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Ezekiel 22:1-12

Ezekiel 22:1-12 TPT

YAHWEH spoke to me again and said, “Son of man, are you ready to judge the city of murderers? You must confront her with all the disgusting things she has done! Prophesy to the city what I, Lord YAHWEH, say to them: ‘Jerusalem, you bring doom upon yourselves because you have shed the blood of so many. You are defiled by your man-made gods. You have become guilty by the blood you have shed and defiled by your hand-made gods. Your time is up! Your day of reckoning is on the way. Therefore, I have made you an object of scorn and a laughingstock to all the nations. Nations near and far will taunt you, O infamous city, full of turmoil. “ ‘Behold! The leaders of Israel within your walls, one and all, have selfishly abused their power to shed blood. They have despised their fathers and mothers, cheated the foreigners who live within your walls, and mistreated the widow and orphan. All that I call holy, you have treated with contempt. You have dishonored my Sabbaths. In your city are those who slander in order to have someone murdered. Living among you are those who eat food sacrificed to false gods in mountain shrines and commit obscene acts. Your men have sex with their father’s wives. They force themselves on women who are having their periods and are ceremonially unclean. In your city a man commits adultery with his neighbor’s wife, and another man seduces his daughter-in-law or sister, his own father’s daughter. Some of your people will murder for pay. Some extort their neighbors with threats of violence, charging them exorbitant interest for obscene profits, yet they have entirely forgotten about me! I, Lord YAHWEH, have spoken.