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1. Mose 18

O baro Dewel well pash o Abrahameste
1Un o baro Dewel mukas pes te dikell o Abrahamestar pash kol bare ruka ‘Mamre’, har o diwes tato his un o Abraham glan peskro plachteno kheer beshdo his. 2Ap jek kopo dikas job triin murshen. Kolla his i kotar glan leste tardo. Har job len dikas, stas lo pre, nashas pash lende un mukas pes glan lende ap i phub te perell. 3Un penas: “Miro rai! Te hal tu mange latcho, dja mandar gar dureder! Me mangau tut: Atch kai! 4Tumenge well pani anlo, te thowenn tumare herja. Un beshenn tumen tel ko ruk! 5Me lau tumenge maro, te wenn pale soreles. Pal kowa nashte djan dureder, har tumer kamenna. Jaake wan gar tchitcheske pash mande.”
Un jon penan: “Kre jaake, har tu penal!”
6Koi nashas o Abraham sik an o plachteno kheer pash i Sara un penas: “Le sik triin khore parno jarro un kre merklia!” 7Un job nashas pash i grumjende, un rodas peske i latchi terni grumni win. Un das lat o budepaskreste, te krell job sik i latcho chapen. 8Un o Abraham las latcho khil, thud un ko mass. Un tchiwas lauter glan lende tel ko ruk. Un job atchas glan lende tardo, har jon chan.
9Koi putchan jon lestar: “Kai hi tiri romni Sara?”
“Kote an o plachteno kheer”, penas job.
10Koi penas jek kol trinendar ap leste: “Tchatchepah, wawar bersh an kau tsiro wau me pale pash tute. Koi hi tiri romjat, i Sara, i tchawo.”
Un i Sara his tardo pal leste, pal o wudar ko plachteno kherestar, un shunas lengro rakepen. 11O Abraham un i Sara his hake dui phuro. Un i Sara djinas, kai nai lell li buder kek tchawe. 12Koi sanas joi peske un penas: “Kanna hom me phuro. Un miro rai, miro rom, hi ninna phuro! Har nai lau me i ternepen?”
13Koi penas o baro Dewel ap o Abrahameste: “Hoske sanas i Sara un penas: ‘Kanna, kai phuro hom, lau me i ternepen?’ 14Dell tchi, hoi o baro Dewel gar haiwella. Wawar bersh an kau tsiro, wau me pale pash tute. Koi hi lat i tchawo.” 15Koi las i Sara daar un das buchoste un penas: “Me som gar!”
“Na-a, tu sal”, penas o Dewel.
O Abraham mangell i menshenge an o foro Sodom
16Un i mursha stan pre un djan penge. Un o Abraham djas i kotar lentsa. Un jon dikan ap ko them, kai o foro Sodom tardo hi. 17Koi penas o baro Dewel peske: “Penap me o Abrahameske gar, hoi me kamau te krell? Na-a! 18Me dom les miro lab: Job well o dad jaake bud menshendar, te well lendar i bari un soreli natsjona. Un koi bacht, hoi dau leste, djal dureder ap i tsele natsjone, kai ap i phub hi. 19Me rodom les mange win, te penell lo peskre tchawenge un kolenge, kai pal leste wenna, te rikrenn pen le ap miro drom un krenn, hoi mishto un tchatcho hi, te nai mukap me halauter ap o Abrahameste te well, hoi me leske penom.”
20Un o baro Dewel penas: “Bud djungelo koowa was pral i forja Sodom un Gomorra rakedo, kai jon an baro tchilatchepen djiwenna. 21Doleske kamau me tele te djal, te dikap: Hi kowa ninna tchatcho, hoi rakedo was? Un te hi wawartchandes, kamau kowa ninna te djinell.”
22Un kol dui mursha rissran pen trujel un djan an o foro Sodom. O baro Dewel atchas glan o Abrahameste tardo. 23Un o Abraham djas pash leste un penas: “Kameh tu tchatchepah lauteren temerl dell, kolen, kai kek tchilatchepen kran – khetne kolentsa, kai tchilatcho hi? 24Te hi an ko foro 50 (paash-sheel) menshe, kai krenn, hoi mishto un tchatcho hi, kameh tu kolen ninna te marell? Te hatseh kote 50 (paash-sheel) menshen, kai kek tchilatchepen kran, de o fores kek phagi! 25Ko nashte kreh tu gar, te dess kolen temerl, kai kek tchilatchepen kran – khetne kolentsa, kai tchilatcho hi. Jaake te djal koleske, kai an o tchatchepen tardo hi, har koleske, kai tchilatcho hi. Tu hal o tchatchepaskro rai pral i tseli phub. Kameh tu tchomone te krell, hoi gar mishto un tchatcho hi?”
26Koi penas o baro Dewel: “Te hatsau me 50 (paash-sheel) menshen an o foro Sodom, kai krenna, hoi mishto un tchatcho hi, dau o tselo fores kek phagi.”
27Penas o Abraham: “Shun, miro rai, me lom man khetne, te rakrap tuha, kai me tchik un tchi moldo hom. 28Hoi kameh te krell, te hi pantch kol 50 (paash-sheel) menshendar gar an o tchatchepen tardo? Kameh dran kol pantchende ko tselo foro te marell?”
Koi penas job: “Te hatsau me 45 (star-deesh-te-pantch) menshen kote, kai an o tchatchepen tardo hi, kamau ko foro tchi te krell.”
29Un o Abraham rakras pale leha un penas: “Te hatseh lendar kote 40 (star-deesh), hoi kameh te krell?”
Penas o Dewel: “Te hi kote 40 (star-deesh) menshe, kai krenna, hoi mishto un tchatcho hi, kamau ko foro tchi te krell.”
30Un o Abraham penas: “Miro rai, ab gar chojedo, te rakrau pale tuha. Hoi, te hatseh kote 30 (trijanda)?”
Penas job: “Te hatsau 30 (trijanda), kamau ko foro tchi te krell.”
31Koi penas o Abraham: “Shun miro rai, me lom man khetne, te rakrap pale tuha. Hoi, te hatseh kote 20 (biish)?”
Penas job: “Te hi kote 20 (biish), kamau ko foro tchi te krell.”
32Koi penas o Abraham: “Miro rai, me mangau tut, ab gar chojedo! Me kamau gomme jek kopo tuha te rakrell. Hoi, te hatseh kote deesh?”
Penas job: “Te hi kote deesh, kamau ko foro tchi te krell.”
33Un o baro Dewel heras pre, te rakrell lo o Abrahameha un djas peske. Un o Abraham djas pale khere.

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1. Mose 18: Sint2021





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