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Bitchepangre 23

O Paulo hi glan i tchatchepangre tardo
1O Paulo dikas ap kol pralstune biboldende, un penas: “Tumer mursha, mire phrala, o tselo djipen budrom o Debleske, un man hi i djudjo dji.”
2Ko baro rashai Anania penas ap kolende, kai trul leste tardo hi, te denn le o Paules ap o mui. 3Koi penas o Paulo ap leste: “O Dewel mu te dell tut! Tu rakreh i menshenge pal o mui. Tu hal kate beshdo, te rakress o tchatchepen pral mande win pal o biboldengro tchatchepen. Un tu mukeh man dawa te dell. Kowa hi gar pal o biboldengro tchatchepen.”
4Kolla, kai koi pashel tardo his, penan ap o Pauleste: “Tu praasseh o Debleskro baro rashajes.”
5O Paulo penas: “Mire phrala, me djinom gar, kai job ko baro rashai hi. Me djinau, kai an o Debleskro lab tchinlo hi: Te praassess gar o pralstunes tumare menshendar!” #23:5 dik: 2. Mose 22:27
6Har o Paulo haiwas, kai i paash kol murshendar Sadduzarja his, un i wawar paash Farisarja, das job ap kolende gole: “Tumer mursha, mire phrala, miro dad his i Farisari un me hom i Farisari. Me patsau, kai o Dewel i mulen djides krella. Dran kowa hom kanna glan tumende tardo, te rakrenn tumer i phagi pral mande win.”
7Har job kowa penas, was i baro tchingepen mashkral kol Sadduzarja un kol Farisarja. Un jon rakran buder gar jek tchipjah. 8Kol Sadduzarja patsenn gar, kai o Dewel i mulen djides krella. Un jon patsenn witar gar, te dell bolepangre un wawar, kai nai wenn gar diklo.#23:8 ap gadjkenes: Engel un Geister I Farisarja patsenn kowa lauter.
9Halauter dan bari gole, un kol tchatchepangre, kai ninna Farisarja his, stan pre un tchingran, un penan: “Mer hatsah kek tchilatchepen ap leste. Te rakras i bolepaskro ap leste, hoi krah mer palle? Te rakras i mulo ap leste, hoi krah mer palle?”
10Ko tchingepen was jaake baro, te trashas ko pralstuno lurdo, te tserdans jon nai o Paules an kotja. Dran kowa das job peskre lurden gole, te anenn le les pale an o lurdengro kheer.
11An koi rati mukas pes o rai Jesus glan o Pauleste te dikell, un penas ap leste: “Ma traash, Paulo! Jaake har tu mandar an o foro Jerusalem rakral, jaake hunte rakress mandar ninna an o foro Rom.”
I bibolde kamenn o Paules te marell
12-13Taissarlake wan budeder har star-deesh bibolde khetne, un dan pen sowel, te chan le un te pijenn le tchi jaake rah, bis te jon o Paules maran.
14Kolla djan pash kol bare rashajende un pash kol biboldengre phureder, un penan lenge: “Mer dam men sowel, kai chah un pijah tchi, bis te maram o Paules. 15Bitchrenn jekes pash ko pralstuno lurdeste, un penenn leske an o lab kol tsele pralstune biboldendar, te anell lo o Paules pale kate pash tumende. Penenn ap o pralstuno lurdeste, te kamenn tumer budeder pral o Pauleste win te hatsell.
Un ap o drom kate marah les.”
16Har o Pauleskri phenjakro tchawo shunas, kai kamenn jon o Paules te marell, djas lo an o lurdengro kheer, un penas kowa o Pauleske.
17O Paulo das i baro lurdes pash peste gole, un penas: “An ko terno murshes pash ko pralstuneste! Job kamell leske tchomone te penell.”
18O baro lurdo las les, un anas les pash ko pralstuneste, un penas leske: “Ko Paulo, kai stildo hi, das man pash peste gole, un mangas mandar, te anap kal terno murshes pash tute. Kowa kamell tuke tchomone te penell.”
19Koi las les ko pralstuno ap o wast, anas les ap i rig, un putchas lestar: “Hoi kameh tu mange te penell?”
20Job penas: “Kol bibolde kran win, te mangenn le tutar, te aness o Paules pale glan kol pralstune biboldende, te nai hatsans le feteder win, hoi job kras. 21Tu patsess len gar. Budeder har star-deesh mursha lurenn#23:21 lurenn, ap gadjkenes: lauern, warten ap leste ap o drom. Kolla dan pen sowel, te chan le tchi, te pijenn le tchi, bis te maran le les. Jon hi koi khatedo te nai marenn le les jaake sik, har tu mukeh les win te anell.”
22Koi penas ko pralstuno ap leste: “Phuke kekeske, kai penal mange kawa!” Palle mukas lo o terno murshes te djal.
O Paulo wella an o foro Cesarea anlo
23O pralstuno lurdo das dui bare lurden pash peste gole, un penas lenge: “Lenn dui-sheel lurden tumentsa, te djan tumer enjenge an i rat an o foro Cesarea. Lenn ninna efta-deesh lurden tumentsa, kai ap i graja klissenna, un dui-sheel wawar lurden.
24Anenn graja o Pauleske, beshenn les ap jek grai, un anenn les pash o themeskro rajeste Felix! Denn jak ap leste ap o drom!”
25O pralstuno tchinas ninna i liil, koi his dren tardo:
26“Me, o Klaudio Lisias, sharau tut, ko themeskro rajes Felix, un penau tuke: Latcho diwes!
27Kau murshes tapran i bibolde, un kaman les te marell.
Koi wom me mire lurdentsa, un lom les lendar krik. Me shunom, kai job i Remari hi.
28Me kamom te djinell, hawi doosh jon ap leste pre anenn.
Jaake anom les glan lengre pralstune tchatchepangre.
29Me hatsom win, te haiwell lo i biboldengro tchatchepen wawartchandes har jon. Kowa hi leskri doosh.
Me hatsom tchi, te nai marams les, witar kek doosh, te nai tchiwams les an o stilepen.
30Har me shunom, kai kamenn le ko murshes tchorchanes te marell, bitchrom les sik pash tute. Me penom ninna kolenge, kai anan i doosh ap leste pre, te penenn jon tuke, hawi doosh jon ap leste hatsan.”
31I lurde lan o Paules, har lenge penlo was, un anan les rati an o foro Antipatris.
32O wawar diwes djan kol lurde, kai nashenna, pale an o foro Jerusalem. Kol wawar klissan o Pauleha dureder. 33Har wan jon an o foro Cesarea, dan le o Felixes ko liil. Un o Paules anan le ninna glan leste.
34O Felix draweras ko liil, un putchas o Paulestar dran hawo them job hi. Un har job shunas, kai o Paulo dran o them Cilicia hi, penas job ap leste:
35“Jon te hi kate, kai anan i doosh ap tute pre, palle kamau te shunell, hoi tu peneh.”
Un job tchiwas les stildo an o Herodeskro kheer.

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Bitchepangre 23: Sint2021





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