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Marko 12

I tchilatche hache
1Un o Jesus penas lenge laba, kai i khatedo tchatchepen dren hi. Un job penas: His i mursh, koles his i kotar them. Kote tchiwas lo drakengre ruka an i phub. Trul ko kotar them tchiwas lo barra. Un kote kras lo ninna i platsa an i phub, kai nai stakrenn le ap i drake, te well i mool win#12:1 ap gadjkenes: Er grub eine Kelter. . Mashkral kol ruka kras lo i kheer, kai kowa beshdo hi, kai dell garda ap i drake. Palle patsas lo ko kotar phub ap i hachende, te budrenn le kote leske. Un job djas peske an i wawar them. 2Har ko tsiro was, te anenn le i drake dren, bitchras lo peskro budepaskres pash i hachende, te lell lo lendar kol drake, hoi leske hi. 3Un i hache dan les kek drake. Jon tapran les, dan les dawa un bitchran les krik. 4Un ko mursh bitchras pale i wawar budepaskres pash lende. Un koles dan jon ap o shero, un praassan les. 5Un job bitchras i wawares, koles maran jon. Un bud wawaren bitchras lo pash lende. Bud lendar dan jon, kol wawaren maran le.
6Les his jek wawar, leskro tchawo, koles kamell job o djijestar. Koi penas ko mursh peske: Miro tchawestar darenn le. Un jaake bitchras lo pal kol tsele wawarende peskro tchawes pash lende. 7Kol hache rakran mashkral pende: Kowa hi leskro tchawo, kai lauter lella pal peskro dadeskro merepen. Awenn, maras les, te well kau kotar them menge, hoi leske hunte wals! 8Un jon tapran les, maran les, un witsran les win glan ko drakengro them.
9Hoi krell kanna ko rai pral ko drakengro them? Job wella, un marell kol hachen, un dell ko drakengro them i wawaren. 10Djinenn tumer gar, hoi an o Debleskro lab tchinlo hi? Kote hi tardo: His i bar, kai i budepangre lestar penan: Kowa hi tchi moldo. Ko bar las o Dewel un tchiwas les jaake an o kheer, te rikrell lo ko tselo kheer khetne. 11O Dewel kras kowa, un kowa hi i baro koowa menge.#12:11 dik: Debleskri gili 118:22-23
12Un jon haiwan, te rakras o Jesus lendar, un kaman les te taprell. Un har trashan le i menshendar, tapran le les gar, un djan krik.
Denn o Debleske kowa, hoi leskro hi!
13I Farisarja kran pen khetne kolentsa, kai shunenn ap o Herodes, un bitchran murshen pash o Jesuseste, te taprenn le les an peskro rakepen. 14Un jon wan pash leste, un penan: “Sikepaskro, mer djinah, tu peneh o tchatchepen, un rakreh kekeske pal o mui, ninna te hi les bud penepaske. Awa, tu sikreh mishto i menshende o Debleskro drom. Pen menge, hi mishto pal maro tchatchepen, te das mer o themeskre lowe o baro rajeste an o foro Rom? Plaissras len? Plaissras len gar?”
15Job haiwas, te rakran le dui tchipjentsa, un penas ap lende: “Hoske kamenn tumer man mire labentsa te taprell? Anenn mange i rupeni bema, te dikap lat!”
16Un jon anan jek. Koi penas job: “Koneskro shero un lab hi ap kai bema?”
Penan le: “O shero un o lab o baro rajestar an o foro Rom.”
17Un o Jesus penas ap lende: “Jaake denn leste, hoi leskro hi, un denn o Debleste, hoi leskro hi!” Un jon kran bare jaka pral leste.
Krell o Dewel i mulen djido?
18Palle wan i Sadduzarja pash leste. Jon hi kolla, kai penenna: I mule wenna buder gar djido.
Kolla putchan lestar: 19“Sikepaskro, o Mose tchinas an peskre lila: Te merell i rom, kai romedino hi, un les hi kek tchawe, palle hunte romedinerell lat leskro phraal, te well leskro phraleske tchawen boldo.#12:19 dik: 5. Mose 25:5-6 20Koi his efta phrala. Un o phureder las i romjat, un meras. Les his kek tchawe. 21Un ko duito las lat un meras ninna. Un les his witar kek tchawe. Un ko triinto phraleske djas kowa ninna jaake. 22Un hake efta murshen his kek tchawe. Palle meras ninna koi romni.
23Kanna putchah tutar: Ap ko tsiro, kai krell o Dewel i mulen djido, koneskri romni hi li? Hake efta his lah romedino.”
24Koi penas o Jesus ap lende: “Tumer prindjrenn gar o Debleskro lab, un o Debleskri soor witar gar. Doleske haiwan tumer tchi. 25Kol mulen, kai o Dewel djido krella, romedinerenn buder gar un wenna gar romedino. Jon hi har i bolepangre an o bolepen. 26Djinenn tumer gar, har an o Moseskro liil tardo hi, te wenn i mule pale djido. O Dewel penas ap o Moseste, har his job tardo pash o bur, hoi chatchas: Me hom o Abrahameskro Dewel un o Isaakeskro Dewel un o Jakobeskro Dewel.#12:26 dik: 2. Mose 3:6
27Un me penau tumenge: Job hi gar o Dewel kolenge, kai mulo hi. Na-a, job hi o Dewel kol djidenge. Tumer haiwan tchi!”
Hoi o Dewel kamella
28Jek biboldengro tchatchepaskro his koi pashel un shunas, har kol Sadduzarja leha rakran. Har job dikas, kai das o Jesus lenge i mishto lab pale, was lo pash leste un putchas lestar: “Kol tsele laba, kai penenna, hoi o Dewel mendar kamella, hawo lab hi o bareder lendar?”
29Penas o Jesus leske: “O bareder lab hi kowa: Shun tu, Israel! Maro Dewel hi o rai, hi kek wawar. 30Tu kamess tiro Debles o tselo djijestar an tiro tselo djipen, an lauter, hoi tu kreh un djineh.#12:30 dik: 5. Mose 6:4-5 31O duito Debleskro lab hi kowa: Te wess jaake latches ap koleste, kai pash tute hi, har hal latches ap tute kokres.#12:31 dik: 3. Mose 19:18 Kek wawar lab, hoi penell, hoi o Dewel mendar kamella, hi bareder har kolla dui.”
32Un ko biboldengro tchatchepaskro penas ap leste: “Sikepaskro, tu rakral tchatchepah mishto. Hi jek Dewel kokres un kek wawar. 33Te kamah mer les o tselo djijeha, an lauter hoi krah un djinah, un te ham jaake latcho ap koleste, kai pash mende hi, har ham latcho ap mende kokres, palle hi kowa feteder, har i tsele bakre un grumja, hoi mer marah un chatchrah o Debleske.”
34Har o Jesus dikas, kai job mishto rakras, penas lo ap leste: “Tu hal gar dur o Debleskro dromestar.”
Un jon trashan, te putchenn le lestar budeder.
O Davideskro tchawo
35Un har o Jesus an o Debleskro baro kheer i menshenge o Debleskro lab penas, putchas lo i menshendar: Hoske penenn kol biboldengre tchatchepangre, kai ko baro rai, koles o Dewel bitchrell, o Davideskro tchawo hi? 36O David penas lestar, har o Debleskro Ducho ap leste was: O Dewel penas ap miro rajeste: Besh tut ap miri tchatchi rig, bis te tchiwau kolen tel tire pire, kai hi chojedo ap tute.#12:36 dik: Debleskri gili 110:1 37Koi penell o David mo rai ap leste. Har well lo nai leskro tchawo?
Un i tsele menshe kaman, te shunenn le o Jesuseskro rakepen.
I tchatchepangren hi dui djia
38Un job rakras ap lende un penas: Denn jak ap tumende! Kowa, hoi kol biboldengre tchatchepangre krenna, hi gar mishto. Len hi lengste koola ap lende, te sikrenn le, te hi le o Debleskre menshe. Te djan le an o foro, kamenn le, te penenn i menshe “Latcho diwes, mo rai” ap lende. 39An i biboldengre kangria kamenn le ap i pralstune beshepangre te beshenn. Un pash i baro chapen kamenn le ap i feteder beshepangre te beshenn. 40Jon lenn i khera kol djuwjendar krik, kolengre romma meran. Jon rakrenn o Debleha i rah tsiro, te dikenn i menshe, har patslo jon hi. Ap ko diwes, kai rakrell o Dewel o tchatchepen pral lende win, lenn le i sorleder phagi har kol wawar.
I tchorweli romni
41An o Debleskro baro kheer his i lowengri piri tardo, kai i menshe lowe o Debleske dren tchiwan. Un o Jesus beshas pes pashel un dikas, har kol menshe lowe dren tchiwan. Un bud brawele tchiwan bud dren. 42Koi was i tchorweli djuwel, kolakro rom meras. Joi tchiwas dui tikne kotja dren. Kowa his jaake bud har jek bema.
43Koi das job peskre malen pash peste gole, un penas ap lende: “Tchatchepah, me penau tumenge: Koi romni das budeder o Debleske, har kol tsele wawar, kai tchiwan lowe dren. 44Kol tsele wawar dan lowe dran pengro brawlepen. Kai tchorweli romni das halauter, hoi lat his, halauter, hoi lat his djipaske.”

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Marko 12: Sint2021





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