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Leviticus 6:1-13

Leviticus 6:1-13 AMP

Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “When anyone sins and acts unfaithfully against the LORD by deceiving his neighbor (companion, associate) in regard to a deposit or a security entrusted to him, or through robbery, or if he has extorted from his neighbor, or has found what was lost and lied about it and sworn falsely, so that he sins in regard to any one of the things a man may do— then if he has sinned and is guilty, he shall restore what he took by robbery, or what he got by extortion, or the deposit which was entrusted to him, or the lost thing which he found, or anything about which he has sworn falsely; he shall not only restore it in full, but shall add to it one-fifth more. He shall give it to the one to whom it belongs on the day of his guilt offering. Then he shall bring to the priest his guilt offering to the LORD, a ram without blemish from the flock, as valued by you, as a guilt offering. The priest shall make atonement for him before the LORD, and he will be forgiven for any one of the things which he may have done to incur guilt.” Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Command Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘This is the law of the burnt offering: the burnt offering shall remain on the hearth that is on the altar all night until morning and the fire is to be kept burning on the altar. The priest is to put on his linen robe, with his linen undergarments next to his body. Then he shall take up the ashes of the burnt offering which the fire has consumed on the altar and put them beside the altar. Then he shall take off his garments and put on something else, and take the ashes outside the camp to a (ceremonially) clean place. The fire on the altar shall be kept burning; it shall not [be allowed to] go out. The priest shall burn wood on it every morning, and he shall arrange the burnt offering on it and offer the fat portions of the peace offerings up in smoke on it. The fire shall be burning continually on the altar; it shall not [be allowed to] go out.