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2nd Maccabees 14

1But after time of three years Judas knew, and they that were with him, that Demetrius son of Seleucus went up to covenable places, with strong multitude, and ships, by the haven of Tripoli,
2and hath holden countries against Antiochus, and his duke Lysias.
3Forsooth one Alcimus, that was highest priest, but willfully was defouled in times of mingling together, beheld that in no manner health was to him, neither access, or nighing, [or coming to], to the altar,
4and he came to king Demetrius, in the hundred and fiftieth year, and offered to him a golden crown, and palm, over these things and offered vessels, that were seen to be of the temple; and soothly in that day he was still.
5Forsooth he got a covenable time of his madness, and he was called of Demetrius to counsel, and was asked with what things and counsels Jews endeavoured, and he answered,
6They that be said Hasideans of Jews, of which [or to whom] Judas Maccabeus is sovereign, nourish battles, and move dissensions, neither suffer the realm for to be quiet.
7For why and I am defrauded of glory of father and mother, soothly I say, of highest priesthood, and I came hither,
8first, soothly keeping faith to the king’s profits, the second time, soothly counselling also to citizens, for why by shrewdness of them, all our kin is travailed greatly.
9But I pray, thou king, when all these things be known, behold to the country, and kin, by [or after] thy manliness, or courtesy, showed to all men.
10For why as long as Judas liveth, it is impossible that peace be to needs.
11Forsooth when such things were said of him, and other friends, having them enmity, enflamed Demetrius against Judas.
12Which anon sent Nicanor, sove-reign of elephants, a duke into Judea,
13with commandments given for to take that Judas quick, for to scatter soothly them that were with him, and for to ordain Alcimus highest priest of the most temple.
14Then heathen men, that fled Judas from Judea, flock-meal joined them to Nicanor, and guessed the wretchednesses and deaths of Jews prosperities of their things.
15Therefore when coming of Nicanor was heard, and coming together of nations, Jews besprinkled with earth prayed him, that ordained his people into without end for to keep, and which covereth, or defendeth, his part with open signs.
16Forsooth for the duke commanded, anon they moved from thence, and came together to the castle Dessau.
17Simon forsooth, brother of Judas, joined battle with Nicanor, but he was all-broken with sudden coming of adversaries.
18Nevertheless Nicanor heard the virtue of Judas’ fellows, and greatness of hardiness, which they had for strives of the country, and dreaded for to make doom by blood.
19Wherefore he before-sent Posidon-ius, and Theodotus, and Mattathias, for to give right hands, and take.
20And when long counsel was done of these things, and the duke himself had told to the multitude, one sentence was of all, for to grant to friendships.
21Therefore they ordained a day, in which they should do privily betwixt themselves; and stools, or small seats, were brought forth, and set to each.
22Forsooth Judas commanded armed men for to be in covenable places, lest peradventure anything of evil should rise suddenly of enemies; and they made a covenable speech together.
23Forsooth Nicanor dwelt in Jerusalem, and nothing did evil; and he let go flocks of companies, that were gathered.
24Forsooth he had Judas evermore dearworthy of heart, and was bowed to the man;
25and prayed him for to wed a wife, and [to] engender sons; and he made weddings, did quietly, and they lived commonly, or communally, or together.
26Alcimus forsooth saw the charity of them together, and accordings, and came to Demetrius, and said, that Nicanor assenteth to alien, either other men’s, things, and hath ordained Judas, traitor of the realm, successor to him.
27Therefore the king was made sharp, and stirred to wrath with such worst accusings, and wrote to Nicanor, and said, that soothly he bare grievously of according of friendship, and nevertheless commanded for to send Maccabeus bound to Antioch.
28And when these things were known, Nicanor was astonied, and grievously bare, if he made void those things that were accorded [or that accorded], and he was nothing hurt, or harmed, of the man;
29but for he might not against-stand the king, he kept covenability, in which he should perform the commandment.
30And Maccabeus saw, that Nicanor did with him most sternly, and gave fiercelier customable coming together, and he understood that this sternness [or fierceness] was not of good, and with a few of his gathered, he hid him from Nicanor.
31And as he knew this thing, that he was strongly before-come, or espied, of the man, he came to the most and holiest temple, and he commanded to the priests offering customable sacrifices, that the man be betaken to him.
32And when they said with oath, that they knew not, where he was that was sought,
33he stretched forth the hand to the temple, and swore, If ye shall not betake to me Judas bound, I shall draw down this temple of God into plainness, and dig out the altar, and I shall hallow this temple to Liber, or Bacchus, that is, god of wine, the father.
34And when he had said these things, he went away. Forsooth the priests held forth hands into heaven, and called him to help that ever is for-fighter of the folk of them, and said these things,
35Thou, Lord of all creatures [or Thou, Lord of university, or of all creatures], that of nothing hast need, wouldest that the temple of thine habitation be made in us.
36And now, thou Lord, holy of all holy, keep without end this house undefouled, that a little ago was cleansed.
37Forsooth Razis, one of the elder men of Jerusalem, was accused to Nicanor; and Razis was a man, lover of the city, and well-hearing or well-praising, that for affection, or love, was called father of Jews.
38This man many times held purpose of continence in Judea [or in Jewry], and was appeased for to betake body and soul for perseverance, or lasting.
39Forsooth Nicanor would show the hatred, that he had against Jews, and sent five hundred knights, for to take him.
40For he guessed, if he had deceived him, that he should bring in most death to Jews.
41Forsooth when companies coveted for to fall into his house, and for to break the gate, and for to move to fire, when now he was taken, that is, was nigh the taking, he assailed him-self with sword;
42choosing to die nobly, rather than to be made subject to sinners, and against his birth for to be led with unworthy wrongs.
43But when by hasting he had given wound with uncertain stroke, and companies betwixt doors burst in, he ran again hardily to the wall, and casted down himself manly into the companies.
44And when they gave swiftly place to his fall, he came by the middle of the knoll,
45and yet while he breathed, he was kindled in heart, and rose. And when his blood with great flowing flowed down, and with most grievous wounds he was wounded, by running he passed the company; and stood on an high stone,
46and now was made without blood, and embraced his entrails with both hands, and casted forth on the companies, and called to help [or in-calling] the lordshipper of life and spirit, that he should yield again these things to him; and thus he was dead from life.

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2nd Maccabees 14: WBMS





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