Chivkeeb 11
Tug Pemthuam Npanpees
1Thaus chivkeeb tej tuabneeg kws nyob huv nplajteb nuav puavleej paub ib yaam lug hab has ib yaam lug xwb. 2Thaus puab tsiv moog rua saab nubtuaj, puab txhaj moog txug rua ntawm lub taj nraag Npanpiloos hab puab txawm ua zej ua zog nyob rua ntawm lub taj nraag ntawd. 3Puab ib leeg has rua ib leeg tas, “Ca le tuaj! Peb yuav khawb aav lug puab ua thwvcib hab coj moog hlawv kuas tawv.” Yog le ntawd, puab txhaj muab cov thwvcib ntawd hab roj aav nplaum lu ua ke kuas ruaj khov. 4Puab has tas, “Nwgnuav peb ca le tsim ua ib lub nroog hab puab ib tug pemthuam kuas sab nto ntuj, peb txhaj muaj koob muaj npe nyob nto moo lug hab tsi tawg tsiv moog nyob ua saab ua sua thoob nplajteb.”
5Ces tug TSWV txhaj lug saib lub nroog hab tug pemthuam kws cov tuabneeg ntawd puab. 6Hab tug TSWV has tas, “Nwgnuav puab yog ib paab hab has ib yaam lug; qhov nuav yog tej kws puab nyavnyuas pib ua xwb. Tsi ntev ntshai puab yuav ua tau txhua yaam lawv le puab xaav ua! 7Peb ca le moog ua kuas puab tej lug sis txawv hab nyag has nyag ib yaam lug, ib leeg tsi totaub ib leeg.” 8Yog le ntawd, tug TSWV txhaj lug ua rua puab tawg moog nyob ri sua thoob plawg lub nplajteb, hab puab txhaj tso tseg tsi tsim lub nroog ntawd ntxiv lawm. 9Yog le ntawd, txhaj muab lub nroog ntawd hu ua Npanpiloos,#11.9 Npanpiloos: Lub npe nuav, has le Henplais lu lug kws has tas, “ua kuas tsi xob sis totaub.” rua qhov tug TSWV ua rua txhua tsaav tuabneeg nyag has nyag ib yaam lug, hab nwg ua rua puab tawg ri sua ntawm qhov chaw ntawd moog nyob thoob plawg huv lub nplajteb nuav.
Xees Cov Xeebntxwv
(1 Xwmtxheej Vaajntxwv 1.24-27)
10Ntawm nuav moog yog Xees cov xeebntxwv. Tom qaab kws dlej nyaab nplajteb taag tau ob xyoos, Xees muaj noobnyoog ib puas xyoo, nwg muaj ib tug tub hu ua Apakhesas; 11dlhau ntawd, nwg tseem ua neej nyob tau tsib puas xyoo hab muaj mivnyuas coob leej ntxiv.
12Thaus Apakesas noobnyoog muaj peb caug tsib xyoos, nwg muaj ib tug tub hu ua Selas, 13dlhau ntawd, nwg tseem ua neej nyob tau plaub puas peb xyoos hab muaj mivnyuas coob leej ntxiv.
14Thaus Selas noobnyoog muaj peb caug xyoo, nwg muaj ib tug tub hu ua Enpes; 15dlhau ntawd, nwg tseem ua neej nyob tau plaub puas peb xyoos hab muaj mivnyuas coob leej ntxiv.
16Thaus Enpes noobnyoog muaj peb caug plaub xyoos, nwg muaj ib tug tub hu ua Pelej; 17dlhau ntawd, nwg tseem ua neej nyob tau plaub puas peb caug xyoo hab muaj mivnyuas coob leej ntxiv.
18Thaus Pelej noobnyoog muaj peb caug xyoo, nwg muaj ib tug tub hu ua Le-us; 19dlhau ntawd, nwg tseem ua neej nyob tau ob puas cuaj xyoos hab muaj mivnyuas coob leej ntxiv.
20Thaus Le-us noobnyoog muaj peb caug ob xyoos, nwg muaj ib tug tub hu ua Selus; 21dlhau ntawd, nwg tseem ua neej nyob tau ob puas xyaa xyoo hab muaj mivnyuas coob leej ntxiv.
22Thaus Selus noobnyoog muaj peb caug xyoo, nwg muaj ib tug tub hu ua Nahaus; 23dlhau ntawd, nwg tseem ua neej nyob tau ob puas xyoo hab muaj mivnyuas coob leej ntxiv.
24Thaus Nahaus noobnyoog muaj neeg nkaum cuaj xyoos, nwg muaj ib tug tub hu ua Telas; 25dlhau ntawd, nwg tseem ua neej nyob tau ib puas kaum cuaj xyoos hab muaj mivnyuas coob leej ntxiv.
26Tom qaab kws Telas noobnyoog muaj xyaa caum xyoo, nwg maam le muaj peb tug tub kws yog: Anplaas, Nahaus hab Halaas.
Telas Cov Xeebntxwv
27Ntawm nuav moog yog Telas cov xeebntxwv. Telas cov tub yog Anplaas, Nahaus, hab Halaas. Halaas yog Lauj txiv, 28Halaas tuag ua ntej nwg txiv thaus tseem nyob huv lub nroog Ules huv tebchaws Npanpiloos kws yug nwg lawm. 29Anplaas yuav Xalais ua quaspuj, hab Nahaus yuav Halaas kws yog Ixakhas txiv tug ntxhais Milekas lug ua quaspuj. 30Xalais yeej ibtxwm xeeb tsi taug tub.
31Telas coj nwg tug tub Anplaas, nwg tug xeebntxwv Lauj kws yog Halaas tug tub, hab nwg tug nyaab Xalais kws yog Anplaas tug quaspuj, tsiv tawm huv lub nroog Ules huv tebchaws Npanpiloos moog nyob rua tebchaws Kana-aas. Tabsis thaus puab tsiv lug txug ntawm Halaas, puab txawm lug nyob rua qhov ntawd. 32Telas tuag rua huv lub nroog ntawd, thaus nwg noobnyoog muaj ob puas tsib xyoos.
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Chivkeeb 11: HNJ2000

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