bibolde? Tumer sharenn tumen un penenn: “Me hom i biboldo un prindjrau o Moseskre laba. O baro Dewel hi miro Dewel. 18Me djinau, hoi job kamella, un dikau an o Moseskre laba, hoi latcho un tchatcho hi. 19Me nai anau i korelen ap o Debleskro drom, ninna kolen, kai an i kali rat djana. 20Me hom i sikepaskro kolenge, kai tchi djinenna un haiwenna. An o Moseskre laba hi man o tselo goswepen un tchatchepen.”
21Hoi te penap tumenge? Tumer sikrenn i wawarende o Debleskro drom. Un tumenge kokres penenn tumer gar: ‘Djas ap o Debleskro drom!’ Tumer penenn i wawarenge: ‘Ma tchorenn!’ Un tumer kokres tchorenn. 22Tumer penenn: ‘Ma choche tiri romjat i wawar djuwjah!’ Un tumer krenn kowa. Tumer penenn: ‘Kowa hi gar mishto, te mangenn wawar koowa an har o Debles.’ Un tumer tchorenn ko koowa. 23Tumer sharenn tumen un penenn: ‘Mer djinah, hoi o Moseskre laba penenna’, un tumer krenn kowa gar. Doleske anenn tumer ladj ap o Debleste. 24Jaake hi kowa tchinlo an o Debleskro lab: Dran tumende rakrenn i wawar menshe djungeles pral o Debleste.#2:24 dik: Jesaja 52:5
25Ninna te han bibolde un ap tumaro mass tchinlo,#2:25 Kowa his i biboldenge o sikepen, kai jon o Debleskre menshe hi, dik: 1. Mose 17:10-14 hunte rikrenn tumen ap kowa, hoi o Dewel an o Moseskre lila penas. Te krenn tumer, hoi kote tchinlo hi, pale hi tumenge bud moldo, te han bibolde. Te krenn kowa gar, han tumer glan o Debleste har jek, kai hi kek biboldo. 26Jek, kai hi kek biboldo, te krell job kowa, hoi o Dewel kamella, palle dikell o Dewel jaake latches ap leste, har te wals lo i biboldo. 27Un jaake well kowa, kai kek biboldo hi, i tchatchepaskro rai pral tumende, i biboldende. Job kras, hoi o Dewel kamella, un tumer kran gar, hoi o Dewel kamella, ninna te hi tumen kol tsele tchinle laba, hoi penenn, har te djiwenn, un han tchinlo ap tumaro mass. 28I tchatcho biboldo hi gar kowa, kai hi tchinlo ap peskro mass. 29Na-a! Kowa hi i tchatcho biboldo, koleske o Debleskro Ducho i newo dji das. Kowa nai krenn i tchinle laba gar. Sawo biboldo rodell gar, te well lo i menshendar sharedo. Job well o Deblestar sharedo.

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Remarja 2: Sint2021





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