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Isaiah 14:3-14

Isaiah 14:3-14 TPT

In that day, when the Lord YAHWEH has given you rest from your pain, trouble, and cruel bondage, you will jeer at the king of Babylon and recite this proverb: “Your oppressor has been stilled and your onslaught is over! The Lord YAHWEH has shattered the staff of the wicked, the brutal rod of the rulers. With their unceasing blows they used it cruelly to strike down nations. They subdued nations in anger with unrelenting persecution. But now the whole earth rests and is at peace. It bursts out with singing; even the cypresses and cedars of Lebanon join in, rejoicing over your demise, saying, ‘Now that you were laid low, no woodsman comes to cut us down.’ ” The underworld is all astir in preparation, ready to meet you when you show up. It rouses the spirits of the dead to greet you! All the former tyrants and despots rise from their thrones! One and all will say to you: “Look at you! You’ve become as weak as we are. Now you’re just like us! Your pompous pride brought you down to the underworld with the hum of harps. But you will lie on a bed of maggots, and a blanket of worms will cover you!” “Look how you have fallen from your heavenly place, O shining one, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the ground, you who conquered nations. You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend into heaven and exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will rule on the mountain of the congregation, on the highest place of the sacred mountain. I will rise past the tops of the clouds and rival the Most High God!’