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Jeremiah 2:21-35

Jeremiah 2:21-35 TPT

I planted you like a special vine from the absolute best seed, but look at what you’ve become now! You’re like a twisted, rotten vine. Even if you scrubbed yourself with the strongest soap, your guilty stains would remain before my face. I, Lord YAHWEH, have spoken. “How dare you say, ‘I have not defiled myself. I’ve not chased after false gods.’ Look how you behaved badly in the valley. Don’t you realize what you’ve done? You’re like a restless wild camel running loose or like a wild female donkey accustomed to the wilderness. While in heat, she sniffs the wind, and in her lust, no one can restrain her. Any male that wants her will find her ready. Israel, don’t chase after other gods until you wear out your sandals and your throats are parched with thirst. Yet, you still say, ‘It’s hopeless; I can’t stop chasing them. I desperately love these foreign gods.’ ” “Just as a thief is ashamed when caught in the act, so all Israel will be shamed— your kings and princes, your prophets and priests. You have called an idol of wood your ‘father’ and an idol of stone your ‘mother.’ You have turned your back toward me instead of your face. But how different it is when you get into trouble! You cry out to me and ask me to come and save you. Now where are all your homemade gods? They are nowhere to be found. Let them arise and save you in your time of trouble! Judah, you have as many gods as you have villages! What right do you have to complain about me? You have all rebelled against me,” declares YAHWEH. “I’ve wasted my time punishing you because you did not respond to my correction. With the ferocity of a hungry lion, you murdered the prophets I sent to you. “O people of this generation, see the word of YAHWEH: Have I been like a wilderness to Israel or a dangerous land full of gloom? Then why do my people say, ‘We’re free to do as we want, and we have no intention of returning to serve you anymore.’ Does a young woman disregard her engagement ring, or does a bride forget about her wedding dress? Yet, my people have continually forgotten me. How skillfully you pursue your lovers; even the worst adulterers could learn from you. Your clothes are stained with the lifeblood of the helpless and innocent, though you did not catch them breaking into your home. Despite all your guilt, you dare to say, ‘I’m innocent! YAHWEH is not angry with me anymore.’ But watch out! I, YAHWEH, will judge you for perjury because you say: ‘I have not sinned.’