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Daniel 11:32-39

Daniel 11:32-39 TPT

The Syrian king will entice with flattery those who betray the holy covenant, but those who know their God will stand firm and valiantly resist. “These who are filled with wisdom will help many understand what is happening. However, for a season, they will face severe testing. Some will go into captivity, some will be robbed, and some will be killed by the sword and by the flames. During this persecution, God’s people will receive little help, though many will join with them insincerely. Even some of the wise leaders will stumble, yet this will lead to them being purged, purified, and made clean—until the time of the end, for the appointed time is still to come.” “The king will grow more and more arrogant and do whatever he pleases. He will exalt himself above every other god, and utter horrendous blasphemies against the God of all gods. He will be successful until God’s wrath reaches the boiling point, for what God has decreed will certainly be fulfilled. The king will not respect the gods of his ancestors, the god worshiped by women, nor any other god because he will consider himself the greatest god of all. Instead, he will glorify the god of strongholds. He will honor this god, unknown to his ancestors, with gold and silver, precious stones and costly gifts. That king, with the help of his foreign god, will defend his own fortresses. He will give great honor to those who accept him as ruler, and elevate them as high officials and parcel out the land to them as their reward for their loyalty.”