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Psalms 78:1-22

Psalms 78:1-22 TPT

Beloved ones, listen to this instruction. Open your heart to the revelation of this mystery that I share with you. A parable and a proverb are hidden in what I say— an intriguing riddle from the past. We’ve heard true stories from our fathers about our rich heritage. We will continue to tell our children and not hide from the rising generation the great marvels of our God— his miracles and power that have brought us all this far. The story of Israel is a lesson in God’s ways. He established decrees for Jacob and established the law in Israel, and he commanded our forefathers to teach them to their children. For perpetuity God’s ways will be passed down from one generation to the next, even to those not yet born. In this way, every generation will set its hope in God and not forget his wonderful works but keep his commandments. By following his ways they will break the past bondage of their fickle fathers, who were a stubborn, rebellious generation and whose spirits strayed from the eternal God. They refused to love him with all their hearts. Take, for example, the sons of Ephraim. Though they were all equipped warriors, each with weapons, when the battle began they retreated and ran away in fear. They didn’t really believe the promises of God; they refused to trust him and move forward in faith. They forgot his wonderful works and the miracles of the past, even their exodus from Egypt, the epic miracle of his might. They forgot the glories of his power at the place of passing over. God split the sea wide open, and the waters stood at attention on either side as the people passed on through! By day the moving glory-cloud led them forward. And all through the night the fire-cloud stood as a sentry of light. In the days of desert dryness, he split open the mighty rock, and the waters flowed like a river before their very eyes. He gave them all they wanted to drink from his living springs. Yet they kept their rebellion alive against God Most High, and their sins against God continued to be counted. In their hearts they tested God just to get what they wanted, asking for the food their hearts craved. Like spoiled children they grumbled against God, demanding he prove his love by saying, “Can’t God provide for us in this barren wilderness? Will he give us food, or will he only give us water? Where’s our meal?” Then God heard all their complaining and was furious! His anger flared up against his people. For they turned away from faith and walked away in fear; they failed to trust in his power to save them when he was near.