Yohanes 19
1Tna Gubernur Pilatus yoo Yesus yee kʼraa nsaah Ait. 2Tna raa sbe ro Roma weto moo bo ro maan mnan fi bmun hyoh tna ste watau sau. Tna mse Yesus sbyõ yana. Tna ana mawah ratan ro mkof ngknu sau, ro ja raa mase myum to, tna mse kʼAit yyum. 3Tna ana mama mros mam Ait yasu tna sret Ait masah mawe, “Meen oh kʼNyõ, raja raa ro Yahudi!” Tna ana mai Ait yasu.
4Tna Pilatus frok yamoʼt mne mun sau naut yo kʼraa ro Yahudi, tna ybis raa sbe makah Yesus frok. Ait yawe, “Jõ tsan Ait kʼanu re anu nhar nwe jõ tnaut tawe Ait yno safo sau bo fee. Jõ tmit safo aro kʼAit fee ye.” 5Yesus yyum ratan ro mkof tna sbyõ watau ro maan reto to, tna raa makah Ait mama. Tna Pilatus yawe, “Nmat Ait oh metait.” 6Imam manes msya raa wana ro mabi mmat Ait fo ana masen mawe, “Name Ait yajat oh!” Pilatus yawe kʼana yawe, “Nesait nkah Ait nme yajat. Jõ tkai bo ro mkair sau aro Ait yno fee.” 7Menohe raa ro Yahudi weto mawe, “Ait yawe Ait fi Ku ro Allah yare. Tna watum ro agama ranu mbis mawe, ‘Soh raa yawe bo feto to, kbe Ait raa mame yajat.’”#19:7 Menohe mam wore weto to raja ro Roma yase ybo tabam reto. Tna pemerintah reto mawe wa mawe raa ro Yahudi mame raa majat ma. Mawe pemerintah Roma mesait aran mame raa majat to.
8Pilatus yari bo reto to, ait waa toni renti. 9Tibyo Ait hah twok mam samu mato reto u. Tna raa sbe mbo Yesus twok ye. Tna Pilatus ytu kʼAit yawe, “Nyõ raa ro hayo?” Menohe Yesus yawe bo aro si kʼait fee. 10Pilatus yawe, “Nyõ hawe nkyas bo nsya jõ a? Nyõ wase nawe jõ fi tatak tbis raa mbitsre Nyõ namo bo Nyõ. Tna soh jõ tbis feto to, kbe raa mbitsre. Tna soh tbis raa mame Nyõ to, kbe raa mame.” 11Yesus yawe, “Allah oh mi Raa ro yoo tak reto yee kʼnyõ to. Soh Ait yoo yee fee maami nyõ natak fee ye. Feto to ait ro ysan Jõ kʼnyõ natem anyõ to iro rait reto msai miwer iro anyõ.” 12Pilatus yari bokyas ro Yesus reto tna yawe tomer bitsre Yesus. Menohe raa ro Yahudi mtu fari-fara mawe, “Bi yabi, soh nyõ bitsre Ait to, nyõ nafoh Kaisar fee! Awya ro yawe yamo raja to ait retait yamo byoh Kaisar!”
13Raa ro ytu srah to ja hre mam ambar sau. Ambar refo fo mhau mam yuk ro raa mtu mawe 'Litostrotos'. (Mai ro Ibrani to, raa mtu mawe 'Gabata'.) Pilatus yari bo raa ro Yahudi riwai mawe reto tna yamo hre mam ambar reto. Ait ybis raa sbe makah Yesus frok. 14(Ti reto to, raa siwyan bo re menrabu mno korat ro Paskah. Ayõ ro 12 baas bo feto.) Tna Pilatus yawe kʼraa ro Yahudi weto yawe, “Raja ranu mefi!” 15Menohe ana mtu mawe, “Nkah Ait nmo oh! Nmo nme Ait yajat! Nme ait yajat mam ara warok!” Tna Pilatus yawe, “Nwe tbis raa mame raja ranu mam ara warok a?” Tna imam manes weto mawe, “Kaisar yesait aran yamo raja ramu!” 16Tna Pilatus ysan Yesus kʼana re raa mame.
Yesus raa mame
Tna raa sbe ro Roma weto makah Yesus mamo. 17Ana moo ara warok mse kʼYesus yasom. Tna mamoʼt yuk ro masom Hamana. (Mai ro Ibrani to raa mawe 'Golgota'.) 18Mam beto raa mse Ait mam ara warok reto. Raa roto mabo ewok raa mame su msya Ait ye. Sait mam ti yatem ati, tna sait mam ti yatem ta, tna Yesus raa mse mam masuf. 19Tna Pilatus ybis raa mkom bo refo: “Yesus fi raa ro Nazaret. Ait fi raja raa ro Yahudi.” Bokom refo raa moo mse mam ara warok. 20Yuk ro raa mame Yesus to kene sai mam kota. Tibyo raa ro Yahudi mawat mmat bokom reto. Bokom reto raa mkom mam mai trion tuuf: Ibrani, Latin msya mai ro Yunani. 21Menohe imam manes ro agama Yahudi weto hafrah. Ana mamo mo kʼPilatus mawe, “Nkom ‘raja raa ro Yahudi’ ma! Nkom: ‘Raa refi yawe ait raja raa ro Yahudi.’” 22Menohe Pilatus yawe, “Ro jõ tkom reto mhau yum oh.”
23Raa sbe ro Roma mse Yesus mam ara warok. Tna fo ana moo ratan rait saim ftah trion jiit. Aro yoo ftah sau-sau. Menohe jubah rAit to, tiwya raa mfen kaket moof. (Jubah reto to, raa mtin mnan fi ja raa mtin ratan to fee. Raa moo benang tna sne muuf. Mfen mbam uu snok mam te.) 24Feto to raa sbe mawe kʼanya mawe, “Anu bhah jubah rAit reto ma. Nma, anu tane mkah undi re merif awya ro kbe ykai jubah reto.” Tna ana mno feto re mnan si mkah Bokom ro Allah mawe:
“Ana saim-sam ratan aJõ, tna jubah aJõ ana mno mkah botane.”
Mazmur 22:19
25Fnya mabo jiit mros kene mam ara warok mair ro Yesus. Ana oh mi: Yesus yme Maria, msya mao, msya Klopas yfain ro masom Maria ye, tna msya Maria Magdalena ye. 26Yesus ymat yme msya kuber wAit sait mros. Ait retait Yesus yhafri. Tna yawe kʼyme yawe, “Tme, ku anyõ retait.” 27Tna yawe kuber rAit retait yawe, “Nme oh meto.” Ayõ reto ye kuber retait ymen Yesus yme yamo yse mam samu rait.
Yesus yajat
28Tna fo Yesus yhar yawe bombra beta ro Yaja yawe kʼAit yno to, yno mkak oh. Tna yawe, “Thai sbit.” Yawe feto ykyas mnan si tiwya Allah ybis raa mkom mam Bokom rAit.#Mazmur 22:16; 69:22. 29Anggur maya ro mano baro mhau mam baah sau. Tna raa moo bo ro mmot aya mnan fi spon, make mam ara makit tna mberu mam anggur maya reto. Tna tubat mee kʼYesus yata. 30Yata tna yawe, “Bo ro tama tno mam tabam refo, tno mkak oh!” Tna yanwaruk ysan yamos rAit kʼYaja tibyo yhai.
31Ti reto to, ayõ ro jumat. Feto to, raa ro Yahudi siwyan bo mkah ayõ ro raa wana ntmoh (hari Sabat).#19:31 Ja raa ro agama Yahudi skabuk Allah mam ayõ ro Sabtu. Ana ro manes hawe bo ajat weto mhau nkro akus mam ara warok ayõ menrabu reto. Menrabu to ayõ ro mase. Au oh mefo ana baro mamo mo kʼPilatus mayoh re ybis raa sbe wait miji raa weto maa wana#19:31 afo re mhai fooh. tna skur ajat weto mbam ara warok trion tuuf reto. 32Pilatus ybis. Raa mana ewok raa mame msya Yesus fo. Tna raa sbe weto miji maa wana wia. 33Tna ana mawe miji Yesus yaa rAit, he Ait yajat wia oh. Tibyo miji Yesus yaa fee. 34Menohe raa sbe sait yawah sawya ysu yajoh. Tibyo mees msya aya miyi frok. 35Ti reto to, raa sait yesait ymat bo reto.#19:35 Far-far 35 refo Yohanes ykyas ait yesait. Tna ait oh mi ro ykom aam refo. Tna bo ro ykyas to mabo tu. Ykyas bo refo afo re anu nhar nwe bo wefo beta ait ykyas sioh fee. 36Bo weto mabo feto afo re mnan si Bokom ro Allah mawe:
“Ytai rAit sau kbe raa miji fee.”
Keluaran 12:46; Bilangan 9:12; Mazmur 34:21
37Tna bokom far-far taro ye mawe:
“Ana kbe heyut mrom Ait ro ana msu.”
Zakharia 12:10; Wahyu 1:7
Yesus ajat rAit raa mse mam isra mato
38Bi Yusuf tait raa ro Arimatea. Tna ait kuber ro Yesus wAit sait ye. Menohe ait waa raa manes ro Yahudi. Tibyo smot bait wai. Yesus yajat tna Yusuf yamo yo kʼPilatus tna yayoh yawe yoo ajat ro Yesus. Tna Pilatus ybis Yusuf yamo yoo. 39(Nikodemus tait raa ro tiwya yamo yo kʼYesus mam wore arin mti sau.) Ati refo ait yama tna ysya Yusuf mbewok makah ajat reto mamo. Nikodemus yakah bo ro mnan fi gaharu. Bo reto raa srioh msya mur tna mabyoh maut toni. Samyoh rau to 34 kilo bo feto. 40Ana mabo ewok reto makah lenan (hawee ro moof) ye. Moo bo reto tna ngkaru mam hawee reto tna sro ajat ro Yesus. Mbewok mno mnan si ja raa ro Yahudi mno hai wana. 41Kene wo Golgota to armato ro moof sau. Tna wore weto to raa mabah isra mato mkah bo meen raa mse hai wana. Menohe mamo snok ayõ reto raa mse hai mam isra mato reto aro fefares. 42Menrabu ayõ ro raa ntmoh. Tna isra reto kene sai. Tibyo ana mbewok moo ajat reto sama mam isra mato ro armato reto.
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Yohanes 19: ayz
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