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Chivkeeb 42

Yauxej Cov Tijlaug Moog Yuav Nplej nraag Tebchaws Iziv
1Thaus Yakhauj nov has tas nyob nraag tebchaws Iziv muaj nplej ntau, nwg txhaj has rua nwg cov tub has tas, “Vim le caag mej nyob hlwb hluav tsi ua ib yaam dlaabtsi le? 2Kuv nov has tas, nyob nraag tebchaws Iziv muaj mov ntau, mej ca le moog yuav mov lug rua peb noj, cawm kuas peb tsi xob tuag tshaib.”#Ten 7.12 3Yog le ntawd, Yauxej cov tijlaug kaum leej txhaj moog yuav mov nraag tebchaws Iziv, 4tabsis Yakhauj tsi tso Yauxej tug kwv Npeenyamees nrug cov tijlaug moog, rua qhov Yakhauj ntshai nyob tsaam muaj tej xwmtxheej phem lug raug Npeenyamees hab.
5Yakhauj cov tub nrug luas lwm paab tuabneeg moog yuav mov rua nraag tebchaws Iziv hab, rua qhov muaj kev tshaib nqhes nyob huv tebchaws Kana-aas. 6Yauxej kws yog tug tswj lub tebchaws Iziv, nwg ua tug muag mov rua txhua tsaav tuabneeg kws nyob thoob plawg tebchaws. Yog le ntawd, Yauxej cov tijlaug txhaj tuaj hab txhus caug ndlua pe ntawm nwg xubndlag nyo hau ua ntsejmuag ti nkaus huv aav. 7Thaus Yauxej pum dlheev nwg cov tijlaug, nwg tseem ncu tau puab, tabsis nwg txhobtxwm ua tug tsi paub puab le. Nwg nug puab chawv ntag has tas, “Mej tuaj qhov twg tuaj?”
Puab teb has tas, “Peb tuaj peg tebchaws Kana-aas tuaj yuav mov noj.”
8Yauxej tseem ncu tau nwg cov tijlaug, tabsis puab ncu tsi tau nwg lawm. 9Yauxej ncu txug ob zaaj npau suav kws nwg ua, has txug puab ntawd hab nwg has rua puab tas, “Mej yog cov tuabneeg kws tuaj soj saib peb lub tebchaws saib qhov twg yog qhov tsi muaj zug xwb los sav!”#Chk 37.5-10
10Puab teb has tas, “Tug tswv, tsi yog peb tuaj ua le koj has ko, peb yog koj cov tubqhe, peb tuaj nuav yog peb tuaj thov yuav mov ntawm koj coj moog noj xwb. 11Tug tswv, peb cov nuav puavleej yog kwvtij. Peb suavdlawg yog tuabneeg ncaaj nceeg, peb tsi yog tuabneeg tuaj soj saib tebchaws.”
12Yauxej has rua puab tas, “Yeej tsi yog le mej has, yog mej tuaj soj saib peb lub tebchaws saib qhov twg yog qhov tsi muaj zug xwb ntaag.”
13Puab has tas, “Tug tswv, peb muaj kaum ob leeg kwvtij, peb puavleej yog tuab leeg txiv yug nyob huv tebchaws Kana-aas. Peb ib tug kwv yau tuag lawm, hab peb tshuav tug kwv ntxawg nrug peb txiv nyob peg tsev.”
14Yauxej teb has tas, “Yeej yog le kuv has tag lauj, mej tuaj soj saib peb lub tebchaws xwb xwb le. 15Kuv yuav sim mej, kuv thov coglug rua ntawm Falaus lub npe has tas, yog mej tsi coj mej tug kwv ntxawg tuaj ntawm nuav, mas kuv yuav tsi tso mej moog tsev le. 16Mej cov ib tug yuavtsum moog coj mej tug kwv tuaj. Dlua le cov mas yuavtsum coj moog kaw, moog txug thaus mej cov lug nuav muaj tseeb lawv le mej has ntawd tsaiv. Falaus kaav rawv peb, yog tsi muaj tseeb le mej has, ces yog mej tuaj soj saib peb lub tebchaws xwb ntaag.” 17Yauxej txhaj coj puab moog kaw rua huv tsev lojcuj tau peb nub.
18Nub peb Yauxej txhaj has rua puab tas, “Kuv yog ib tug tuabneeg kws fwm Vaajtswv, yog mej ua tau yaam nuav, mas mej txhaj le yuav dlim txim. 19Yog has tas mej yeej yog tuabneeg ncaaj nceeg tag, ca mej cov nuav ib tug nyob huv lub tsev lojcuj nuav, dlua le cov, mej ca le thauj tej nplej kws mej yuav tau lawm moog cawm mej tej quaspuj mivnyuas kws yuav tuag tshaib tsaiv. 20Ces mej maam le coj mej tug kwv ntxawg tuaj rua kuv. Ua le nuav txhaj le yog muaj tseeb lawv le tej lug kws mej tau has lawm, hab kuv txhaj yuav tsi tua mej povtseg.”
Puab pum zoo ua lawv le Yauxej has.
21Hab puab sis thaam zum zawg has tas, “Tseeb lawm lauj, nwgnuav peb raug tej kev txomnyem nuav los tub yog vim peb tau ua txhum rua peb tug kwv lawm. Peb tub pum nwg raug kev txomnyem luj heev thaus nwg thov kuas peb paab, tabsis peb tsi paab nwg le. Tub yog vim le nuav ntaag nwgnuav peb txhaj raug kev txomnyem.”
22Lunpees has tas, “Kuv tub yeej has rua mej tas, tsi xob ua phem rua nwg, tabsis mej tsi noog kuv has. Mej paub lawm los tsi paub, nwgnuav lub txim nphau lug raug peb lawm lauj.”#Chk 37.21,22 23Yauxej totaub tej lug kws puab has huv tuabsi, tabsis puab tsi paub has tas Yauxej paub puab tej lug, rua qhov thaus Yauxej nrug puab thaam, nwg kuas tuabneeg txhais lug xwb. 24Yauxej tawm ntawm puab moog nkaum rua ib qho hab quaj. Thaus nwg tauv tau kua muag lawm, nwg rov lug muab Xime-oos khi kag taabmeeg puab.
Yauxej Cov Tijlaug Rov Moog Tsev
25Yauxej has kuas cov tubqhe muab nplej ntim rua huv nwg cov tijlaug tej naab kuas puv nkaus, muab puab tej nyaj ntsaws rov rua huv puab tej naab, hab ntim su huv tuabsi rua puab tau noj taug kev moog tsev. Cov tubqhe ua tej nuav tav log lawv le Yauxej has. 26Ces cov tijlaug tsaws tej nplej kws puab yuav ntawd rua sau puab cov neeg luav nrausqaum, hab puab txawm sawv kev lug tsev lawm. 27Thaus puab lug su ib mos ntawm ib tog kev, muaj ib tug txawm qheb nwg lub ncauj naab muab nplej lug rua nwg tug neeg luav noj, ua cav nwg cov nyaj tseem nyob ntawm nwg lub ncauj naab. 28Nwg txhaj has rua nwg cov kwvtij has tas, “Ua caag kuv cov nyaj tseem nyob huv kuv lub naab nuav!” Puab poob sab hab ntshai kawg le, puab txhaj sis nug zum zawg has tas, “Vaajtswv ua dlaabtsi le nuav rua peb?”
29Thaus puab rov lug txug ntawm puab txiv Yakhauj kws nyob huv tebchaws Kana-aas lawm, puab pav txhua yaam xwmtxheej kws puab moog ntsib rua puab txiv noog has tas, 30“Tug nom kws tswj lub tebchaws Iziv has lug nyaum kawg rua peb hab lam has tas peb yog cov tuabneeg kws xaav moog soj saib nwg lub tebchaws xwb. 31Peb teb has tas, ‘Peb yog tuabneeg ncaaj nceeg, peb tsi yog cov tuabneeg moog soj saib tebchaws. 32Peb cov kwvtij muaj kaum ob leeg, hab peb puavleej yog tuab leeg txiv yug xwb. Muaj ib tug tuag lawm, nwgnuav tshuav ib tug kwv ntxawg nrug peb txiv nyob peg tebchaws Kana-aas.’ 33Tug nom ntawd teb has tas, ‘Yog mej xaav kuas kuv ntseeg has tas mej yog tuabneeg ncaaj nceeg, mas mej yuavtsum ua le nuav: mej cov nuav ib tug yuavtsum tau nrug kuv nyob, dlua le cov ca thauj nplej rov moog rua mej quaspuj mivnyuas cov kws yuav tuag tshaib tau noj. 34Coj mej tug kwv ntxawg tuaj rua kuv. Kuv txhaj ntseeg has tas mej yog tuabneeg ncaaj nceeg, tsi yog tuabneeg tuaj soj saib tebchaws, kuv txhaj yuav tso mej tug tijlaug rov rua mej, mas mej txhaj tau nyob huv lub tebchaws nuav ua laag ua luam.’ ”
35Thaus puab muab puab cov naab nplej laub, puab pum puab cov nyaj, nyag cov nyob huv nyag lub naab nplej, mas thaus kws puab hab puab txiv Yakhauj pum cov nyaj ntawd, ua rua puab ntshai kawg le. 36Puab txiv has rua puab tas, “Mej xaav ua kuas kuv cov tub tsi tshuav ib tug nrug kuv nyob le los? Yauxej los tuag lawm, Xime-oos los raug nteg moog kaw lawm, nwgnuav mej tseem yuav coj Npeenyamees moog hab. Kuv yog tug kws raug kev nyuaj sab tshaaj plawg huv tuabsi!”
37Lunpees has rua nwg txiv has tas, “Yog kuv tseem tsi coj Npeenyamees rov lug rua koj, ces koj ca le muab kuv ob tug tub tua huv tuabsi povtseg. Tso nwg rua kuv ua tug saib, kuv yeej yuav coj nwg rov qaab lug xwb.”
38Tabsis Yakhauj has tas, “Kuv tsi kaam tso kuv tug tub ntxawg nrug mej moog, rua qhov nwg tug tijlaug tuag lawm, tshuav nwg tuab leeg xwb. Nyob tsaam tsua muaj xwm rua nwg tom tej tog kev. Kuv laug heev lawm, yog kuv tseem pheej raug tej kev quaj ntsuag kws mej ua rua kuv ntawd, ntshai kuv yuav ca le txhawm chim tuag le!”

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Chivkeeb 42: HNJ2000





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